Single Gal and Where Do We Go From Here?

So now that we’ve all had a week to digest the events of last Tuesday, my question is: “Where do we go from here?”  As you know, I strongly supported David Pandori and his ideas of change and reform.  I thought (and still think) he would have been great for our city.  And many other citizens (those who actually took the time to vote) did too— unfortunately, just not enough of them.  But it’s all playing the game of “coulda-woulda-shoulda” at this point. 

Could Pandori have knocked Chavez out if Mulcahy was not in the race?  If Pandori had more money and time and could have reached out to more people, would he have convinced even the Reed supporters to vote for him instead?  If the Chamber had endorsed anyone else, or not sent out the anti-Chavez mail pieces, would that have made a difference?  If rulings on the NorCal scandal were made public before the election, would it have changed anything?  And, what if people actually decided to vote?

One thing I can say is whoever was advising Reed was an absolute genius.  Having Vietnamese speakers man the phones and concentrating on the “blue hair” absentee voters was so smart.  He appealed to so many people and, I have to say, I was shocked to see just how many sided with him and his patriotic tie. 

So I took my David Pandori sign down (six days after the election) and am waiting to replace it with a Chuck Reed sign. Though I never thought it would happen, I am automatically a Reed fan.  In his defense, he is an honest, admirable and good person and has some good ideas that maybe I overlooked the first time around.  And, let’s face it, my alternative is the conniving, business-as-usual, cliché of a politician in Cindy Chavez, and I don’t trust her to make the best decisions for the city. Though I may not agree with many of Reed’s conservative views, and I am a little fearful that his frugalness will affect large-scale projects that I am interested in, I would rather have someone you can trust in office at this point than someone you can’t. 

So maybe the Reed campaign should just trademark a new slogan for their next printing of lawn signs: “ABC, Anyone But Cindy!” 

I will proudly display one as soon as they are ready. 


  1. Despite Reed’s questionable role in the open meeting debate currently raging in the Merc, he remains the best choice for mayor of SJ. His distrust of sleazy Measure A was enough to make me vote for him last week and there’s no doubt I’m supporting him in November. For those who are wavering: Do you really want 4 more years of Gonzo?

  2. So far, Chuck’s worst transgressions still pale in comparison to Cindy’s. It’s very simple—Chuck is a straight forward, I’ll-tell-you-where-I-stand kind of guy and Cindy is an I’ll-tell-you-what-you-want-to-hear kind of gal. She simply cannot be trusted and we have had enough of that for the past 7 years.

    We have to make a change if we want a chance of getting our government back.

    On top of all this, there is no speculation about if Chuck will face criminal actions due to NorCal. The same cannot be said about CIndy.

  3. Dexter is correct.  It’s always the lesser of evils.  If Mulcahy had thrown his support to Pandori we could have had a situation in November that no matter who won, it would be an ABC outcome.

    Now we have to deal with the angry Cindy supporters coming out swinging (I’ll bet we haven’t heard the last from Reality Check—he’s just busy right now licking his wounds) and opening up their wallets even more, as they are also saying ABC—anybody but Chuck.

    The Merc said it correctly re: the name Chuck Reed and the term “charisma” are never associated.  This boring town will have a very boring leader, but it’s still better than Cindy continuing the skewed processes of Gonzo.

    SG you are correct about the targeting that Chuck’s campaign used.  I think the Vietnamese community votes as a bloc, that is why Madison is in there.  Nobody else mobilized like they did back when D7 was up for grabs.  So Chuck’s team got to them and he had all those votes secured.  Smart move.

    Conversely, just by not taking the name Potter, Cindy didn’t lift a finger and won D5.  This girl is a smooth operator, you have to give her that.

    I’ll hold my nose and vote for Chuck in November but it will be an ABC vote, a vote against Cindy and not FOR Chuck, and hope that the voters in this town wake up and decide they want something more than a human Sominex to lead the city come 2008.

  4. Poor Pandori, as predicted, an also ran—Mulcahy, laughable and Cortese, just sad…..Reality is that this race is wide open—this will be a liberal versus conservative match up—it’s Chuck, Bush and A’hnold versus Cindy, Honda and Hammer—I like our chances—big Democractic turn out and another Chamber implosion and Cindy wins…Thanks Dando for all your help, keep it up and please…please McEnery, please endorse Chuck…your curse remains intact…you all did not really think Pandori was gonna be Mayor did you?

  5. The best thing that we have to look forward to in the next administration is getting a new City Attorney. Remember he is the one who advised the council to hold that closed meeting and assured them that it was within the law. The council members have to be able to rely on the City Attorney to give them sound advice.

    Rick Doyle has failed in this area time and time again. Just look at all the money wasted in civil settlements – nothing else needs to me said.

