Single Gal and Is Manny Diaz For Real?

Without wanting to beat a dead horse, I just cannot seem to fathom some of the tactics that Manny Diaz uses in order to get elected to the city council.  His latest doozy is to actually have a press conference, in front of an elementary school no less, promoting supposed links of Sam Liccardo’s MySpace page to pornography.  He was handing out nude photos to passersby and claiming that Liccardo was linked to these photos.  There are so many things wrong with that, I really don’t even know where to start.  Yeah, Manny, it makes perfect sense that a district attorney who spends his time prosecuting child molesters and pedophiles would be linked to porn sites.  It would almost make me sick if it wasn’t so laughable.

The worst part is not that Diaz stoops so low and does these ridiculous things (which are bad enough) but that people actually listen.  How can he have a press conference if no one was there to hear him?  And because today is Halloween, let’s talk about the downright scariness of Diaz actually becoming a city councilman.  I am scared for those people who actually believe in him and his lies and mudslinging. Fear rushes over me when I think of this guy actually having a chance to win, both because of his familiar name and because few seem to vote in District 3.  The thought of what he would do inside City Hall is even more frightening. 

I have said it before and I will say it again: If Manny Diaz and his sleazy ways win over an honest and well-educated man like Sam Liccardo, I might just have to leave the country. 


  1. SG, you better book the ticket fast or you’ll be stuck leaving without a direct flight. 

    Which is another issue we should be looking at.  Why the major airlines taking direct flights away?

    Are they sick of the idiots running City Hall as well?

  2. Merc says – Manny Diaz may have hit a new low in campaigning. And we didn’t think it was possible.    Diaz and his consultant, Darren Seaton, both have histories of sleazy campaigning.

    Tricky Darren (Sleazy Campaign King ) Seaton strikes again

    How convienient for Diaz’s campaign that Liccardo who has a reputation for putting sex offenders and Internet predators in jail would have some unknown person ( could it be Tricky Darren ) post X-rated links to his MySpace pages

    Tricky Darren – should explain – Diaz ‘s frequent misbehavior –  leaving scene accident with state SUV ( was alcohol involved? ), failure to pay child support, worst legislative record of dodging Assemby votes, passing New no voter Bart/VTA tax increase, many eminent domain votes taking home owners and small business propery, donations to his legislative campaign fund while voting to waste millions taxpayers money and lobbying for corporations and developers to waste more taxes

  3. What about those who endorsed Manny? Do they really think Manny is the best leader for San Jose?  A partial list:

    Elaine Alquist
    Rebecca Cohn
    Joe Coto
    Nora Campos
    John DiQuisto (ret.)
    Linda LeZotte
    Forrest Williams
    San Jose Police Officers Association (SJPOA)
    South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council (COPE)
    Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins – South Bay Labor
    Neil Struthers- SC/SB Council Building Trades

    The long list:

  4. Now that the SF Cronicle has decided to try and influence the San Jose election by recommending Cindy perhaps Manny can get a photo op with the SF pols. They’d back anything.  Just didn’t know that the Cron had more influence here then the Merc. Think the Merc is going to have find out how to serve the community when it has lost favor with the locals. Wonder how many votes Cindy can get from SF? Lot’s of good labor folk there, especially longshore members who lost out on the garbage contract.
    The question begs an answer; why the hell is the Cron getting involved in SJ politics/

  5. Just for the record, if Manny Diaz wins, we will also have Governor Angelides.

    Although, handing out nude photos is a novel approach.  Given the mundane, caustic and irrelevant nature of most campaign material these days, the nude handouts might actually penetrate the voters current already overwhelmed psyche.

    But I suppose quality would have to count.

  6. I have not seen any figures on how either Manny or Sam is doing in this contest.  I cannot believe that Sam isn’t running away with it and leaving Manny in the dust.

    If this is a close race, our only hope is that the Sam supporters are more likely to vote than are the Manny supporters. 

    Let’s not forget that in recent years the council rep from D3 has gone on to become the mayor.  Hoping that’s not the case this time around, but imagine if you will the scenario of Manny winning D3 and then sleazing his way into the mayor’s chair.  It’s going to make Gonzo look like an altar boy.

    D3 constituents, on 11/7 please make sure that nightmare scenario doesn’t become a reality.  Because in this town, as we’ve seen in the results from June for mayor, the majority of SJ voters are out of touch and inclined to make the wrong choices.

  7. Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Manny Diaz has a right to distribute pornography in front of a school.  In fact, I wish he would distribute it at City Hall once he gets elected.

