Shirakawa Destroyed After Breaking Ankles

Fatal Injury During Precinct Walk Overshadows Supervisor Race

George Shirakawa, Jr., the presumptive favorite in the race for supervisor in District 2, was tragically euthanized on Sunday as he lay on a lonely sidewalk of a cul-de-sac with two broken ankles during a weekend precinct walk.

“He didn’t have the legs to stand on to be splinted,” said Dr. Kyle Halvorson. “In my years in politics and animal husbandry, I have never seen this happen to a candidate.”

Because of his impressive burst out of the gates in this race, and his ability to build such a large lead, speculation immediately turned to his handlers and whether or not they were pumping him full of performance enhancing drugs, an abusive technique rife in the political world.

As much as can piece together, it was a perfect day for precinct walking— sunny day, people tending to their gardens, squirrels talking to one another—and then: SNAP! SNAP! And George went down.

“It was an awful sound,” said one resident. “And then the sound of the gun—just awful.”

Neighbors said that Mr. Shirakawa made it around the few turns in the street with ease and was galloping strongly back down the opposite side when he stepped on a rogue sprinkler head and went down in a heap.

“We just don’t like to destroy politicians like this,” said Dr. Halvorson. “The political world has lost not only an incredibly dedicated public servant, but also the potential windfall of future candidates from any studding capabilities.”


  1. Once again we are confronted with the results of breeding political animals without consideration for the genetic consequences. Overspecializing any organism is fraught with risk, but the selective process used in producing Mr Shirakawa left him dangerously ill-equipped to deal with the kind of physical obstacles (such as sprinkler heads) encountered daily by people who work for a living. Though he suffered from many defects, the impact of the particular genetic disorder that felled candidate Shirakawa (from the Humptus Dumptius allele family) had undoubtedly been aggravated by his exhaustive training regimen of marathon sitting, aerobic handshaking, and repetitive backslapping. An additional factor to consider was his questionable dietary strategy of eating from only two food groups: high-fat and free.

  2. I realize John’s weekly columns are supposed to be satire, but there is a fine line between satire and mean – and he has crossed that line. Maybe the editors on this blog should also review the statements of the writers, not just those who comment on the various articles. I also hope that when this gets published in next week’s Metro, it will indicate that this piece is supposed to be satire. Someone who reads this article in Metro and is unfamiliar with John’s writings may think this is true.

  3. Sorry John but I fail to see the humor in this one. George is a wonderful man who worked hard to help youth, and animals while in office. I don’t think he deserves this kind of pot shot.
    While running his campaign, his opponent Richard Hobbs has been in the Mercury News several times and been reprimanded by the county for some pretty unethical acts. If any one deserves being investigated this guy should be. It makes me wonder what a real tragedy it would be for him to become the new BOS for Pete’s district, instead of George. Now that is something to fear!

  4. 4. I disagree.

    George is what I call a “full-time politician”. When he sat on the San Jose City Council, the reason he voted against the Children’s Health Initiative was just so that he can score some brownie points then-Mayor Ron Gonzales to ask Shirakawa as Vice Mayor.

    My support is with Richard.

  5. Hobbs is unethical?? Shirakawa wrote the book on that. He is among the least qualified folks to ever be elected to the Council. I realize that is a very large pool, but George comes up short in the ethics department on a regular basis. The fact that he even has a chance of being elected is an embarrassment to our county.

  6. Using the County’s OHR Newsletter, and OHR’s Annual report to take credit for the hard work of others, and to use those resources as a campaign flier is about the worst kind of practice by a politician I’ve seen thus far. Name me ONE department head that puts a PHOTO and a personal BIO on an annual report! To send campaign literature to employees via their work email, asking for money and volunteers is UNETHICAL. Once he was exposed in the Mercury News for doing this, he didn’t even have the integrity to own up to it and apologize. Instead he chose to do what all corrupt politicians do, deny, deny, deny! A County rep “would not” publicly state that they had to reprimand him for something that, according to Hobbs, didn’t happen! Is that the kind of BOS you want in office? 
    Hobbs put up signs intentionally to mislead the public into thinking that he was “already,” a County BOS! (Save your breath, I know in some circles that is seen as acceptable, but his deception doesn’t end with misleading letter head and signs!) This coupled with the fact that during one of his MANY immigration forums on why illegals should have amnesty and drivers licenses, he sat with Human Relations Commissioners on the dais, with a name placard that DID NOT distinguish him as STAFF rather than a Commissioner, unlike his predecessors who would never have behaved in such a self serving, unprofessional manner. This further illustrates his lust for power and his eagerness to mislead the public into thinking of him in a much more powerful position than he really is.
    Since Hobbs has taken over OHR, immigration issues have been the main focus of that office, and under HIS direction so has the HRC’s. Homelessness, low-income housing, lack of affordable health care, senior issues, the loss of legal resources for low income citizens to preserve their rights under the law, and other vital issues that Jim McEntee would be championing for have fallen completely to the wayside. Why, under Hobbs direction, have those issues not been addressed?
    I guess you should ask yourself a few honest questions about Hobbs like why did he really go on school boards, and take the position at OHR? Is it because he really cares about ALL citizens, regardless of color, or was it a stepping-stone to fulfill his own PERSONAL agenda? Does he have the right to use his position as OHR Director to further his own agenda, or should he have been addressing vital social issues other than just immigration? Does he have the right to use County resources as a way to publicize himself, and what true accomplishments can he really boast about? As Supervisor would he be a fair representative to ALL races and issues or just one?