    Both candidates for mayor need to clearly address this critical flaw in City Hall: Rick Doyle.

  6. What I know is that I would rather have an honest person with little charisma (Chuck) in office then a charismatic leader with no vision who is good at dodging every question and spinning every answer (Cindy).

  7. Choosing the right mayor is critical to San Jose’s future. So is making sure we elect good council people. District 1 voters were right in choosing Pete Constant over Jay James – let’s hope District 3 voters are just as smart and choose Sam over Manny. And we should all be on the lookout for the right type of person that mirrors the good traits of Pete and Sam and encourage them to run for the soon to be vacant District 6 seat.

    If the voters get these next three races right, we can be well on the way to recovery in San Jose.

  8. Mark T #7—someone has to carry on the Jim Beall legacy in Santa Clara County.

    Mobilized Vietnamese community in D-7??? Two Vietnamese women were running and a mere few thousand of these mobilized folks bothered to vote.

  9. Translation:  Hugh could care less about any transgression that Reed committed especially over the FPPC fines and the fact that he has begged George Kennedy on his hands and knees to indict Cindy.

    Reed took an oath not to violate the law, and to give Hugh a pint whenever he blogs in.

  10. OK… Now Im STUCK!!! What the heck do i do now?

    Like Single gal, I supported Pandori. Not that I was enthusiastic about him either, but it seemed the best and most realistic choice for me.

    I had voted for Cindy in her last two elections for City council, but could NOT even consider it this time around, due to all that has gone on at city hall.

    So.. The thought of supporting her again, just simply makes me feel sick to my stomache, but yet, now my only other choice is Chuck Reed! Yikes!

    I dont have a problem with Reeds fiscal conservatism. I think San jose could use a bit of that. It’s his social conservatism that bothers me. Asking a gay man to vote for Reed, is a bit like asking a black man to vote for David Duke.

    So now, what do i do??? It’s a good thing that there is still some time before I have to make that decision. Maybe I will just not vote on that race, and go on to the rest of the ballot.

  11. To Also Impatient – do the math. If Chuck is elected, his seat, District 4, is also up for grabs. That would be four new council members!

  12. Chuck on SJI:

    Do the Mayor and City Councilmembers have a duty to disclose material facts to each other and to the public when decisions are being made?

    For me the answer is simple:  Yes.

    You would think Chuck, the stand up guy, would have told us how he voted on the Quakes deal before the election.

    I predict Cindy will win, because we now know Chuck is ethically no better than Cindy and at least Cindy has a vision.

  13. Guy behind the bar:

    “Asking a gay man to vote for Reed, is a bit like asking a black man to vote for David Duke.”

    That’s a pretty harsh judgement on Chuck. I think you need to explain.

  14. The issue is that Reed, the guy that Victor controls, told the public he wanted open government.  So he lied.  Simple as that.  The same as the tie, Reed’s views are the last refuge as the scoundral.  Hugh and SJ Downtowner are not getting Reed, they are getting Victor as Mayor.  Reed has said so many times.  Victor will be his Chief of Staff.

  15. #11, those are my sentiments exactly.  Still trying to stomach the idea of voting for Chuck but the choice is so obvious.

    #13 JMO, I believe the Vietnamese community in D7 is clearly more interested in the democratic process than are all the other ethnic groups in that district combined, and they prevailed in the vote for the D7 seat.  They have my respect for that.  And as I recall, it wasn’t just the two Nguyens that were running.

    Targeting this group definitely helped Chuck win.  Meanwhile the entitled masses in D5 blindly voted for Cindy just based on her last name without her campaign even targeting them.  What poor performer wouldn’t want a support base like that?  Chuck got the Vietnamese vote even though his last name is Reed.  Cindy clearly thought she had this election nailed and she relied on her last name as part of her strategy.

    And were you as surprised as I was when I saw that our own D9 voted for Chuck?  Here I was thinking I was surrounded by sheep who were all going to vote for Cindy.

  16. Looks like Brown Act was violated Again BUT only someone taking Action will prevent More Brown Act violations ( Sorry – Forget Lesser of Two Evils – you can not void the election for Soccer Brown Act violation)

    Meetings of public bodies must be “open and public,” actions may not be secret, and action taken in violation of open meetings laws may be voided. (

  17. 19 – Chuck has a looong way to go before he “is no better than Cindy.” Cindy has years of questionable votes, backing the losing side in lawsuit after lawsuit and costing the city millions of dollars, and has a solid track record of delivering last-minute memos to the Council and being associated with secret deals. Chuck doesn’t come close to Cindy’s record—and that’s a good thing.

