Stanford Suspends Study Abroad in Response to Coronavirus

Continued spread of the coronavirus pandemic has prompted Stanford University to cancel all eight of its spring-quarter study abroad programs.

More than 230 students were signed up for the programs, according to a notice on the university’s website. Below is a copy of the notice Stanford issued today.

To: BOSP Spring Quarter Participants and Emergency Contacts

In response to the rapidly evolving events surrounding COVID-19 and out of concern for the health and safety of our community, Stanford University is suspending all BOSP spring quarter programs scheduled to take place outside of the United States. This will affect 234 undergraduates currently planning to study abroad in eight international locations.

This decision follows the recent recommendation made by the university for all members of the community to reconsider any international travel plans. In addition to the spread of the virus itself, students may face unpredictable circumstances overseas during the spring quarter, including accessing health care while abroad, navigating disruptions to local services, and the potential for travel interruptions or restrictions. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has also issued guidance this week for institutes of higher education to consider suspending or postponing study abroad programs.

On-site instruction in BOSP Florence was suspended last week due to a surge in COVID-19 cases in northern Italy and an abundance of caution on the part of Stanford.

Based on current intelligence, there are no plans to end other winter quarter programs early. BOSP continues to monitor guidance daily from the CDC, the U.S. Department of State, the World Health Organization, Stanford’s Public Health Policy Committee, as well as communicating regularly with on-site staff and consulting with peer institutions.

Stanford remains deeply committed to global education and the mission of BOSP. We intend to resume our programs as soon as we are able.

Click here to read the rest of the announcement.

One Comment

  1. > Stanford Suspends Study Abroad in Response to Coronavirus

    Took my temperature: 98.5.

    Washed my hands. Washed my face.

    Took an aspirin,

    Drank a quart of hot herbal tea.

    Put on my rubber gloves.

    Put on my mask.

    Put on my full body hazmat suit.

    Now what?

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