Single Gal and District 3 Election Ethics

There have been several instances of a distinct lack of ethics shown by some candidates and interest groups in this election.  Some glaring examples of “lapses” in ethical conduct are the unscrupulous actions of Manny Diaz, an ethically-challenged candidate for the District 3 San Jose City Council seat. (This is also the opinion of the Mercury News.) Diaz has used the names of neighborhood leader Elizabeth Mattson and respected politician Mike Honda for his campaign pieces, falsely saying they were endorsing him for the election.  This has become carpetbagger Diaz’s method of operation. So where has this unethical behavior gotten him?  In the past, it seems it got him elected. 

Running against Diaz is Sam Liccardo, a smart and charismatic deputy District Attorney who, according to some, will have an “uphill battle” to win against Manny Diaz. All I can say is that this is a pathetic and depressing thought.  Sam Liccardo comes from an upstanding San Jose family of honest and hardworking business owners and public servants.  But if the tactics of Diaz prove to work for him, what will encourage more of the young, smart-minded people like Sam Liccardo to run if his good qualities are not valued?

And if someone like Manny Diaz wins, what does that say for the intelligence and ethics of our voters? I want to have faith that people can see through the mudslinging, lies and unconfirmed endorsements to make the right choice, not only for District 3, but also for all of our city elections.  And I really hope that ethics, truth, honesty and intelligence rule the day today.  Let’s get some smart, honest people in office for a change.

But if these underhanded tactics prove to work, get ready for a slimy political future in San Jose. 


  1. #1

    Give me a break – this is all Diaz’ doing.  He ran the same underhaded, slimy, cheap campaign against another good man named Tony West.  He has to constantly attack because he has no record to run on – this after 15-20 years of “public” service?  He isn’t qualified to do anything else with his life so he continues to run for office.  What a travesty.

    Hopefully the voters have had enough of him and will give Liccardo a chance in D3.

  2. Can you imagine a Council with Manny on it and Cindy as Mayor? While Cindy’s ethics certainly do not sink to Manny’s level, they would make a good team conducting business outside of the public eye.
    Let us hope that D3 voters are smart enough not to put Manny on the Council and city-wide voters do not put Cindy on top of City Hall.

  3. The biggest laugh is your statement “respected Mike Honda”. He’s a joke and unfortunately it looks like he will be with us longer. From my perspective an endorsement from Honda shoule be the kiss of death!

  4. Single Gal, you got it right this time. Fantastic.

    Sam Liccardo is a great guy and has earned the respect of everyone he’s come into contact with.

    #1: My Dad ran a print shop. I asked how probable would it be to make the same incredible mistake. He laughed. Apparently it is possible but highly unlikely. Most printers, certainly my Dad and all the others I worked with after he retired,  have the customer approve the copy before it runs.

    That printer took the blame for Diaz’ lies. It would be interesting to see if he reimbursed Diaz or covered cost or reprinting or never printed for him again.

    Like #2 says, call Sam today and go spend some time volunteering for him.

  5. Yep, looks like you’ve got a general consensus with your opinion of Manny, Single Gal.
    I’ve never heard a SJ voter speak passionately about Manny’s abilities.  He smarmed his way to the State Assembly seat when he falsely claimed Tony West wasn’t a local resident (anyone remember that infamous “Oakland Raider” flyer?)
    I’ve written this before in a previous discussion but for anyone who has cared to attend a District 3 debate it’s obvious that Sam Liccardo is the smartest guy in the race.
    And yet Manny isn’t worried.  He’s been in this situation before.  Tony West was 10x more capable of representing SJ for the State Assembly seat a few years ago.
    Manny, who proves to be the least informed, least prepared and least capable guy in the room, smugly sits back and waits for the uneducated voter to find the Spanish surname on the ballot.  It kills me to think that Manny could soon be representing District 3 and yet another passionate, young candidate like Sam will move on to other ventures.
    Oy vey, I may have to relocate to Rose Garden or Willow Glen.
    Thanks for stating the obvious Single Gal.  Let’s hope voters will care to notice.

  6. I’m shocked, shocked to find that we have carpetbag politicians and sleazy political campaigns going on in San Jose! 

    Really, so you just arrived in San Jose or this is Friday political humor day , to make above statements San Jose has sleazy back room politics for decades – and you are now realizing this – but then we would not want to accuse our upstanding local civic leaders, former or current politicians of practicing sleazy back room politics since they have not been convicted of any violations of our weak or non existent ethics or election laws written with numerous loopholes by same past or current elected officials – Would we? 