  18. Hmm, we have Chuck violating the election law when he last ran for council.  We have Chuck investing in the two oil companies that charge us the most for oil.  We have Chuck employing a guy who violated two Milpitas ethics ordinances.  We have Chuck working with George Kennedy to use his office to go after Gonzales supporters, and now to indict Cindy when Chuck’s numbers go down.  And we have Chuck working to violate the Brown Act.  Yeah, that Willow Glen Dad sure is a Reed supporter allright.  He just would not understand it at all would he?

  19. How about we ask an organization of lawyers why a lawyer like Reed can work to violate the law?  Why do we promote a guy who swore all over San Jose he would not do it?

    Forget the DA.  We have already proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the only city council member George Kennedy is interested in is Cindy due to his desire to fix the election for Chuck.

  20. Regardless of the SG posiiton.  This is a classic Dem (Chavez) v. Reep (Reed) race and just validates that primary voters come from the far ends of the political spectrum.

    The same happened in the Governor’s race on the Dem side where Angeledis beats the more moderate Westly.  If Mulcahy had stayed a Reep he might have done better.

    It must be a disappointment to most on this board, Chuck is the weakest candidate to run against Cindy.  But being the weakest also made him the least objectionable in the low turnout primary.

    Having said that, except for the small albeit loud ABC crowd, the contrast in this race (except for the MN influence) should benefit Cindy.

    What Pandori’s loss shows is that most voters could care less about “reform”.  They are looking for an experienced leader who reflects their philosophy. 

    Reed is the most conservative person that voters could have chosen—he also benefitted from not being the focus of any negative comments during the primary.

    This will change.  Dale Warner alone, an active contributer to SJI, will undoubtedly have many horror stories regarding Chuckie and his less than sanguine poliitcal tactics. 

    Some of Chuck’s actions are in direct conflict with his holier than thou, clean guy image he has carefully crafted.

    Moreover, his record as Mr. No will be put out for all to see—other politicians—with their races effectively over are free to help Cindy even more than before.

    No doubt Cindy will have to come from behind and overcome the MN, Chamber of Commerce and Single Gal.  But a two person race is far different than the four person, one Chamber and major newspaper attack Cindy weathered in the primary.

    The real problem with Chuckie is that he can’t govern.  The real San Jose Mayor has to be able to garner 6 votes—his long record of 10-1 losses on issues of consequence show he will have to demonstrate to voters he can convince someone other than his wife to agree with him.

    It’s a tall challenge—but he does have five months.  My only other question is whether Chuck will accept the Chamber endorsement?

    At this point, he might just like his image of independence.

  21. All of you conspiracy theorists who say Kennedy is out to “fix” the election for Chuck. If that were true why has there been no Grand Jury report—if it came out prior to the election it almost certainly would have damaged Cindy, perhaps even putting Chuck further out in front.

    Chuck is not my favorite either but it is amusing to read some of these nonsensical posts that do not seem to have a shred of substance to them.

    Thanks for the entertainment, guys (and gals.)

  22. # 26,

    Not just that – I heard that Chuck didn’t even buy his own American Flag ties!  He steals them from a department store!  He was sentenced by a jury, but at the last minute George Kennedy had the jury sent to jail instead!  Then, Chuck violated 24 acts of congress and committed a half a dozen felonies.  In fact, I even heard Chuck orchestrates illegal downtown cock fights and betting circles.

    I’m really starting to lose respect for some of the people posting on this site.  Please please please back up egregious statements with facts – don’t just toss around nonsense like a baboon throwing its own feces

  23. Rich – You miss a BIG factor in determining whether or not Chuck can govern. You don’t mention the thug factor—i.e. Gonzales. This council rolled over for Gonzo and did whatever he wanted. With Gonzo out of the way and back to a strong City Manager, Chuck should have no problem putting together 6 votes from a Council that is now being closely watched by the public. Chuck would never be able to get away with any of the crap Gonzo pulled—and that is good.
    Like it or not, Chuck will probably be our next Mayor. Certainly he can’t do any worse that GonzoChavez brigade, and there is every indication he will do much better.
    Of course, he is no Pandori, but the ignorant electorate has spoken. So be it.

  24. First of all, I’m no shill for Chuck. I voted for Pandori but since I don’t like the current mess in city hall, I’ll be voting for Chuck.

    Second, Shame on you Rich you really are better than this. Chuck is a Democrat. How can you call this a demo vs repub election. If anything, it is wings of the democratic party in contention. Chuck belongs to the fiscally conserative pro-business wing like the triangulating Bill Clinton and Cindy Chavez belongs to the progressive pro-labor wing. Because Chuck’s wing of the democratic party is centrist, he is more attractive to conservatives and republicans while not being either. Cindy should sew up the left end of the spectrum.

    Unfortunately for Cindy, when you add up the republicans, conservative and centrist independents, and centrist democrats you probably get a bigger number of voters in San Jose than you get from adding liberal democrats, liberal independents, and greens.