    Manny Diaz is a good man … well, okay, not so good but a good engineer … well, alright he’s not an engineer, but maybe we could say good former councilman … okay, that’s silly, too, so let’s just say he’s a good lobbyist.  We need more of those inside City Hall.

    He’s a great “Hustler.”



  8. You can tell political candidate’s low ethics, desperation and that they sold out to special interest money by who runs their campaigns

    Seaton’s losers sleazy campaigns

    Terry Gregory – resigned in district 7
    Jay James – defeated in district 1
    Nancy Pyle – last minute sleaze to victory

    Manny Diaz – district 3’s Elementary School porno handouts and CDs

  9. I object to the Mercury News calling the Diaz press conferenence “a rant”.

    It gives those of us who do rant, a bad name.

    ‘Most of Diaz’s supporters at his Thursday rant were from outside the district. They implied the Web links were deliberate and said Liccardo ought to quit the race.’—Merc

    When you are losing a race this badly, sometimes it is better to take a knee and try to preserve some sense of dignity.

    Obviously, Manny has chosen to throw the hay-maker in a futile attempt to knockout a stonger, better prepared, more intelligent and well managed opponent.

    But like most hay-makers, it leaves him exposed to counter punches that can be devastating. 

    And Manny has taken too many hits to the head already.

  10. #8. Glenn: The Chronicle has a substantial circulation in San Jose and Santa Clara County, maintains a local bureau, does business with local advertisers and has previously endorsed local candidates. Geography is not the issue.

    What’s more troubling is that the Chronicle made it’s editorial endorsement without interviewing either candidate. Instead the Chronicle made it’s decision based largely on a single candidate’s forum. This does not suggest a well researched opinion.

  11. Mal Content,

    The Chron has just as much right to opine as the Merc. 

    A well researched opinion is only valid if it comes to your conclusion.  That is horse manure.

    The Chron stated many things that are missing in this election. 

    The Merc has made ethics the only issue, then they propped up a flawed candidate and washed his sins away when he signed a check, that was tantamount to an admission of guilt.

    To the Merc’s credit they did mention their candidate had a few flaws that he needed to address, the biggest being his self-rightious attitude toward all other people.

    I respect the Merc’s right to recommend the candidate of their choice based on their own criteria.  The same respect should be shown to the Chron.

    Disagreement is not undemocratic.

  12. Yea, where is the Mercury on the ridiculousness of Manny Diaz? There article on him and Sam was VERY kind. It also had misinformation saying that he is on his 2nd wife – he is on his third I believe. The Merc and its polictical correctness are blowing it on not blasting Manny for what he is – a immoral loser.

  13. What I don’t get is, why does this seem to suprise any of you about Many?  This type of behavior from him is nothing new.  The only reason Many has any chance, is due to the Democratic Party.  It kills me when people vote for the party ticket (Rep. or Dem.)  not the candidate.  Where are all those free thinkers?  This is supose to be a nonpartisan election, yet the Dem. Party is making this a power play for their leaders endorsement.  The same goes for Reed vs. Chavez, even in a case when both candidates are both Dem. Though I am not head over heals about Chuck, he is the better of the two.  Sam is my real hope for the longterm future of SJ, that is, if Pandori doesn’t run again.

  14. #17. Rich: Did I suggest that the Chronicle does not have the right to opine? Did I suggest that disagreement is undemocratic?

    Talk about horse manure! It’s interesting how you avoid an issue by indignantly responding to straw man arguments that were never offered. 

    I have no problem with the Chronicle, or any other publication, endorsing Chavez or Reed. However if that endorsement is largely the result of one member of the editorial board attending a single candidates forum it’s fair to question the thoroughness of the research. This would be true if the newspaper endorsed Reed, Chavez or Bill Chew.

    Remember Rich, the Chronicle did not even bother with the basic step of interviewing the candidates before printing it’s endorsement. Do you defend this?

    While you may be happy that your candidate received an endorsement and you might agree with many of the points it raised, in this case it’s not unreasonable to question the process.

  15. Dear Single Gal:

    If Manny Diaz wins, I’m not moving to District 3!

    QUESTION:  About two months ago, the city held three or four outreach meetings to seek citizen input regarding the possible closures of many of the city’s community centers.  A few weeks ago, the city council voted to give the REP a $2 million loan to keep it going.  This $2 million came from the newly discovered budget surplus.  Perhaps I missed it, but was anything said about funding the community centers?  Why do the rich go ahead of the poor in this city…and why doesn’t anyone ever say anything about it?  I would prefer that the seniors at the Alma Senior Center get to enjoy their social programs at the location of their choosing, rather than the city provide a venue for our millionaires to clink their crystal wine glasses.

    pete campbell

  16. Just the Facts #19,

    We should clear our confusion by calling candidates such as Chavez and Diaz endorsed by the central committee “the Labor Party.”  Those on the outside of this small group such as Reed should be called “the Democrats.”