    San Jose will continue to repeat sleazy back room politics and what in other cities is considered official misconduct which is not illegal in San Jose until we have adequate laws Gonzales will not be accused of any crime, only bad judgment and poor communications since our current laws don’t define it as public misconduct unless prior to a election it becomes a political embarrassment which is why he was censored or can be used for political advantage as Chamber was penalized last week which a court will overturn

    Wonder why San Jose can not enforce what public thinks are laws or win in court ?  Is it legal incompetence or purposely designed laws with political loopholes?  You decide

  7. Hello

    Seaton did the deed on Tony West with the morph picture, remember???

    From what I have read about Jay James, Seatton also arranged for the person in planning to give a “new interpretation” to the sign laws.  Funny, how the new Planning Director is refusing to release the document in question.  Sunshine laws?  Hollowell does not seem to know what is covered in them.  Notice he is not responding to this.

  8. We should not be shocked that one guy in San Jose Planning is actually planning to import the same antics in Santa Clara.  As a matter of fact, Diaz is backing him as is Jay James, Pat Dando, and good ol’ Darren.  What a team!!!  Ken Yeager, Rich Robinson, Chuck Reed, Dave Pandori


  9. #9 Steve, actually, a number of the individuals listed on Diaz’ endorsements page were never contacted to see they in fact had endorsed him. Expect over the next few weeks to see some of those names being removed.

    Perhaps to be replaced by alternative fake names?

  10. #9. To answer your question: ” Why are people like Linda Lezotte, Rebecca Cohn, Sally Lieber supporting Manny? “
    Answer: Because Phaedra told them to!

  11. 9 – Assuming the names listed actually endorsed Manny, the list is a perfect example of why not to pay attention to endorsements. Generally, it’s a you sratch my back, I’ll scratch yours mentality. Little thought actually goes into whether or not the candidate is competent (look at the endorsements W got for president,)  ethical, or the best person for the office.
    The go-along-to-get-along mindset has current and former electeds endorsing Manny because he is part of the current or former elected “brotherhood.”
    Obviously, many of those who have endorsed him are not concerned about their reputations. Although they have sullied their reputations in the minds of many us, they do not care because most voters are ignorant and uninformed.
    Welcome to politics in SJ.

  12. #10 Vic,  thanks for pointing out the obvious plan of Manny’s to count on uneducated D3 voters to find the hispanic surname.  Cindy is counting on the same thing across all districts and anybody who says otherwise is just as blind as anyone left who still supports Bush.

    No point in moving to the Rosegarden or Willow Glen.  Portions of each, I believe, have landed in D3 in the past and it could happen again when lines are re-drawn.

    And can anybody translate #13 for me?

  13. Ms. Ellis-Lamkins needs to be run out of San Jose.  How do the citizens of San Jose benefit from South Bay Labor Council?  Is San Jose better because of Ms. Ellis-Lamkins?

    Ms. Ellis-Lamkins and South Bay Labor Council do nothing but promote corrupt politicians that abuse our money and our trust.  Enough is enough.  The time has come end this labor bull$hit.

  14. Honest?#17—I’ll answer for Mal. “Phaedra”  is Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, who took over from Amy Dean as the head honcho of the Soth Bay Labor Council, which is arguably the most politically powerful organization in the South Bay.  Phaedra is the puppetmaster that pulls the strings of any politician who wants labor’s endorsement.  Cindy Chavez worked @ SBLC before she became a councilperson.

    Be sure to vote!

  15. The same crew, including Phaedra, are supporting a guy working for San Jose that wants to run for office in Santa Clara, and have also oicked a crew to run in Sunnyvale as well.  You want imported sleaze, like bad imported sausage, going all over the valley, fine.  You want to keep the cesspool in San Jose from spreading, get the people mentioned who are for ethical campaigning to back some good candidates all over.