  25. Rich, I don’t think I’ve ever voted republican in my life and don’t relish the thought of someone who embraces that party’s philosophy in charge at City Hall. 

    Furthermore, I don’t think Chuck can lead his way out of a paper bag, but bottom line is Cindy has been way too sneaky about things and dragged her feet on big items like censure and sunshine, making her loyalty and alignment with Gonzo very transparent.  She could have used those issues to distance herself from him and she did just the opposite.  What stupid moves those were—she might have had my vote otherwise.  Right now I trust her way less than I do Chuck.  I’d rather have 4 years of treading water than 4 more years of what we’ve had for the last 8.

    This town has had a dorky image forever.  Four years with a dork at the helm is just a drop in the bucket.  Still beats Cindy carrying on where Ron leaves off.

    And hey #23, keep dreaming.  I predict anything initiated by the DA will fall flat and nobody will be resigning from anything.

  26. I’m a lefty and I’ll be voting for Chuck. In fact, everyone I know who holds similar political views will be doing the same.

  27. Jim – What if All conspiracy theorists who think Cindy will be damaged by Grand Jury report had it wrong.  If she did nothing wrong – Chuck’s worst nightmare – she would get more votes and many who voted ABC would vote for her

  28. Just when you thought it was safe to post again, Reality Check rears his/her head again.

    #10—what I don’t get is that we have three lawyers on the council and all, including Chuck, have taken Doyle’s bad advice repeatedly.  I know a paltry amount about municipal law, but am positive I could do a better job in that post than Doyle has done lately.

    #11 & #12- Right On!

    I know I probably shouldn’t get partisan about an allegedly non-partisan race, but the Democrats and Labor have controlled this town for decades, and it just keeps slipping back into the muck.  The race course got a brand new great surface, and all my neighborhood is geting this week is tar and stones.

    #15—I’m not aware of any anti-gay positions of Chuck.  Are you?  If so, let us know.  Otherwise, what does the fact that you are a gay man have anything to do with the choice of for whom to vote for mayor?

    # 18 “Option # 3”—Puhleeeze!  No, get a clue!I voted for David after reading his little book; but a write in candidacy for Pandori just helps Cindy.

    #19—“Chuck is no better than Cindy”??  Same as for # 18—Puhleeeze, and get a clue.

    #21—I find it difficult to believe that Victor would move back here to be Chuck’s chief of staff.  Got a credible argument for that theory?

    Mark T #22—I agree with what you say there re D7—but to say that the vietnamese community mobilized in electing Madison is a huge stretch.  What was it, 7000 total votes for all candidates?  Pathetic; hardly mobilization of a community.  Chuck’s crew mobilized them far better than the Nguyens did.  HHHmm.  So now Cindy’s minions know the drill, and they can now do the same in the general election.

    $24:  Is Ralph M. Brown alive, or is he rolling over in his grave because of the consistent violations of the act that bears his name at all levels of government in this state?  City attorneys statewide counsel elected officials how to slip through loopholes in the act.  The public’s business should ALWAYS be public, except for actual discussion of litigation strategy between the attorney and his clients.  I believe all public employees should be subject to full public scrutiny, even as to personeel decisions.  But I appear to be in the minority with that view.

    Good questions # 29.  Anyone here have answers?

    RR#30:  The expression is “couldN’T care less” not “could care less”.  Did you go to public school?  Not sure I can agree with your contention that Chuck can’t govern because of all the 10-1 votes.  The makeup of the council dictated that record at least as much as Chuck’s often Jim Beall-like qualities.Stopping further investigation into Norcal is a huge negative from my perspective.  I’d like to hear why he went there.  I sense Vic’s influence, and some knowledge, if not complicity.Personally, I prefer his 10-1 positions to some of the spineless ones where he apparently went along.  I’d rather he had been out there all alone more often as a protest to the morally bankrupt Gonzo-Guerra-Chavez triumvirate that led everyone along like whipped dogs.  Re 10-1 votes Rich—reread Profiles in Courage, written by a fellow Dem, as I recall.

  29. Are people suggesting that the gGrand Jury has voted an indictment and George Kennedy is somehow holding it up?  Even for a guy leaving office, that would be real dumb.

    I just cannot grasp the concept of Gonzo as a thug who could threaten anyone with the slightest bit of backbone.  Yeah, Yeah, yeah, he withholds committee assignments from those who cross him.  BFD.  Why did no-one go public for all these years?  SPINELESS group of bureaucrats disguised as leaders.  Chuck, too, sad to say.  When two very unintimidating personalities can take over a city government, no good can come of it; and it speaks volumes about the lack of backbone and moral compass of the council.  Pathetic!

