SJPD Launched Fewer Officer Misconduct Probes in 2015

Fewer San Jose cops alerted superiors to misbehaving coworkers in 2015 compared to the year prior, which mirrors a decline in the number of citizen complaints against officers.

New figures from the San Jose Police Department show that the number of internal investigations fell from 47 in 2014 to 36 last year. That’s a 23 percent drop from 2014 and 67 percent from 2009. The department hit a low in 2013, launching only 13 probes into officer misconduct.

Police Chief Eddie Garcia will discuss the latest stats on department-initiated complaints at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. Click here to read his report.

SJPD has shared an annual review on internal probes since 2008, timing it with the release of the Independent Police Auditor’s report on community-based complaints against officers.

Investigations prompted by outside or internal complaints help the department determine whether an officer needs discipline or more training. SJPD’s Internal Affairs unit must look into all allegations against officers, 9-1-1 dispatchers and every other employees. Complaints from within the ranks are especially important, because most are validated and lead to discipline or counseling.

For the first time this year, SJPD has broken down the figures by sworn officers and civilian staff. The figures show a 36 percent decrease in misconduct allegations against sworn staff from 36 in 2014 to 23 a year later. That’s down from 38 in 2011 and a high of 84 in 2009. Here’s a five-year overview:

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Some of those complaints include more than one charge. Still, the number of allegations against police officers fell significantly, from 45 in 2014 to 32 the next year. That’s the second-lowest number of allegations since 2011. SJPD reported an all-time low of 15 allegations against sworn staff in 2013.

In 2015, SJPD completed 36 investigations of sworn staff and upheld the charges in half of those cases. In years past, the department has sustained allegations in at least two-thirds of its internal probes.

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About 43 percent of internal complaints filed last year involved officers with fewer than three years of experience.

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When San Jose’s civilian police auditor, Walter Katz, released his report last week, he found a similar trend in citizen complaints. Less experienced officers accounted for a disproportionate number of allegations.

Details of internal police probes are scant. California’s Peace Officers’ Bill of Rights prevents the public from knowing the names of officers found guilty of misconduct. SJPD withholds even a narrative or description of what prompted the investigation.

A state bill could change that.

SB 1286, penned by state Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) would allow the public to review sustained charges against police officers.

Katz, who presents his own report at Tuesday’s council meeting, said such a law would be a big win for transparency. To review the details of the independent police auditor’s report, read our coverage from last week.

More from the San Jose City Council agenda for May 3, 2016:

  • Using state public safety grants, SJPD will spend $395,000 on a second armored vehicle and another $275,000 on a new homicide crime scene van and a logo-wrapped SUV for the recruiting team.
  • The council may extend a freeze on converting mobile homes—which has come to be considered non-subsidized affordable housing—to market-rate development.

WHAT: City Council meets
WHEN: 1:30pm Tuesday
WHERE: City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose
INFO: City Clerk, 408.535.1260

Jennifer Wadsworth is the former news editor for San Jose Inside and Metro Silicon Valley. Follow her on Twitter at @jennwadsworth.


  1. So let me get this straight. NOW SJPD wants to spend $395K for an armored vehicle when about a year and half ago they had a armored vehicle that they got for FREE, turned around and spent money to have it retrofitted and then GAVE IT AWAY! Free. $395k. Free $395k. Ah not rocket science. Oh ya the other one was too big and scary. That thing could have doubled has a recruiting vehicle. Bad a$$ and more money saving.

    New city council to be elected to soon. Choose wisely.

  2. SJPD went from protecting the Brass only in 1969 to protecting the serious matters from civil litigation through 1976 to the advent of unstable hirings and gender confused cops having problems mingling. Then came the people with Police Recruits with Records for burglary and drugs. Then the Transgender embarrassments, rapes , child molests, spouse killings and embezzlements that Jeff Rosen wouldn’t prosecute. Today you have Hoohaws with advanced equipment they don’t need. You have a 1000 losers with big pay and a Measure B cancellation that will bring back all the high priced items like the Airport Cop for $180,000.00 a year and the Police Dog that earned him another $90,000.00 a year. The big sick leave and bogus overtime payouts for retirements. Look at what the previous Chief walked away with. Look at the 90% retirement of Chiefs over the last 15 years. If the first one had stayed till age 65 you would be looking at one new Chief and $250,000.00 a year not a compilation of numerous Chiefs and a yearly Bill for over a million dollars for the current unqualified Chief. Your Police department is a cash liability with $5,000,000 and $900,000.00 dollar suit settlements with 41 to go.

    Tax payers learn to speak English and go to the poles, at least if you vote in your own kind you can stomach the corruption. Gee! are we still paying Cordell $169,000.00 a year who was never there or are we paying another Uncle Tom the same money for nothing?

      • So why does the disgruntled George Jaeger attempt to throw hard working cops under the bus? Shouldnt his anger be directed at the City, who he feels “did him wrong”? Perhaps George Jaeger needs a medication adjustment? There is no sound logic here when someone continually throws out blatant lies and hatred at cops who are overworked and understaffed everyday.

  3. The mayor and council are incompetent, coupled with the fact that Esquivel had no spine.

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