  16. Silicon Valley Chamber was found in violation of Election Laws not Labor for sleaze mailers

    Developers and hitech corporations that control Silicon Valley Chamber are not paying their fair share of local taxes, while lobbying for more tax credits, tax subsidies or city public projects wecan not afford that primarily benefit large businesses who do not giving back to the community in proportion to their excessive wealth many local residents contribute to making  

    Silicon Valley Chamber has a conflict of interest or little interest in increasing local San Jose jobs and retail sales taxes that pay for city services resulting in our city budget crisis as their Silicon Valley company members have very high profits while laying off more local residents

    Labor is better for San Jose than Silicon Valley Chamber and votes will again show it again with a few objectionable problem politicians

    If San Jose had it’s own Chamber which would support local residents, small businesses and community services – many might agree – not now with Dando and Silicon Valley Chamber

  17. #21. JMoC. Good answer except that instead of strings on puppets I see it as more of a noose around necks. Once that noose is cinched tight it’s very hard to breath without labor’s permission. (“You want me to endorse Manny Diaz? You bet!!!”)

    What’s distressing is the plethora of politicians eager to line up to place their necks into that noose.

    We like to pretend that unions have no real clout in non-union Silicon Valley but any politician who wants to get elected quickly learns that while not necessarily great in numbers, local organized labor is well-organized. They contribute dollars, walk precincts, put up signs and tend to vote the union slate. It’s enough to tip the scales.

  18. Mal Content

    Aren’t they wanna be politicians that after labor supports their election no matter how ethically challenged, lacking in judgement or brainless they become local elected politicians? 

    If they go along they get along and can have a political career So if you are a wanna be politician, there is only 1 game in San Jose since Chamber or Republicans even in Dando’s district do not have a message that local voters will support or independent organization and money to get them elected

  19. #30. If only it were so.

    Just look at the current SJ City Council to see how many have broken free of the labor noose after being elected with labor’s backing.

    You raise the issue of the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber and Labor are different sides of the same coin IMHO.  Both are special interest groups that most voters do not belong to. The mistake voters make is to allow these groups to dominate the landscape.

    Mal sez a little independence is a good thing.

  20. I am supporting Cindy Chavez for Mayor because I believe she is the best qualified candidate for Mayor.  I also believe that Cindy and other members of the San Jose City Council do have to take a long hard look at all the discontent out there in San Jose and there are a lot of bloggers here, letter writers to the Mercury News, and people who make their views known in other venues that are very angry and disatisfied with the state of affairs in the city.  Those views need to be recognized and addressed.

    I do feel that no one out there would find it comforting to be in the situation we are in down the street in Santa Clara where candidates for office are raising money for the election, and serving on the Campaign Ethics Committee.  Their desire to lock out the public from participatin while writing commendations for themselves shows that at least in San Jose, there is a venue at the Elections Committee where citizens are attempting to police the process, and they have some on the City Council trying to make the commission process as diverse as possible unlike in the Mission City where it is a list at the Sports Bar between council members that winds up getting approved.  I am very naive, I suppose.  But sometimes can we have some effort to put citizens and not candidates in the watchdog seat?

  21. It doesn’t surprise me, when I opened the San Jose Mercury paper this morning and what did I see not one mention of the candidates seeking office for Mayor of San Jose.
    Again, Thank you to those of you who supported me till the end, KLIV, TJ Holmes of channel 11.

    “Just one of us, restoring the Pride of San Jose”

    It is clear that the people of the City of San Jose want a fresh approach to how we do business in city hall. The people of San Jose want leadership and direction, not politics.
    With 37% of the votes still undecided, you still can change San Jose for the better.

    With your vote
    I will fix and restore the city’s budget and stop wasteful spending.
    I will make certain that I have an open door policy with everyone.
    I will keep community centers open.
    I will work 7 days a week and countless hours to fix San Jose’s problems.
    I will make sure our roads and sidewalks get fixed.
    I will cut $50,000.00 off the Mayor’s annual salary! No other candidate will do this.
    I will create new ways to bring new jobs and industry to our communities.
    I also will ensure that safety remains a priority for our schools and neighborhoods.

    The City of San Jose is a diverse city and deserves a real, honest, and strong leader

    With your vote we can become not only a special city, but also a great city.

    I am “Just one of us, restoring the Pride of San Jose.”
    Please visit my website at

    Thank you,

    Larry Flores

    (408) 978-2958 Home
    (408) 422-6154 Cell

  22. #20 who wants to run Phaedra out of town.

    Wow!  I could not disagree with you more.  Phaedra has a constintuency that she represents well.  I disagree with some, if not much, of what she does; but there is no way I can subscribe to your notion.