    So now we have the choice between a total lapdog/co-conspirator, and a charisma-challenged guy who stood up sometimes; apparently often enough that RR criticizes his many 10-1 losing positions.

    And bloggers here and elsewhere (including me sometimes)wonder why there is so much apathy in the electorate.  Isn’t it obvious.

    Time for another Boston Tea Party, but no-one wants to get into the boat.

  30. 36—There is no chance that Cindy did not do anything wrong.  At the very least she is tainted by the contnued perception of her actions. At the worst she was involved in illegal actions. I would not be surprised if she does escape legal charges—she is very clever and has labor’s legal army at her side.  The test of public officials is no longer did they do something illegal—it is their public record and their ethical leanings. Both are clear in Cindy’s case. The only thing we don’t know for sure is if she broke only the spirit of the law or the actual law itself.

  31. Where is Don?

    He gets featured in a Merc article by his favorite writer Barry Witt and he is suddenly demure? Does he have no response?

    Has the cindy campaign fitted him with a leash?

    Inquireing minds want to know?

  32. “The real problem with Chuckie is that he can’t govern.  The real San Jose Mayor has to be able to garner 6 votes—his long record of 10-1 losses on issues of consequence show he will have to demonstrate to voters he can convince someone other than his wife to agree with him.”

    So Cindy will be able to get a consensus from our “night of the living (but ethically) dead” council?

    What does that say about her?  “Takes one to know one?”,  “Birds of a feather…”

    Being the lone dissenter in the midst of this ethically bereft city council deserves kudos.

  33. Kennedy is run by the same guy who runs Reed, Victor A.  Reed and Kennedy talk frequently and Kennedy has on several occasions leaked press stories through Victor.

    Reed has said Victor will have a prominent role in his campaign.  He told several groups that Victor supports financially.

    The grand jury report can only hurt Cindy if Ron, as he intends to, resigns before it is reaeased.

  34. Single Gal, hooray for Chuck!  Of the bunch, I believe he is the the most honest and straightforward and he’ll serve us well as the next mayor.  It’s definitely time to put the Gonzo Machine to rest… Cindy would simply extend that reign by four more years.

  35. It is nice Greg Howe ignores the violation of the law that Reed supported the other day that the Mercury News documented.  It is not important that everyone else did it, Mr. Integrity did it to, but that is ok with some.  Where do we go from here?  Boycott all businesses that belong to the Chamber of Commerce unless Dando resigns.

  36. As usual, we the people, aren’t going to be vote for the best “man”.  We’ll be choosing the least of the evils.  ABC is correct!  One Gonzo was one too many…

    However, for all of those who claim Chuck is so honorable, why is it he voted to end the investigation into Gonzo’s mischief?  Why won’t he explain why?

    I too took my Pandori sign down.  I would consider an ABC sign but I want Chuck to admit he screwed up by hiding the high jinks of the Gonzo administration.

    Rest assured I won’t turn blue holding my breath waiting…

    As for Reed’s fiscal conservatism, I’m for it.  This city needs to reconsider how the people’s money is spent.  Not just raise taxes.

  37. #30. Rich, I’m really surprised that you Cindinistas still don’t get it.

    It’s easy as ABC:  Those 10-1 Council votes you cite as Chuck’s weakness are a big factor in why he won the primary.

    I’ve got to ask: Who, exactly, are all of these other politicians “with their races effectively over” who are going to now rush to help Cindy? Maybe Linda Lezotte? Jim Beall? Larry Stone? (Would anybody really care?)

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for for the ones that would really count: Pandori, Cortese or Mulcahy.

  38. The lone dissenter on this council is Cortese more than Reed.  In fact most of the developers, especially KB Homes, gave more to Reed, a former county planning commissioner than anyone else.  Do you know Reed actually violated county ethics procedures eight years ago and used his title in a hearing before the San Jose City Council?

  39. You all do have a point about us being a “dorky” city and with Reed as mayor, we aren’t winning much charisma.  It would be nice to have a mayor with the personality of Gavin Newsome, but at this point I will settle for an honest one who won’t screw over the city.  God, my standards are low….

  40. Cindy’s camp must know that she had something to do with Norcal.  Why else would they already be blaming the D.A. before a report is even out. You have to be an idiot to believe that the D. A. and Chuck are plotting.  How was the D.A. to know that Chuck was going to make it into the finals, when all the polls had him in second to last?  He would have done more damage to Cindy had he released the report on 6-5.  Where is Inside the Hall when we need him or her?

  41. A few years ago I was walking through Chavez’ neighborhood and witnessed Cindy kicking a puppy who was nosing around one of her flowerbeds.

    Picture Cruella DeVille with sharp pointy shoes kicking a fuzzy little pup.  It was terrible!  The memory is forever seared, SEARED into my memory.