  7. Ok yes, Richard did make a mistake and overlooked his contact info. It’s not like he emailed every single county email in Santa Clara

    Secondly, what is REALLY unethical is the fact that SOMEONE in the County had leaked the INTERNAL memo from Richard’s Boss (aka County honcho Pete Kutras). That was that memo that stated that Richard should not use County information for campaign/personal use. Now tell me, how does an internal memo get leaked to the Mercury News? hmm….just in time for election season.

  8. Well well, Cortese and Shirakawa are two of our fine team of prospects per the Mercury. And the legacy of both? The City’s budget and parkland added not to mention NCH all catastrophies. I never could figure out what George Jr. meant the evening when a resident suggested (requoted less insultingly) that The Councilman did not represent well the legacy of his father regarding the Tropicana debacle. The Councilman’s response “If my father was alive we would not even be having this meeting”. What? Then at the end he condescendingly told the audience whose majority was against “You just don’t understand the big picture.” Any help?

  9. #8 – Rookie Jr.:

    Truly, you are correct that leaking that memo seems sneaky. Keep in mind, however, that County memos like that are public information, and a “Public Information Request” would have produced that memo for the Mercury News, and that all it would have taken is for someone WHO HAD KNOWLEDGE of the memo to tell the Merc. That, however, does not negate all the unethical actions that Kathleen pointed out.  Those are actions taken by Mr. Hobbs himself, and as a public figure and Candidate for Supervisor, he should be accountable for them.

    It is interesting to me that Mr. Hobbs started off as an immigration attorney, and, thus far, instead of broadening his horizons to include new programs, he has stayed with immigration as, what seems like, his sole concern.  Do we really want a ‘one issue’ candidate as our next Supervisor?

  10. #8- Rookie Jr. “Ok yes, Richard did make a mistake and overlooked his contact info. It’s not like he emailed every single county email in Santa Clara.”
    You are kidding right? County employees under his leadership were being pressured by him to support him both by giving financial contributions, and/or volunteering on his campaign. That is just plain unacceptable period. He didn’t “make a mistake,” he knowingly did it to further himself. Imagine “your boss,” sending you something like that at work. How would you feel if you didn’t want to support him/her for that political position? Also you would feel twice as pressured because you got it at work. Wouldn’t you fear you’d lose your job if you didn’t support him/her?

    Secondly, the public has the right to know what Hobbs did. He was using taxpayer-funded resources to spread his campaign literature at NO financial cost to himself or his campaign. OHR has a list of THOUSANDS of community email contacts that is NOT readily available to other candidates. How is that fair to other candidates, or we tax payers do you think it is for him to use that list? How do you think that kind of behavior reflects on the Office Of Human Relations and all the hard work they do in our community? And one very important point that you left out was that Hobbs denied it! He never even acknowledged doing it, nor did he apologize for it.
    I have attended almost every one of the immigration forums put on by Hobbs, and I want to point out several strong concerns I have about his view of this issue. Rarely is any culture mentioned in these forums than the ones from Mexico. (Last I looked we had immigrants here from all over the world who need our help and understanding.) It is always filled with the same group of people, and students Hobbs collaborates with. The same issue of driver’s licenses for illegals, equal education for illegals, etc. is at the forefront of the forum.
    In one forum he proclaimed that in Mexico laws are different from the US, and because of that we must allow some leniency, and special circumstances for both legal and illegal immigrants in our jails. He gave the example of drinking and driving. He said in Mexico, it is NOT illegal to drink and drive so when these immigrants do that here and get arrested, we need to treat them “different,” from citizens of the US. He further went on to say that court translators need to be trained to be more, “culturally competent, and sensitive.” He insinuated that these paid professional translators, who by the way, have NO vested interests in the out come of what the person they are translating for says or does, were not doing a good enough job conveying these poor criminals excuses. I just about threw up.
    Hobbs has a very big grudge against the Police Department, the DA’s office, and our judicial system. He has a strong anti “white,” and establishment mentality. He doesn’t play by the rules that the rest of us do, and uses everyone and everything he can to get what he wants.
    For example, go look at the immigration classes he designed for San Jose City College. They are ALL geared toward immigrant leaders/students ONLY. When a few of us “white” professionals expressed an interest in taking the course to improve our skill sets, we received a big lecture from Hobbs on how immigrants are really intimidated by, educated “whites,” and that we really should NOT take the class because these poor immigrants need a class for themselves and others like them, so they can feel free to speak their mind and learn how to be strong leaders, without feeling uncomfortable with us in the room.