    There are a lot of union reps who are out for only themselves—e.g., the disastrous retail clerks’ strikes @ markets in SopCal a couple of years back.  They kept a very ill-advised strike going for way too long while the rank and file drew unemployment and they drew their full salaries as union reps.  I for one am not ready to consign Phaedra to that group.

    I disagree with many of her choices, but I have a lot of respect for her and the SBLC’s ability to organize, mobilize, and deliver for what they believe in. The Chamber of Commerce should be so involved and effective. I don’t think you can “dis” someone for being good at what they do…unless, of course, they are criminals.

    It’s like Dan the Salamander Lover.  He and I disagree on the balance that needs to be struck between environmental protection and real estate development; but I could never say I want him run out of town.

    Phaedra and Dan, no matter how much I may disagree with their goals/objectives, bring the balance we need to offset folks like me (and you) on the other side of the fence.

    Far from running them out of town, we need to engage in a dialogue with them to come up with mutually acceptable solutions to troubling problems.

  23. Mal # 25—I could not agree more with your last paragraph.  SBLC puts its money and its feet where its mouth is.  They are the best in the south bay; which is even more remarkable since this isn’t really union territory, like New England, where I was born.

  24. Was this all Diaz’s idea, or did Farren Seaton, who is hiding under his desk during all this discussion, play the major part in the unetical action?

    Did the printer, as Seaton claims did it all, really deserve the blame?

  25. To #36

    Actually Cindy was four years ahead of me, and never went to school with any member of the San Jose City Council except Ken Yeager.  Voted for someone else in that race.

    That’s the truth, Mr. Too Afraid to tell Cindy what your name is. 

    How do you support high density in downtown anc create sprawl??  Sorry, I was not asleep, since they said it cannot be done.  You must have been.

  26. Well, SingleGal, for once you and I are in complete agreement.

    Sam Liccardo is a remarkable individual; he has shown himself to be thoughtful and knowledgeable about San Jose and Council District 3.  He has worked harder than any other candidate during the campaign, reached out to a more diverse base than any other candidate and has always done so with the utmost respect towards all.

    He has run not just a clean and ethical campaign but a smart one as well. He has the support of the Presidents of 21 different District 3 neighborhoods and neighborhood advisory committees – none of his opponents can say the same.

    He has been endorsed by two former Mayors, and former Councilmembers as well as a highly diverse group of organizations ranging from the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters to business groups.

    Liccardo runs a campaign with a diverse group of incredible volunteers and his family can be seen daily volunteering as well. Liccardo is also very modest, getting him to acknowledge his many virtues is impossible. But, he lives his life openly and shows those around him just what an intelligent, thoughtful and charismatic person he is through his actions.

    I’m delighted to be a volunteer for his campaign and look forward to watching him take office in January. You can learn more about his positions by checking the website I would urge anyone who has the time to call the office today and volunteer if only for a few hours – Sam Liccardo is the kind of man that everyone would be proud to have representing them in elected office.

  27. ABC, I know.  Who’da thunk he’d even do better than 3rd place?  I’ll vote for him in November but sure wish it was anyone else besides him against Cindy in that match-up.

  28. A town of nearly a million and under 100k vote for mayor after a scandal-riden administration.  Says a lot about apathy.

    Reed raises $413k & Chavez raises $708k, and Reed outpolls her.  A good sign

    Let’s hope all the Mulcahy and Pandori supporters go to the polls in November for Reed. 

    Who will Cortese support in the general election?