    I ask you – do we want a woman who kicks puppies for our next mayor?  I think not.

  42. Reed was the weakest in the field and yet he won in 6 of 10 Council District came in 2nd in two and missed 2nd in the other 2 by a few hundred votes.

    I know I see your name in the paper all the time as some sort of expert but you can’t spin those numbers.  Chuck ran a very good campaign and appealed to way more voters than you and several other experts realized

  43. Several years ago, some citizens had the nerve at a BUSD meeting to ask why Chuck’s handler, Victor, should be given thousands of dollars for doing no work at all.  George Kennedy wrote them and literally ordered the school district to retain Victor.  Dp most DA’s write local governments and insist they hire his consultant??

    Let’s face it gang, the connection is there.

  44. Hey Single Girl, it sounds like a large number of bloggers have found numerous negative points against Cindy and Chuck. If this sentiment continues, neither candidate will be worthy of the mayor’s chair! What can we do to vote for David Pandori? Seriously, is there a process where we can start moving in the direction of leaving the ballot blank and get David elected? Should we start a write-in campaign?

  45. Chuck Reed has the personality of a wet dish rag, Cindy she seems to have a little bit of a personality I say the only way to get this city on track is to vote Cindy in. Pandori is gone. My big question is who’s going to take Ken Yeagers place? I heard that theirs a Chuck Reed for mayor meeting at all the Chucky Cheeses in San Jose, maybe that goofy mascot can be Chuck’s as well!!!

  46. Given what happened in the primary, this life long Democrat will be voting for both a Republican for Mayor and Governor.  I never thought I’d ever see the day.  I guess the Apocalypse is just around the corner and that San Martin earthquake was just a wake-up call…

    Additionally, I’ve heard thru the grapevine that the Cindinistas are actively recruiting Asian for phone banks and any sympathetic bloggers to counter the negative comments about her and to try to sway Reed inclined voters.  I don’t think even Paul Fong and the Asian Pacific Democratic Club can save her.  My people know we were used by Manny Diaz and stabbed in the back by the State party dem’s with redistricting of the east side that dilluted our ability to form a critical mass in any particular district.  We have a long memory and we won’t be used again!!!

  47. #60
    Do you think he will fall off the civic map like he did after he left the city council for another 8 years?

    Do you and other Pandori supporters, especially those on this blog, share some blame for over 80+% of the voters not supporting Pandori?

    What could you all have done to have helped Davey Boy?  His meager showing is a direct testament to the voters, they listened, they evaluated and they rejected the Pandori rhetoric and smoke and mirrors answers and hypocricy that Pandori represented.  Too bad, we made it and you and yours did not—

    You didn’t really think he was gonna be Mayor did you?

  48. #59
    The answer is NO!  Considering he lost to two candidates with the vision of Mr. Magoo I’m not sure if his loss is a knock against Pandori, the voters, the system, the city of San Jose or all of the above.

  49. Hey Bitter Reality Check – I wouldn’t be so smug about Pandori not making it to November and look ahead.  78% of the people did not vote for your gal Cindy and won’t in November. Why don’t you try getting back on your phone and out talking to all those people that you say you did – Cindy is going to need the help. Oh wait, your slander didn’t work? The so called Chamber of Slime as you say can’t hold a candle to you. Have a nice summer.

  50. #64 I am hardly bitter, actually I am almost giddy at the results—$250K spent illegally to defeat the only progessive candidate in the race and to have her withstand these attacks makes me smile all day long.

    It is a new ballgame in November, bigger democratic turnout, only one race for her supporters to focus on and the Chamber is broke. 

    Your prediction is that Chuck gets 78% in November?  Not gonna happen.

    Remeber this is a blog—it does not move opinion, only a few read it and most that do have already made up their minds—Your candidate finished third or fourth or fifth or worse, gonna be a long hot summer for you debating why you could not garner enough support to go to the polls and support your chosen candidate, I on the other hand don’t have that problem, we are in.

    Smile—relax—enjoy the Monday Morning Quaterbacking you and yours will be doing to understand the political reality of a Cindy win in November….

