1. How terrifically unfunny and utterly sexist.  Anyone who thinks taking care of a newborn baby is “time off” is rather uninformed.

    I guess women should just stay out of the workforce unless they pledge not to bear children?

  2. So I wonder if Pete Constant used his maternity leave as a police officer?  He has two sets of beautiful twins.  Twins are tough; even on republicans.

    So did he approve this pathetic attack on parents and women?  Did he and or his wife use their maternity leave rights?

    This is the lowest of the low cartoons yet.  This blog complains constantly about young people “who weren’t raised properly”; now it is complaining about a person taking paternity leave; which is the right thing to do for children.

  3. Couldn’t agree with 1,2,3 more. 

    I’ve seen a total of 1 funny cartoon the whole damn time these things have been running.

    I’d suggest scaling back the Metro inspired crap that runs on this.

    Start with these nauseating cartoons.
    Ax Raj’s community organizing weekly spam.

    And give Pete Campbell more room for local reporting.

  4. Hmmm, let me see if I got this: A woman runs for public office and then, she takes a 3 month paid vacation to reproduce? Of course, you could always call from the comfort of your home and instruct your staff to do your job FOR you. How much does the city pay for her services?

  5. Ask Around –  If you were offended enough by a political cartoon to post a comment at 12:30 at night, you must’ve been the target. Of course you didn’t think it was funny, Nora!

  6. #9: Lucas, it aint just Nora’s friends who think that cartoon is tasteless. I think its pretty unanimous.

    The worst part of it though is that its just not funny. If it’s not clever enough to draw even the slightest chuckle, then its just offensive. I don’t think you have to be a friend of Nora’s to see it that way. You just have to be a half-decent human being.

  7. This cartoon is a retread of a similar-themed one aimed at Sunnyvale Councilperson Melinida Hamilton when she was pregnant.  Wasn’t funny then and isn’t funny now. Makes me wonder where DeCinzo’s head is, not to mention those of this e-zine’s board? Longing for the days when a woman’s place was barefoot, pregnant, and home no doubt.

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  11. The guy who drew this piece of crap cartoon is actually a troll on the website Youtube. It has recently been brought to my attention that this is the goon behind all of the trolling on Youtube. He needs to be stopped. He thinks he’s funny but he’s not. Only in his own mind is he funny. Seeing these comments proves that nobody else finds him funny at all, just offensive. He uses these cartoons of his as a way to troll. He loves pissing people off and even comments on his own cartoons. See the comment above with the name Lucas? I can guarantee you it’s him, not someone named Lucas. The tee hee gives it way. This is the constant phrase he uses on Youtube when he’s trolling. Where’s a firing squad when you need one?

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