  29. Dear Mr. O’Connor,

    Thank you for your questions, I won’t make my answers to long
    Lets start with
    I will do a complete audit working side by side with auditors,
    I was an auditor for my local Union and along with my work colleagues we started new programs to oversee all expenditures from A to Z, we cut all the wasteful spending. I oversaw it on a weekly basis. Yes, it takes a lot of work but the new mayor has to do this weekly or the budget will continue to be in a deficit (The Mayor has to work seven days a week). Take the deficit plus the cost of the new City Hall and that’s the real deficit that people aren’t talking about.
    Community Centers, this should have been done two years ago not now, but anyways there’s plenty of non-profit organizations to pay and share these centers, they should not be given 100% to these organizations, they can also pay for the tab of an overseer of them so that the city pays no out of cost to keep them open.
    I have come up with a no cost program for the city to fix 30 to 50 % of roads and sidewalks, (but we’ll have to sit down for this one) it’s matter of getting all local contractors to donate time and material and in return they can get local tax breaks and other incentives. (This is possible no one has attempted it yet)
    I will aggressively get what past Mayors have let go, companies that want to work here in San Jose and I will be a vocal and helping Mayor for them, I will not turn my back on Business for our City. Currently companies are forgotten about and to me this has been this administrations biggest mistake they have taken everything for granted. 
    I believe in education not incarceration, I believe that a Mayor has to work with local enforcement to help parents with their youth. I will also work with companies to hire trouble youth; I have currently been involved in hiring gang members and turning their lives around. 

    Thank you,

    Larry Flores

  30. #45 Ken
    I just read in the Willow Glen Resident that Chuck was the only council person to vote against the stronger and clearer historic preservation guidelines.  What was that all about?  That clearly makes him the councilperson with the worst voting record on historic preservation.  He was tied with Cindy for last place.  I have always thought he was a smart businessman, but now?  Is he not aware of the fact that historic preservation is good for buisness?  If given the facts could he be educated or does he just dislike San Jose’s historic resources?

  31. Time for all the David Pandori and Michael Mulcahy supporters and climb on the bandwagon.  None of you thought Reed would be the last one standing.  Looking forward to reading all the posts in the coming days.

  32. #51
    One very important trick.  Today is the day for Chuck to celebrate.  Next week he better figure out why 18% of the vote wanted David Pandori.  He is smart but needs to grow if he wants to be a great mayor.

  33. #53:  Not voting for an otherwise good candidate due to one issue?  It must be a very important issue.  As important as police and fire protection?  As important as a good road system, that’s in a good state of repair?  As important as health care delivery and good schools, fullk of teachers for whom striking for more dough is not their top priority?

  34. 55 – You break this down into right and left and Republican and Democratic, etc. It is not that at all. It is the difference between records—Cindy’s is one of deception, closed government, and secret deals. Chuck’s is one of open government, principled voting, and doing the right thing. Makes no difference what party affiliation is or who is liberal and who is consevative. San Jose wants new government and Cindy can’t deliver that. Chuck can come closer. Pandori would have been the best but Chuck is not a bad second.

  35. Spinster:

    Please tell me you aren’t sailing that sinking ship down the river of denial. Dr. No does the right thing when its politically expedient—and like your friend Pandori—takes the back door to collect the check from the very people he decries as part of the problem. Don’t worry, during this election, you will see a very different Chuck Reed. He has held his own “private” meetings with his lobbyist friends (Vic Ajlouny, an ethically challenged man if ever there was one, is managing his campaign and collecting dollars for future backroom deals as we speak). Chuck believes in open government like I believe Barry Bonds didn’t take steroids—sure he denies it but in reality his trainer is shooting him up still today—and Chuck and Tricky Vic are the same way. His “holier-than-thou” campaign theme is nothing but a sham.

    As for Chavez’s deceptive practices—don’t listen to the Merc. Phil Yost and his compadres are setting her up—why, cause the elitist owners of the Merc don’t want anyone who won’t kiss their proverbial rings and genuflect in their direction as Mayor—you don’t wanna hear that but everyone knows its true.

    Why do you think they go after her with stories that would make Jayson Blair, he of the fabricated NY Times stories, blush…because they can’t get her on anything substantive. Believe me, the Merc guys refused to acknowledge mistakes they made on the following three stories:

    1.) Grand Prix story: They know the meetings Chavez had with the Grand Prix people were done in a VERY open style. They were post race meetings to see how the race went, if it benefited the city financially (cause if Chuck Reed would get off his lazy ass and actually look at the record, he would see that but Dr. No just doesn’t want to cause its easier that way) and if the city wanted to continue the relationship. The reason the Merc did a Jayson Blair imitation was to benefit the Chamber’s campaign against Chavez AND to help get Reed into the final. (And if you look at their poll, you will see they deliberately put Chuck in a weaker position in their questionnaire/poll results to make sure he could look like “the surprise winner.”)