  51. #62 Reality
    Why is it that Cindy fans are not able to look past their little neighborhood? The civic map is bigger than your backyard.
    It is quite clear you are not involved in the greater community of San Jose.  If you had been you would have known that Mr. Pandori has been fighting crime in the Santa Clara County for the past eight years.  If you don’t think making the community safer for our families isn’t serving the people than you really do need a Reality Check. It is sad that children have to be careful of what color cloths they wear, in fear that of getting shot by gang bangers.  Chavez did nothing the past eight years to solve this problem, in fact she cut the number of officers on the force. Then there was the fight lead by Pandori to ensure that we had adequate access to the airport before it was expanded.  He took them to court.  Don’t you read the papers?  I guess transportation and public process isn’t on Gonzo’s, Cindy’s or your map. One more example of when they were on the wrong side of the law. 
      As for the blame for Pandori having fewer votes than Chavez, I guess you can say Pandori was too busy (“being on the civic map”) serving the public to start his campaign earlier.  He was prosecuting a gang case.
    If you devide Pandori’s days campaigning into votes received you will find Pandori had far more votes than Chavez . But then again there is no use crying over spilt milk.
    I can see why your type may see the D.A.‘s office as not being a public service,  however I feel the D.A.‘s office may do more for the city of San Jose than any of the candidates.  That will be riding us of the Gonzo-Chavez regime once and for all.  If you want to trying to get Cindy elected I suggest you stop looking back at Pandori and start looking up to Reed.  Or could it be that you are a Reed operative and you are just trying to make Cindy’s camp look like a bunch of idiots.  I know Chuck ran a brilliant campaign but would her stoop to the level of Cindy, Manny or the CoC?

  52. To answer Ken….my first thought is, “are you high” folloew

    First, Chuck Reed was not the weakest in the field. He had a solid base to run from. The other candidates all had smaller bases and, in Pandori and Mulcahy’s respective campaigns, they were dabbling in Chavez’s backyard. If I am a betting man—and I am

    Second, I am sick of Chuck “Dr. No” Reed and his blind minions on this or any blog touting this man like he is a paragon of virtue. One numbskull claims that Chuck’s voting record suggest this guy’s votes actually saved more taxpayers money than anyone else.  Just to answer that little question, Dr. No has NEVER voted for anything unless he, Tricky Vic, et. al. got something out of it—personally or otherwise. The fact is, the Chuck Reed private “Dr. No” persona is a SHARP contrast to his public “Mr. Reform” persona. Once again, you will notice that Chuck has a unique way of being “Mr. Yes” only when it matters to him (or his alter ego, Tricky Vic.).

    Third, to answer “We are #10 We are #10”, if we wanna talk about people with the “vision of Mr. Magoo,” your boy, Dr.No, is sure like a blind man driving a NASCAR when its convenient for him (in other words, when he, his campaign coffers or his minions benefit.). Actually, like my five year daughter, Dr. No has strange bouts of selective hearing or sight during alot of the votes he has taken—or he develops selective amnesia when he is reminded of those votes.

    And make no mistake, you all can call Chavez an “insider” cause she darn well is. But to call Dr. No anything less is an outright lie—his “insider” game is just with a different crowd at City Hall. And most of THAT crowd voted for George Bush and Company….

  53. Apropos of nothing, here’s a chuckle:

    Manitoba (Canada) Herald

    The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration.  The actions of President Bush are prompting the exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they’ll soon be required to
    hunt, pray, and agree with Bill O’Reilly.

    Canadian border farmers say it’s not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.“I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn,” said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield,
    whose acreage borders North Dakota.  The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry.
    “He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken.  When I said I didn’t have any, he left.  Didn’t even get a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?”

    In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. So he tried installing speakers that blare Rush Limbaugh across the fields.  “Not real effective,” he said. “The liberals still got through, and Rush annoyed the cows so much they wouldn’t give milk.”

    Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons, drive them across the border and leave them to fend for themselves.

    “A lot of these people are not prepared for rugged conditions,” an Ontario border patrolman said. “I found one carload without a drop of drinking water. “They did have a nice little Napa Valley cabernet, though.”

    When liberals are caught, they’re sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives.  Rumors have been circulating about the Bush administration establishing re-education camps in which liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR races.

    In recent days, liberals have turned to sometimes-ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have taken to posing as senior citizens on bus trips to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans disguised in powdered wigs, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior-citizen passengers on Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney hits to prove they were alive in the ‘50s.
    “If they can’t identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we get suspicious about their age,” an official said.

    Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal Immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage and renting all the good Susan Sarandon movies. “I feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can’t support them,” an Ottawa resident said. “How many art-history majors does one country need?”

    In an effort to ease tensions between the United States and Canada, Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Canadian ambassador and pledged that the administration would take steps to reassure liberals, a source close to Cheney said.  We’re going to have some Peter, Paul & Mary concerts. And
    we might put some endangered species on postage stamps. The President is determined to reach out,” he said.

  54. 67—You Cindsters have got to learn how to present your message in concise language. Or in your case, how to present nothing in concise language.
    You run off at the keyboard and you give us nothing—no facts, no substance, nothing.
    I know, from personal experience, that Chuck will tell you exactly where he stands on an issue and his vote will support that position. I also know that Cindy will tell you her postion on an issue and then vote the opposite way. Sounds like she must be Dr. UnTruth.
    It’s time to dump the Gonzales-Chavez style of politics. We don’t need any more last minute, back-room deals. We need open and honest government and that starts with the mayor and it won’t happen under Chavez. It will under Reed.