    The Labor Party requires complete allegiance to the needs of the local unions above all else.

  17. Chavez held a press conference today harping on Reed for approving an educational reimbursement for one of his Council Aides to get a MA degree in Theology and Intercultural Studies. The City has a Personal Development policy that allows employees to seek reimbursement up to a certain amount for education expenses/personal development each year. Cindy now has to resort to dragging innocent City Staff into the mix of her desperate tactics. I can only imagine the things that Cindy will pull this week.

  18. #3 – it’s a simple equation.  Fill the flight, keep the service.  Don’t fill the flight, service gets pulled.  It’s simple business.  It has nothing to do with big business and industry’s fiendish plot to screw San Jose.

  19. Wouldn’t you think the distribution of porn would be illegal within a certain radius of a grammar school???  As I recall, the principal of the Horace Mann is on Manny’s endorsement list.  Since I tossed the flyer, I don’t have it handy to check that fact, someone else might want to verify that.

    I find it rather suspect that Manny’s camp was able to timely download whatever was on My Space, let alone have the time to make a CD of it.  Seems that either someone from Manny’s camp knew that would be posted or someone from Sam’s camp leaked the discovery of the post to Manny’s people.  What is the likelihood that someone from Manny’s camp just happened to be looking at the site??

  20. Suzanne,

    Sending your aide to Bible School is not an appropriate use of educational money specified to benefit the City. 

    If you want to get paid for going to Church, don’t expect taxpayers to foot the bill.

    Chuck, as a lawyer, knows it is inappropriate to mix religion and government He needs to write a check back to the City for the misuse of funds.

  21. Mal Content,

    The Merc, LA Times, Chron and other newspapers often weigh-in on issues and candidates without endorsment interviews.

    The point is the Chron did its homework, that it did not follow your process is irrelevant.

    As to straw man issues, I was pretty accurate.  Your dismissal of the Chron had more to do with who they endorsed than their “process”.

    I stand by my earlier post.

  22. I’m incredibly worried that Liccardo supporters will assume that he’s got it in the bag and won’t make it out to the polls. There’s this sick feeling in my stomach that says the race is closer than most of us think. It’s too bad no one’s doing polling for the election.

  23. Rich said in his when speaking of the governator: ” Putting your party ahead of your country is treason in my book.”  How about putting your paying client ahead of your country, state, city, or council district, Rich?  Is that treason, as well?  Or is that just business, Rich?

  24. “Bible School” has a lot more to offer than just religious classes. What about graduates from Santa Clara University? Many City employees have been reimbursed for attending SCU. Is that inappropriate because it is a religious school? Are history classes, classes on various cultures and communication classes not a benefit to the City of San Jose?

    Seminaries are far from “church” but are prestigious academic institutions that teach their students to do extensive research, get heavily involved in their community, and think at a high academic level.

    Rich, your comments are uneducated and insulting. I have lost all respect for Cindy Chavez. If she wins, San Jose will suffer.

  25. Steve # 23: I’d modify your designation a bit.  Cindy is endorsed by and enslaved to a SEGMENT of the ORGANIZED Labor party—the South Bay Labor Council.

    Many laborers are not in unions, and not all unions fall under the sway of the SBLC.

    Cindy is a one trick pony wearing a pearl necklace.

  26. #25.  The reason that major airlines are reducing flights to/from San Jose is that the airport is atrocious.  Passengers will consider driving to SFO instead of SJC, because (other than delays), it is a better airport. flying from SJC is a rotten customer experience, and not good for airline ground employees either (try moving airsteps in a storm; try catching a flight in winter from Terminal C).  I fly every week from SJC, (I would rather not drive 40 miles to SFO at 5 am).  The city is letting the airport fade away from neglect.

  27. Since Cindy Chavez is now suddenly a fiscal conservative and on a crusade to try to get save the City money for what she thinks are misuse of funds, can she start by writing a check for the $1600 for the glossy ad in SJ magazine, asking for the 11 million dollar back from Norcal, refunding those flower orders from her office, etc.  Maybe she should have her campaign staff dig into her own office expenses from the last 8 years to see where the City can get reimbursed for any misuse of funds.

    CINDY CHAVEZ IS PATHETIC to go try to dig dirt from years ago and misleading the public with a sham press conference.