    2.) The NorCal story—The editors at the Merc know that Chavez was no where NEAR that unmitigated disaster. That was Ron and his Chief of Staff who did that deal in the dead of night in San Jose. They circumvented the Council, the City Manager and the entire damn process. Dr. No was FULLY aware that Chavez and his fellow council members knew nothing of this and yet lied at the debate and throughout the campaign about her non-involvement.  So Dr. No just says, “No, I knew NOTHING about this…I am just dismayed, upset … blah blah blah…” And then Chuckie and company get the Merc fools to do a Fox News imitation and completely fabricate the story until it sound true. Spinster, go ahead, ask Chuck about it…all you will get is the usual “Dr. No” or really it should be “Dr. No-Nothing.”

    3.) The non-coverage of the illegal and malicious actions of Chuck’s friends at the Chamber—aka Pat “I shoulda been Mayor” Dando:

    The Chamber, at the urging of Chuck’s manager in a very quiet way, engaged in a $500,000 plus campaign to just destroy Chavez. No substantive arguments, just Fox News-like innuendo that lands a body blow to voters. Not only does Dando’s own members go after her in the Chamber (one member literally said that the Chamber board had NO IDEA Dando had done this). And yet, despite spending $500K Chuck really only won by a few points—all because his base came in. Now, Dando stands to lose her job because she “failed to inform the Chamber Board of her actions and how those illegal actions have impacted the Chamber’s ability to conduct political action and education activities.”

    So you think the Merc, like any reasonably good newspaper, would put that story front and center so as to shed light on it—I mean, Spinster, you would certainly expect that right?  Nope, their managing editor and his team made the decision, that day, to bury the story in the newspaper and on the Web site so as not to offend their friends at the Chamber.

  36. Oh, btw, what does Open Government, Open Society Chuck say about this negative campaigning—strangely nothing. Why, cause he benefits from it and will be their “boy” in the Mayor’s office. Why, cause CHUCK IS A REPUBLICAN who is committed more to giving his friends in certain ventures a leg up at the expense of truly open government. You don’t believe me, go look at his voting record and ask for a copy of his council meeting schedule—imagine your surprise at not finding meetings on that schedule that should have been posted to it. Think Dave Cortese’s recent bout with that issue of secret meetings.

    Vic Aljouny is running a Karl Rove-type of campaign that involves the politics of personal destruction. I liken to what the Republicans did to Max Cleland in Georgia. And now, because Chavez won’t kiss the rings, the gloves come off against her.

    And Spinster, lose the false naivete about this not being about their not being a difference who is liberal, conservative, moderate or pragmatic. Because, if you represent a single-minded constituency like the Chamber, you are a slave to that master. And we all know the Pat Dando’s, et al of the world do not want a Democrat, particularly Chavez, in the office—particularly one is so committed to a balanced approach to government. 

    And you don’t wanna talk about Chuck’s record spinster as compared to Cindy’s. Chuck’s reputation on this Council is not one of building bridges or creating compromise. He is generally regarded as know-it-all sanctimonious preacher-type who decries politics on the one and proceeds to engage in those same practices out the back door with his Republican benefactors. And Dr. No has a documented history of voting politics over good policy when his Republican friends gain from it—even at the expense of the greater city good.

    And you saying Chuck Reed can deliver new government is about as laughable as it gets—the man has an ethically challenged LOBBYIST running his campaign. You call that a new government—you are must be sniffing glue or drinking Drano, cause their ain’t NO WAY thats gonna happen with Chuck Reed in the Mayor’s office and with Tricky Vic as his puppet master.

    More importantly, the more conservative elements in this city are out to get Chavez. Why, I have NO idea. But I would guess its because she won’t play the “good little girl” role and suck up to those who control both organizations. And believe me, if you know anything about politics in this city, you know by not being “the good little girl” gets you bad stories—and continued threats of bad stories.

    Now, if you want to, lets get to the real substance of this campaign—the neighborhoods, the economy, education, health care and building for the future. BUT if you want to get into a discussion about ethical behavior—your boy Chuck lives in a glass house surrounded by one big ass stone garden.

  37. Where Reed finished on June 6th is a COMPLETE misreading of the November election. Anyone who knows and understands politics and campaigns knows full well that Chuck had a base no one could go into successfully. Chavez, Cortese and, to a degree, Pandori, fought over much of the same pie.  Look at the numbers and you will see that. Saying Chuck had some kind of surprise win here is a gross misstatement of what actually happened on the 6th.