    Now that is the worst kind of manipulation and racism I’ve seen in a very long while. If you want to vote for someone like that, well then I feel sorry for you. George may have his faults, but I’ve never seen him do half the self-serving, unethical, discriminating things to get a head as Hobbs has. And if by chance he loses the race for BOS, and I hope he does, I hope his bosses don’t allow him back into oHR as the Director. He has done more damage than good to that office. Jim McEntee would have been pretty disappointed in the direction Hobbs has taken this community based office in since his passing.

  11. If Kathleen has such a personal grudge against someone then you know they must be good at what they do.  I was undecided on this race, but it appears Hobbs is the best candidate.


  12. 11 – try taking a closer look at george. it’s clear you don’t like hobbs—we get that. what we don’t get is if you are so concerned about ethics, why do you give george a pass? seems like your bias is showing. shouldn’t you demand the same level of ethical behavior of all candidates? if so, you should do your homework about george.

  13. #13- Personal bias or liking or disliking Hobbs has NOTHING to do with it. Everything I said about Hobbs is the truth and is easily verifiable, even if you don’t want to admit or acknowledge it.
    Since you clearly do not like George, why don’t you use this opportunity to give us some facts you seem to tout having? You seem so sure he’s done much worse things than Hobbs, so I want to see some facts from you on the unethical behaviors of George.

    Show me a candidate or politician that is as pure as the driven snow and I’ll buy you lunch. We are always forced to choose between the lesser of two evils and between Hobbs and George; I’d take George hands down.

  14. #14 – Private Eye –

    I have taken a close look at both candidates.  No, George is not perfect.  No candidate is.  FDR had a long affair – cheated on his wife.  So did Jefferson.  Andrew Jackson blatantly ignored a ruling in favor of the Indians by the Supreme Court – some might say he violated a Supreme Court Ruling.  All these Presidents were popular, but all had their weaknesses – weaknesses we would agree are wrong and hurtful in some way. But, to take that example, as much as I do not favor or support someone cheating on their spouse, it, to me, Compared to violating a Supreme Court Ruling, it is the lesser of two evils. 
    Now, I am not saying that anyone here cheated on their spouse, or violated a Court Ruling.  I am saying, however, that with all that Richard Hobbs has done in his career as a public servant, how does that compare to whatever it is that George has done?  I would argue that whatever George has done pales in comparison to Richard Hobb’s unethical actions. 
    In addition, George is a caring individual – he cares about the whole community, and will tackle any issue that comes before him.  Richard Hobbs has shown that he will ignore other issues in order to focus on the Immigration Issue. 

    I, too, will take George hands down. 

    #9 – SJ Native –
    The Councilman’s response “If my father was alive we would not even be having this meeting”.

    I was not at this meeting you talk about, and have no clue as to what was being talked about.  Maybe, however, he was saying that if his father were alive, then his father would be the one in public service.  Certainly, George Sr. was revered by many in the community.  Could that be?

  15. #12- Your comment has nothing what so ever to do with the topic at hand. SJI’s Editor has been pretty clear that we are not to bash one another, or make personal remarks about one another just because we disagree. What part of that didn’t you get?

  16. Rookie Jr.,

    Ok, so tell me the details of George’s transgression.  That is a pretty broad accusation you are making; one that deserves to be fleshed out, and judged on it’s merits. 


  17. #18- Rookie Jr., Now if that is the oldest trick in the book and very typical of someone who can’t combat the facts already given and who tries to deflect an issue by trying to take an intellectual discussion into a personal pissing match. Well, it won’t work. I’m not going to play that game with you. 
    We are still waiting for you to provide some kind of proof to back up your claims about George. Side stepping the issue with smart remarks makes it pretty obvious that you work for Hobb’s campaign, and that the best you can do is make insinuations about George but can’t back it up with any facts.
    If you had any real integrity you’d just openly admit you support Hobbs and tell us why.

  18. #19-” George LITERALLY using tax-payers money at his own expense?” Okay, let’s see your proof.

    In answer to your question, Hobbs using County and Government to further his campaign at the TAX PAYER’S expense is worse because elected officials, something Hobbs IS NOT, are allowed to take trips on tax payers money to further the goals of the City. Go read the City’s Charter. Many Mayor’s and Council Members are allowed to take trips, stay in hotels, and buy dinners for other businesses they are working with. Do I like it, no, but it is not illegal. What Hobbs did is.

    Why are you side stepping other facts about Hobbs? Is it because you can’t disprove them, or is it because you think deflecting the facts some how makes them less important? These are serious issues that voters need to take into consideration before voting for Hobbs in June.

  19. None of the candidates are fiscally responsible except maybe for Frank Chavez (no chance of winning) They are all tax and spend my money.
    Cindy Chavez, Michael Molcahy, David Pandori would have been much more qualified candidates for this race. Whether Hobbs or Shirakawa are bad people I am not getting into that since their will be more to come in the runoff in November.

  20. So what’s worse.

    a) Richard using County/Government emails for his own campaign/personal expense?


    b) George LITERALLY using tax-payers money at his own expense?

  21. These two have experience in public office. Why aren’t they worth a mention by the Merc or comments here? Not enough money, not enough endorsements, or are they not as good as Hobbs and Shirakawa who both don’t seem that great?

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