1. Amazing. Two points:

    1.) Calling a woman who not only knowingly slept with a married man, and stole another woman’s husband, ” A nice girl, delightful, and smart,” isn’t appropriate. In my day, we had a very different definition for women like that.

    2.) Secondly, and most importantly, a good credible news media would never print a cartoon like this because it isn’t in good taste. Perhaps that is why so many newspapers and magazines are going down the toilet. Sensationalism and cheap shots like these should stay inside rags like “The Enquire.”

    And you guys want Sunshine in government, and within law enforcement so you can report on vital issues concerning the public! Frightening!

  2. Kathleen—You’d have had a rough time in the days of Poor Richard’s Almanac when “vicious” attacks on public figures was the norm. A little sense of humor would get you through this. DeCinzo is a rare treasure in these tough PC times. He swings hard and always lands a punch, often on one’s own ox’s nose. And JMO is right: he draws good. George Green

  3. #4-George,
    I’m not big on publicly embarrassing people, even if they might deserve having fun poked at them. Poking fun at a concept, or idea yes, at people no.

    I agree he draws well though! wink

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