    Why. Because no one focused on Chuck at all—(lets face it, the guy is boring…and no one likes him outside of his N. San Jose area). And he operated from a very strict, conservative (in some cases right wing) base in North San Jose which no one went into. So, in effect, Chuck’s base came out and thats about it.

    Chavez, Cortese and Pandoori fought over alot of the same territory and the result reflects that. 

    Now, as for Chuck winning in November—I don’t see it. One, Chuck is now in the hot seat and he will have to defend his own record on the Council. If its Chavez and Reed in a head-to-head matchup, Chuck will have a tougher time trying to explain a record which is anti-working family, anti-small business and is wracked with so-many political inconsistencies that it makes his so-called “Reed Reforms” look like just another lie. Not to mention, Chuck’s consigliere in the Chamber, Pat Dando, threw everything PLUS the kitchen sink at Chavez and the woman still survived and indeed did well (finishing 2nd by 4 pts). Chuck did not suffer the same slings and arrows—but now, Chuck will have deal with the “sunshine” on his own record.

    Two, Chuck is not a very likable guy. Call him Dr. “No”…because thats ALL Chuck says. He says, I always say “No” when the Council wants to do anything. He talks about his “Reed Reforms” like he is the most sanctimonious, self-righteous individual in this race, criticizing how things are run in San Jose—and yet has no problem taking money from those who would do business with city and then acts with surprise when his pals at the Chamber conduct an illegal and malicious attack on Chavez—for no other reason other than Dando (a person who desperately wanted to be Mayor herself) hates Chavez. Its gonna be fun watching Chuck and his Republican friends try to defend his own actions—in direct contrast to his supposed “Reed Reforms.”

    Third, he styles himself as some kind of “conscience” of the SJ City Council—but he hires a ethically challenged lobbyist to run his campaign, has held private meetings with lobbyists in direct contrast with his cry for more “open government” and, now that he is in the spotlight, the heavy end of the political hammer will be dropped on him like his buddies in the Chamber and on the right wing dropped it on everyone else, especially Chavez.

    Its gonna be fun watching Chuck wilt when the political heat starts focusing on him.

  38. Looks like the Chavez spinsters are back! Downtown Brown – do you actually believe all that crap that you are saying? Chavez is the victim in all of this? Yea, right. Keep dreaming that she is going to pull away votes from Reed. Remember, he got more votes than her in the primary with 3 other candidates. Maybe a few Cortese fans may vote for her but Pandori and Mulcahy’s supporters – no way. Nice try though.

  39. Downtown—Do you really believe the delusional rantings that you posted here? You must be a paid shill—nobody would spend that much time writing a tirade like that if they weren’t getting paid by the word.
    What makes you think my main source if information is the Mercury? It is not. Most of it is first-hand knowledge and there is nothing you can say that would cause me (or anyone I know) to vote for Chavez.
    You can sit and spin all day and spew out your unsubstantiated propaganda but very few of the Reed, Pandori, Mulcahy, or Cortese supporters will be voting for Chavez.
    Nice try. Keep spinning.

  40. Let me respond to all …including “to the point”

    First, not a Chavez spinster. I actually thought Mike Mulcahy wouldn’t have been a bad choice, in my opinion. Good guy, smart, strong business background and probably would have made the new Council a little more responsive. Second, the reason for my long-winded tome (perhaps too long winded) is that, as a voter, I am just sick and damn tired of every City Council member playing fast and loose with the truth, accusing other members of it and then having the unmitigated gall to act self-righteous about it. Listen, Chavez might not be perfect but when EVERYONE is beating up on her for transgressions they themselves have committed, I got a real damn problem with that. And as voters, Spinster, et al, you should too.

    Not too mention, I may not even vote again in the runoff cause I just think we can’t win either way. Unless, I can get someone to answer the things that me and my family care about—like safe neighborhoods (I love Downtown—its a great little place), a better economic outlook for the city, making sure we diversify that economy but by the same token, I don’t mind paying a little extra to help others get health care (I really don’t!) because I think a healthier society is more economically productive anyway. Not too mention getting some money so that schools can modernize—jesus, we are the 10th largest city in America and our schools, in many cases, are a bloody disaster…but I digress.

    Back to my point.

    It should be noted that not one of you, Interestingly enough, denies the fact that Chuck talks a great game and delivers absolutely nothing. Unless he can’t get something out of it for himself or his district—his “vision” doesn’t extend much beyond that.