  28. It is really too bad that someone at the Mercury News doesn’t pick up on this supposed “Press Conference” and expose Mr. Diaz for his tactics.
    I’m just sorry that I am not voting in District 3 so that I could FOR Sam Liccardo.
    It is almost illegal for Mr. Diaz to use these tactics.
    C’mon Merc News, pick up on this.

  29. #33 – Bill, I’ll grant you that SJC is without question the worst I’ve ever experienced for baggage handling.  But many of those instances you rattle off don’t pertain.  The whole Terminal C thing has nothing to do with American Airlines reduced presence in the market.  It’s a factor of “can we fill planes from this gateway”.  And SJC’s answer has been “no”.  The other thing I’ve noticed about departures from SJC…the fares are higher than SFO.  You’re being asked to pay more for the “convenience” of flying from SJC?  In this economy, fewer and fewer people are willing/able to pay more for SJC when they can get it cheaper (and easier) out of SFO.

    March 17, 2007 – –  San Jose, California

    Real estate values tumble as major corporations and start-ups throughout the city close operations and relocate.  Employers cite reduced employee productivity, motivation and attendance as the reason for leaving San Jose.  As Starbucks closes its stores and kiosks and removes its products form shelves throughout the City, the once high-energy engine of Silicon Valley is loosing its spark and in turn its competitive edge.

    “It wasn’t the conditions imposed on our City Hall location that precipitated this action…” said a Starbucks spokes person; “… but a request made in private by an unnamed high ranking City official that all Starbuck employees within San Jose be represented by the Teamsters Union.”

    “This we could discuss…”  he continued…  “but the nonnegotiable condition she imposed was more than we could take: that our employee’s compensation must comply with her official wage policy, and that because our employees are asked to separate waste plastic, metal and paper products as part of their job, that pay must match other City trash sorters.” 

    Any chance of keeping Starbucks in San Jose was lost when the Regional Director of Outlet Operations told the City…“We have no choice but to pull out.  Unlike your trash company, we at Starbucks have to look our customers in the face when we take their money.”

    Meanwhile cities and counties throughout the state are scrambling to woo San Jose’s high tech giants.

    When asked to comment, the Mayor was quick to point out… “We are making great strides to reduce our commute traffic conjestion and CO2 emissions.  We are ahead of schedule on vision to be the Greenest city.”

  31. I understand he was also handing CD’s with the sleazy picture on them.  If someone could get a copy of the CD, post the pictures on a website called, say, “”, identifying them as pictures handed out by Manny Diaz at an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and send out a nice little press release, perhaps Manny could get some more publicity.

  32. Suzanne,

    This wasn’t SCU, it was Baptist College.  If you look at the courses she took, there wasn’t one academic subject to be found—unless you consider—the divinity of Christ to be worthy scholorship.

    Does the separation of Church and State mean nothing?


    My clients have never come before my principles.  And my principles have always limited of my income—much to the consternation of significant other.

    You can be assured that if I’m supporting someone politically, money is not my sole—nor even my primary—motivation.

    The reason you can tell is that I work mainly for democrats, environmentalists, anti-tobacco organizations and against the insurance industry.  I could have been much wealthier if I sold out—but I sleep well at night.

    P.S.  Business is good, thanks for asking.

  33. Suzanne, I agree with you completely.  I believe that Cindy’s last minute hit is an act of desperation.  Think about it… she’s out of a job if she doesn’t win the mayoral race.  Likely that she’ll have to return to a staff job in the labor organization.  Chuck, on the other hand, has a viable skill as an attorney.  I have lost what little respect I had for Cindy with this latest sleazy maneuver.  I wouldn’t hire her to clean my rain gutters!

  34. It shows how bad are political system is that we elect people like Manny Diaz.  CAn you even believe he was in office before.  Shows what can happen in elections.  So get out and vote for a person with values, ethics go LIcarrdo.

  35. The Merc has an article today [1] about Chavez’s accustations regarding the aide that had some of her expenses reimbursed for her master’s degree in theology and intercultural studies.

    The article mentions there is wide latitude in such expenses with the city policy stating the funds can be used “…to develop current job skills, to foster career development and to enable personal well-being.’’

    Chavez was backed at the press conference by two dozen people including members of the clergy. 

    I can imagine the ususal suspects were there but does anybody know which clergy members were willing to stand behind Chavez on this latest accusation?


  36. #28 Rich: OK, you are actually defending the Chronicle’s endorsement of a candidate based on one candidate’s forum. The fact that the Chronicle couldn’t be bothered to take the standard step of inviting either candidate to meet with its editorial board does not seem to concern you. The end, after all, justifies the means.

