Secretary of State Eyes District 7 Council Seat

Kevin Shelley calls Gregory’s ethics problems “bush-league!”

In a surprise announcement late yesterday afternoon from his state office in Sacramento, embattled Secretary of State Kevin Shelley announced his availability to serve out Terry Gregory’s term on San Jose’s City Council.

“I know a bit about being damaged goods,” began an exuberant Shelley at his press conference,  “and believe me, this Gregory character has nothing on me!”

Most colleagues have been worried about Shelley, expressing their concern that he has little to no redeeming skills that could be put to use toward a career outside politics.  Many were happy to hear of the opportunity in San Jose if Shelley were to resign from his current post.

“Kevin just hasn’t been himself in the last few weeks.  His once bright, rising star is now a smoldering black comet hurling out of control towards an inevitable quiet and lonely end,” expressed longtime friend Joe Pithenpaw.  “But the recent developments in San Jose sure have perked him up. “

Shelley was joined and supported by his longtime advisor and confidant, Charles “Chuck” Quackenbush, former California Insurance Commissioner, now a political pariah in Hawaii, who listed Shelley’s qualifications, “…put consultants on State payroll without Legislative approval; use of abusive language; misuse of Federal funds; awarding contracts without competitive bid…I suggested that if he was not appointed to District 7, he apply for the City Manager’s job.”

When reached for comment, Mayor Gonzales stated, “It is always intriguing to have someone of the Secretary’s skill and experience interested in our great city.  He’s only two heartbeats away from being Governor, you know.”


  1. As a homeowner, I have witnessed a steady delcine of our neighborhood.  I have lived here for 15 years and have not been happy with our community’s recent past.  It seems that we are forgotten. I am afraid to walk outside my home at night and sometimes during the day.  Saddling us with an appointment like Keven Shelley will NOT endear the Mayor to the members of this community.  We need an election.  Either the City of San Jose is not aware or just does not care about the problems that are strangling our neighborhood.  At any rate, it should be up to us to select the best representative for our community not some political appointment.

  2. I suggest maybe Howard Dean if he isn’t selected to run the Democratic National Committee.  He can hide in District 7 just as easily as on that Committee.

  3. What about Al Garza?  We haven’t seen David Runyon in a while. . .Kathy Cole may be available.  Almost anybody from the Nixon administration would fit the bill.  Tom Delay may find the DA in San Jose more hospitable than the guy in Texas—give him an applilcation.  Newt is also available and has a new book.

    I know Web Hubbell is out of prison, as is John Dean.  Tom Legan is also gone. . .isn’t he? 

    There is one guy, clean as a whistle, investigated up the wazoo but never indicted, tremendous experience—Willie Brown.  But I doubt if he would slum it in San Jose.

  4. “He has little to no redeeming skills that could be put to use toward a career outside politics”
    I’m already excited about having Mr. Shelley as my representative in the city council.
    This seems like politics as usual. With this type of mentality Mr Terry Gregory shouldn’t have a problem finding another job in the political arena.

  5. Is Ron Gonzales ALWAYS so tuned in to “his” city’s needs, and having the most qualified people to fill those needs??????


  6. Dear Fellow San Jose Residents:

    In a democracy the people need to elect their representatives based on open fair elections with leaders who live and know the needs of their communities.  I am a former graduate of J.W. Fair Middle School and now a teacher in East Side San Jose.  I have lived in San Jose, California for twenty-five years.  Based on this experience and my involvement in the community I know that each district has unique needs such as affordable clean housing, improvement of the quality education for all students, crime prevention, face-lift in redevelopment, employment programs for youth sixteen years and older, a decrease of public transportation fares, after school programs for youth between the hours of 3:00-6:00P.M., and many other needs that the residents can surely speak-up on.  Therefore, I urge that all city council members and Mayor Ron Gonzales follow the domocratic process and have the people of District 7 postulate their own candidates that know their needs best and live in District 7 and be elected demcratically using the ballot and the vote.  People need to know that their vote counts and they count.  People are humans with needs not merely numbers that count only when campaign elections come around.  In my opinion, a person who lives in the community they serve will have a deeper sense of committment and duty to serve their constituents; in lieu of someone who has prestige from Sacramento because they are a name known to the elite.  Thus, let’s follow our premise of the United States Constitution of having a transparent representative government “by the people and for the people.”  If this is not followed we all loose because we violate our own democratic principles we much aspire for and preach around the world to embrace.  In short, I ask for elections of candidates who have the best interest of District 7 to grow, prosper, and to continue to develop into a vibrant community.

  7. Does anyone want to let gonsales and these other wachos who couldn’t do anything about Gregory select his replacement.  It will be another cronny or front for the unions.

  8. Why spend the money on an election when everyone knows who will win.  Just appoint the person.  It will again be a candidate of, for, and by the unions.  They spend all the money so just appoint the guy and save the union workers their money.

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