    He is just as guilt of secret meetings as you claim Chavez, Cortese or others are. It’s his stock and trade throughout his career in politics. I am not the only one to call Chuck “Dr. No”, a guy who has become angry, a little bitter and little more than a naysayer about everything that might benefit the city as a whole. He really is known on the Council for doing nothing but either saying no or complaining about how his district gets nothing in a particular bill. For you to say otherwise (which NONE of you have btw) means you are either lying or just downright ignorant of the political world.

    Stop talking about Chuck like he is some bloody paragon of virtue. He’s not…by a VERY long shot. And while he decries the Council for a “lack of open government”, he sure as hell doesn’t mind benefiting from a closed, “secret” government as long as it benefits his own political future—as my last post and this article clearly demonstrates….

    So before you go criticizing ANYONE about their political motives, be it Chavez or the bloody man in the moon, be careful, cause like I said, you can jump on Chavez all you want but you best be aware your boy Chuck’s glass house still has ALOT of rocks around it. If you don’t believe me, look at the article again…

    Oh, and Spinster, unless you have some magical powers of persuasion (or you are Pat Dando and are gonna try and conduct a “secret” campaign against Chavez with your own $500K)—this is gonna be a long hard fought campaign. So strap in Sport…

  41. To “Bedtime for Gonzo” (seriously, great name by the way…TOTALLY digging it…):

    Look at the numbers again, Chavez, Pandori and Mulcahy fought over the same pie. NO ONE went into Chuck’s base. If you take Pandori’s 17 percent (given where he lives in downtown as his base) Chavez gets at least 8 to 10 points out of that. By my count, that puts Chuck into a very distant second place. His numbers downtown were abysmal (I think he was 3rd or 4th).

    If this is a two-person race, Chavez has a distinct advantage for that reason alone. She will beat Chuck downtown and isolate him in his base—no matter what evil Tricky Vic pulls from his bag.

    Listen, I don’t hate or even dislike Chuck. If he proves to me he can talk about the issues, I might just vote for him. Hell, SJ could use a steady hand—just not a self-righteous one.
    Do me a favor, just get him to talk about the issues and stop acting like a damn Sunday preacher whose conversion to the light lasts until Sunday services end when we then find him committing the very sins he so decries.

  42. I think that you are wrong when you say that Chavez, Pandori and Mulcahy were vying for the same voters. I don’t think that anything could be farther from the truth. Someone who would think about voting for Pandori or Mulcahy would NEVER vote for Cindy. She already “beat” Chuck in D3 in the primary and he whipped everyone else in every other district except Evergreen and Willow Glen. Cindy should get some votes in Evergreen but probably not in Willow Glen. All she has is the downtown base and I don’t think that can carry her.

    I am all for the candidate actually talking about the issues but Cindy is the worst! She either didn’t show up to forums or when she got asked question about North San Jose, she would give some answer about education. I found Chuck to be very straightforward – what you see is what you get.

  43. #63
    Where were you before 6-6?  You are just a Cindy agent using an other name .  That is ok but please don’t expect us to think you are anything less.  Don’t try and say Chuck is like all the rest, making backroom deals like Cortese. Only Cindy’s camp claimed Cortese made backroom deals. The only people we claim have made backroom deals are Ron and Cindy.  I am not on board the Chuck Wagon yet but if Chuck is Dr. No then Cindy is Pussy Galore.  She just can’t say no.  She couldn’t say no to the $499,000,000 city hall, the $11,000,000 Norcal scandal, the $4,000,000 behind closed doors grand prix deal, the $40,000,000 land purchase for a ball park with no team or public support, a $7,000,000 tent, the $8,000,000 Tropicana and now the $80,000,000 Earthquake deal.  If that wasn’t enough she couldn’t say no to tearing down our historic landmarks, like the Markovitz and Fox building, I.B.M. Building#25 and the Del Monte Plant #3.
    Chuck is not perfect by a long shot.  He has a miserable record on historic preservation also.  But if you compare voting records you will find Chuck wasted far less of our tax dollars and has not lied to the public the way Cindy has.  He stood up to Gonzo, respected the public process, shown up at the debates and talked about the issues.  If you wanted better than Chuck, you should have voted for Pandori.

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