    If that’s what passes for the Chron “doing its homework” in your book then we have a vastly different view of what constitutes valid research. Would you find these same lax standards acceptable if the Chron had endorsed Reed? I doubt it although I could be wrong because, as you say, you stand by your earlier post. 

    Truth be told Rich, your defense of the Chronicle isn’t really about “process” is it? You’re happy to see Chavez get ANY editorial endorsement after she was skunked by her hometown media.

    Now go stand by your post.

  37. ABC,

    You didn’t check hard enough on the Truman quote:  it’s in Merle Millers book and it refers to his reelection to the U.S. Senate.

    Though I disagree with the “in God we Trust” stuff on our government literature.  A generic “God” is different than a Baptist Bible College.

    I suppose would it be ok for Chuck, under the current logic proposed by some, to send his aides to Afghan Terrorist Training Camps.

    It is an educational experience.

  38. Ooooohhhhh, another mailer today from…you guessed it, South Bay Labor Council. Yipee! I am so tired of Cindy’s lieing face I want to use these mailers for a dart board.

    How can anyone in San Jose support her dirty tactics? If you are Cindy’s friend, do you not worry that one day she will turn on you as well? Is this the type of Mayor we want for San Jose? I shudder at the thought.

    Get out the vote! ELECT REED for SJ MAYOR!

  39. 38 Richard… a couple of things.

    1.  I checked out that alleged Truman quote you put up on this board.  He never said it, or anything close to it.  You made it up.

    2. Here’s a quote for Cindy:

    “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.” When McCarthy tried to continue his attack, Welch angrily interrupted, “Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?”

    You can actually look that one up.  And Cindy has no sense of decency.

  40. Mal Content,

    You assume the Chron got all their information from one debate?  Are they deaf, dumb and blind. 

    Do you consider they just might read the Merc editorial section once in a while—they are competitors. 

    Have they not covered the race?

    Your thesis is all wrong, their conclusion is correct and your dismissal of their process partisan.

  41. # 27 RR

    Inapropriate to mix religion and government?

    Isn’t God; or references to God in numerous aspects of our government?

    … one nation, under God…

    Place your hand on the bible; do swear to tell the truth….so help you God?

    In God we trust.

    If a person goes to Bible school and can help bring some sanity to those areas of our society that have gone astray, why should that be different from someone receiving organizational training at the South Bay Labor Council?

  42. Good morning!

    A volunteer told me that there was discussion on this blog about our race and whether or not it will be a close one.

    First of all, thank you to those who have been supporting us – we need your help now more than ever.

    Make no mistake: This race will be a close one.

    The last couple elections for the downtown seat have been within a few hundred votes. This one will be another nail-biter.

    We need your help – walking, calling, volunteering in the office – if we want to win this thing.

    Please call if you are interested in helping us in any way during these last six days: 283-0646

    Mikey Lee
    Campaign Manager, Liccardo for City Council

  43. RR, for a while I thought you had toned down your dialog to conincide with the near ending of the campaign. Then you come out with the blast about about the Baptist College and Afgan training camps! I fail to see any difference between any church sponsered university or college. If that’s what they like OK but none have any business being part or sponsered by government and that includes Bush’s piety. But here we are talking about someones own personal preferences for furthering thier education. Too much hair splitting here for me take either side nor should I or you or anyone else.
    My objection to the Chron getting involved in our local politics is because it’s out of thier sphere of influence, regardless of how many subscribe, and it’s really a rag sheet as far as newspapers go. Always has been and looks like it will stay that way. Being the very blind demo that you are I can understand why you like the Chron, I’d sleep well if I read that rag every day from boredom.

  44. RR, Think you need a break or long vacation. You are presuming a lot when you state to Mikey that “you” blew his strategy. Wow! Your rants are meaningless. Go enjoy the beach somewhere and entertain your wife.

  45. #47. Rich: I assume nothing. My comments were based on comments Chron editorial writer John Diaz made on the radio.

    When asked about the process used in the endorsement he said it was based on the answers Chavez gave at a Silicon Valley Leadership Group candidate’s forum he attended. He also said his newspaper did not interview the San Jose candidates. His words, not mine.

    Partisanship is not the issue, nor was it ever in our discussion of this point. In fact, with Chavez about to get a double digit shellacking you can safely assume that partisanship is no longer of any consequence whatsoever. 

    I do agree with you on one point. I suspect the Chronicle editorial staff reads the Merc’s editorial section. How else would they know who is running for Mayor in San Jose?

  46. Thats is why I voted for Sam Liccardo at the end. I’m a life long, okay since I registered three years ago. I believe Sam will do great. Manny just was to the same old thing. I could not stand it anymore.

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