Striking Hollywood Writers Descend on San Jose Looking for Community Breakfast Work

Mayor Reed’s State of the City Speech Only Gig Going

Thousands of starving Hollywood writers have arrived in San Jose looking for work on one of the last gigs going: Mayor Reed’s annual State of the City speech at the 2008 San Jose Community Breakfast.

“We’ll take anything right now,” said Aaron Sorkin, screenwriter of Charlie Wilson’s War and striking member of the Writers Guild of America (WGA). “Do you know what Mayor Reed looks like? I’ve got some great story lines to pitch about Armageddon and UFOs.”

Since the recent cancellation of the Golden Globe awards, most writers are looking for those unique gigs that will allow them to exercise their writing muscles while also supporting the strike. The State of the City speech is one of those rare assignments.

Due to some skillful negotiation by the city, the Community Breakfast was granted a waiver by the WGA which allowed city council members, the mayor and the Outstanding Citizen recipients to attend. Waivers have not yet been granted for the general public.

Hollywood writers are excited by the possibilities of being remembered for a State of the City for the ages. “This could be our chance to write Atticus Finch’s closing arguments, or Howard Beale’s ‘Mad as Hell’ speech,” said William Goldman. “Or, if we’re really lucky, Forrest Williams’s ‘Comments to the West Valley Sanitation District’—still the standard we are all measured by.”


  1. Last night, on MSNBC, I saw the following quote attributed to Hillary Clinton:  “Maybe I have liberated us to actually let women be human beings in public life.”  Unbelievable.

    If Obama gets Gore’s endorsement before S. Carolina and Nevada, I believe that he’ll be the nominee.

    Pete Campbell

    p.s.  I believe that Mc Cain would defeat Hillary, but I’m not sure he can beat Obama.

  2. Forrest definitely needs a bevy of writers so that he can actually say something comprehensible.  Seize the Day, Forrest!!!!  Hire, Forrest, Hire!!!  OOOOPS—they’re on strike, and that would make them scabs; and, he’d have to pay a “living wage”  Maybe they could get the Flames built lickety split @ city hall garage and the writers could all work as food servers, which they probably did while in writing school as callow youth.

  3. Okay all, I must say that I think very highly of Forrest. He has a good heart and really does care about our City. I don’t always agree with him on issues, especially his decision to put animals back outside to be sold like fruit in a farmer’s market, and yes sometimes he does spend a little more time striving to make his points clear then necessary, but he has done a lot for our City. Give the guy a break, and remember, until you walk a mile in his shoes you can’t understand what drives him to do or say the things he does.
    I like you Forrest, you’re a good kid~

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