  55. #65 Reality Check – Chuck won’t get 78% and won’t need it to beat Cindy. I just find it hard to believe that your tactics are going to win over anyone who voted for Pandori, Mulcahy or Cortese. Since you have been bashing all of them so much – and therefore those people’s opinions – what makes you think that they will all of the sudden come over to Cindy’s side? It is so enlightening to know that you are the one who knows how things are going to play out in November…

    Yep, say that you are giddy through your gritted teeth.

  56. To Dr. Who (a close cousin of Dr. No obviously) et al.

    And like Dr. Who—you live a strange and disturbing reality.

    The public persona of Chuck “Dr. Maybe if ya got somethin for me in it” Reed does not match the private persona of Chuck “Dr. No unless ya got something in it for me” Reed. The man is rife with ethics problems, hires people rife with ethics problems and will, in all likelihood, do nothing to cure the ethics problems in City Hall—all of which sit squarely on the shoulders of Gonzalez and you know it. I mean, really, if you have to break the law to try and spread dirt—like Dr. No and Pat “I really coulda been Mayor” Dando did when they spent $250K of the Chamber’s money—you know how desperate people when they lie so dramatically, spend so much money, end up break the law in order to win and yet STILL end up missing their mark.

    As I have said before and will say again until you join the rest of us in the real world—Dr. No has a long and illustrious history of decrying the lack of open government and playing the deaf, dumb and blind kid when it comes to helping himself and Tricky Vic, his puppet master by closing council sessions. 

    So, I will keep saying until you and others recognize that will Chavez may or may not have her problems—Dr. No ain’t no saint—so stop giving me this crap that “Chuck will tell you exactly where he stands on an issue and his vote will support that position.” Because its VERY RARELY true, as I have seen from “personal experience”, that Chuck Reed will ever do anything where he doesn’t get something out of it. 

    He plays a lovely Republican game of bait and switch with the voters (and make no mistake Chuck IS a Republican)—which explains his lucky break on June 6th. But mark my words, Dr. No and his hidden Republican agenda is going to have alot of trouble in front of voters who now see what he is really like.

    Remember, advise your boy Dr. No, that the glass house STILL has some big ass stones—so I remind you and Dr. No to be careful not to be throwing charges of unethical behavior around so carelessly.  Cause I know “from personal experience” that Dr. No, with his history, ain’t exactly gonna go untouched with his own “issues”.

    And I also know “from personal experience” that Dr. No is for real reform like the Republicans are for ethics. And we ALL know how good the Reeps are on ethics.

  57. 74—There is no doubt you could go on longer (and longer and longer) but if this is the best you can do to back-up your venomous attacks, please don’t.
    As with many who suffer from verbosity, your point is unclear. Do you just hate Chuck? Cindy’s years of documented assault on open government are OK? Do you like the thuggery of the past 7 years of the Gonzales regime? You seem to be silent on the documented abuses and save all your vitriol only for Chuck? Are your true colors showing?
    You present Chuck as some sort of stealth attacker who works to subvert SJ government behind the scenes while those who actually have done so escape your tirade. Very consistent.
    Maybe you should spend a little more time researching what is really going on and less time quoting drug-references from movies.

  58. “And we ALL know how good the Reeps are on ethics.”

    Culture of corruption? 
    That’s a dog that hunts equally well on both sides of the aisle.

    Even if it leads to the freezers of our beloved congressmen and congresswomen or finds them ringside at boxing’s main events courtesy of boxing lobbyists.

    Given the rock bottom approval ratings and contempt with which the public holds both democrats and republicans these days – is the time ripe for a 3rd party?

    Will JMO get his tea party in 2008?

  59. Well clearly Dr. Who, since you clearly don’t read the newspaper (or still exist in that bizarre alternate reality of yours), read this as the FIRST OF MANY “shred of substance” to back up my claims….

    Lets just start there and hope that wakes you out of that clearly drug-induced stupor of yours…

    IF you need more, I can go as long as you want…but, like I always say, where this smoke, you can bet your ass the house is burning down…

    To quote Jon Favreau in a great movie “PCU”, “Mersh, lay off the pipe man…”

  60. #67
    I think you need to reread #60.  I said Cindy and Chuck both have the vision of Mr Magoo!
    So how does that make “Dr. No” my boy.  If you like to talk in James Bond metaphors I suggest we refer to Cindy as Ms. Galore. You know the one. As Chuck may says no to some worthy projects, Cindy gets behind closed doors a says yes to all the bad boys,Norcal, Grand Prix, the ball park and K. B. homes, Lowes, the unions and of course Ron.

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