Single Gal and the Olympic Games

I love the Olympics. Every two years, whether it’s winter or summer, I am glued to my TV. I love the beauty, drama and competitive spirit on display each day. Here are just some initial observations about the games so far:

Ralph Lauren could have done a better job dressing the Olympians for the opening ceremony. They looked like they were about to go sailing. I think the contestants on last week’s episode of Project Runway designed better outfits.

Seeing Yao Ming carrying the Chinese flag alongside the 2nd grader who saved two classmates from the rubble of the latest earthquake was a sight to see.  I heard that he was the “class monitor” and he crawled his way out of the rubble to save the others. He gave “heroic” a whole new meaning.

Equally as touching was the American flag holder, Lopez Lomong, a “Lost Boy” from Sudan who truly exemplifies the “American Dream,” who made it to the Olympics under the most horrifying of circumstances. He is an inspiration without even stepping on the track.

Michael Phelps should give hope to all those nerdy kids out there. You too can be tall, lanky and a little bit goofy, and still be the best Olympian ever.

Why do the Chinese gymnasts all look like they are 10 years old?  Oh yeah, that’s right, because they actually ARE.

Why the change in the scoring in gymnastics?  I loved the idea of the “perfect 10” and now all they can hope for is a 15.44444477777?  I don’t get it.

Why do the French proceed to talk smack about the Americans?  (The men’s relay team claimed they were going to “smash” the American men in the 4x100.) Don’t they ever learn to just shut their mouths?  We don’t have to bring up Germany and saving their behinds AGAIN, do we?

It was hilarious hearing LeBron James talk after the win against China about “getting ready for Angola on Tuesday.”  What are the chances he even knows where Angola is?

And finally, who exactly is ruining, I mean, running the country while George W. Bush is yucking it up at every single event in Beijing? Maybe the Olympics should have started 8 years ago….


  1. I suspect that Lebron has a sense of history, and humor as well. He’s probably referring to Charles Barkley’s quip prior to the Dream Team’s first game—against Angola—the ‘92 games:

    “All I know about Angola is they are in trouble.”

  2. Whenever coverage is delayed, it’s really boring, because they only show the events where the Americans win the gold. As a result there’s zero suspense.

    Last Olympics we were hoping to watch the synchronized swimming because we knew someone on the team. But they only got a silver so they didn’t broadcast it.

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