Single Gal and the Silicon Valley Rat Race

We live in a rat race and sometimes I don’t know how to get out of it. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to visit friends in Hawaii for a few days in the past week. Now back in San Jose from paradise, I really feel the differences in lifestyle between the two. 

When I landed on the beautiful island of Kauai, I found myself unable to leave the frenetic pace of Silicon Valley behind me for a while. I rented a car and hit the road to my destination, yet I found I was going too fast trying to get to where I needed to go. Little did I know that no one on that island was in any rush to do anything, except me.  After a dip in the ocean, a walk on a beautiful sandy beach, and an unbelievable sunset that night, I was there.  I had left the rat race behind, and as I saw it receding in the rearview mirror, I was wondering what I could do to keep it in the distance.

On the island of Kauai, the biggest worries are how far you will have to walk home after a few mai tais and making sure you wear your sunscreen. It’s nice not having to punch a time clock or work your fingers to the bone to get ahead.  You don’t even have to make many choices on where to eat and what to do because things are the same every day.  It’s a Groundhog Day that I would love to be stuck in.  Beach, walk, sun, fun, food, sleep.  Beach, walk, sun, fun, food, sleep.  No, that would not get old. 

I have no plans to move to Kauai and work in a parlor that sells shaved ice or run the taco stand near the pier at the beach. However, I think that we can all take a little bit from our 50th state when it comes to what is important in our lives.  Taking the time to smell the plumeria and do a little bit of nothing each day is something that I could get used to.



  1. Yes, well, I’m not sure Princetown is very high on the target list for venture capital funding either.

    I love Kauai, but I try to do just what you do: leave my technical marketing in San Jose and leave the clock-free beachwandering and Ono-burgers on da island.

  2. San Jose is relaxed compared to the powersuit hustle-and-bustle of New York and all its admirers (Washington, San Francisco, Chicago, etc). This place doesn’t attract too many cutthroats waiting to stab you in the back. Be glad you have somewhat of a balance. You could be dealing with a lot more than simply working for a living.

  3. #3

    This place doesn’t attract too many cutthroats waiting to stab you in the back.

    Apparently, you do not work in the “new” high-tech industry that has emerged in this area over the last 20 years.  The new MBA management credo is; “Everything for a dollar, or a stock option, and to hell with the employees.”

  4. Isn’t Highway 9 between Los Gatos and Saratoga like Kauai?  I have the same view because the hill are green and similar.  It just doesn’t rain the time like the windward side.  Just come to LG and relax.

  5. “Taking the time to smell the plumeria and do a little bit of nothing each day is something that I could get used to”

    Single Gal,

    You should get a job with the city!  That is a similar speed to Hawaii, Mexico or costa rica.

  6. The basic problem is that in order to be able to afford to take that relaxing trip to Kauai you need the paycheck from that ratrace job.

    Now that the unionized Europeans with their health care and their 4-week vacations are leaving the US far behind in the economic race, maybe Americans should reconsider the current arrangement.

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