Santa Clara County Identifies 14th Case of Novel Coronavirus

On the same day California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency because of the coronavirus pandemic, Santa Clara County confirmed its 14th COVID-19 case.

The Wednesday afternoon announcement by the county Public Health Department identified the three latest COVID-19 patients as adult men—one hospitalized and two under isolation at home. News of the additional local cases came just days after the county issued new guidance for protecting people with the greatest risk of contracting the disease: the elderly and people with existing chronic health conditions.

By today—when the U.S. Senate approved $8.3 billion to address the coronavirus crisis—the number of confirmed COVID-19 incidences worldwide approached 100,000 as the reported death toll reached 3,347. Three months into the outbreak, nearly 54,000 people diagnosed with the highly contagious respiratory illness have recovered.

But the sense of crisis has only amplified, with the U.S. reporting 11 deaths from the virus and the number of cases to more than 160 in 18 states. This morning, the U.S. Coast Guard rushed testing kits to a cruise ship quarantined in the San Francisco Bay.

Worldwide, school closures have impacted 300 million students. Italy and Iran ordered all schools and universities to close. Meanwhile, financial markets have been fluctuating wildly in response to virus scares while travel industries see staggering losses.

To see where the novel coronavirus has spread so far, check out this map created by John Hopkins University researchers. To read the county’s public health guidelines for protecting yourself from the disease, click here.

The Centers for Disease Control has also produced a PSA, which you can watch below.


  1. > News of the additional local cases came just days after the county issued new guidance for protecting people with the greatest risk of contracting the disease: the elderly and people with existing chronic health conditions.

    How about some guidelines for isolating the public from people LIKELY to be practicing risky sanitation and spreading the virus:

    1.undocumented migrants crossing our “open borders”
    2.the mobile and transient nomads of our urban micro-squalor communities.

    We need swat teams to tackle every undocumented migrant and “homeless” wanderer and zip them into full-body bio-hazard containment suits,



  2. Bubble your comment about the undocumented immigrants and homeless is non-sense. Guys like you should be locked! People wash your hands, drink water, stay home if you are sick; most importantly, do not fear death. What you fear will come to you! God has a time for each of us. I was this past weekend in LA feeding the homeless. I am always around the sick, and I rarely become ill. Hello death! Come tomorrow and I may meet you because I am busy today.

    • > I was this past weekend in LA feeding the homeless. I am always around the sick, and I rarely become ill.

      So, the germ theory is a bunch of bunk, Right?

      Then, what’s the point of declaring a coronavirus health emergency in San Francisco and in the whole state of California?

      What are public health officials going to do? Order people to wash their hands. Order mass vaccinations? How is that going to help?

      Are you still in LA? You would have made a lot of people in Santa Clara County feel better if you had stayed in LA. Including local public health officials.

      • No sweetheart, I am back and around the people. I think I have just created natural anti viruses. I think those that live in their anti-germ bubble are the ones that would get the Coronavirus. Eat, sleep, rest, wash hands, do not touch face…and Face life the way it is. Enjoy your very moment because is everything you have…

        • Well, if the dullards down at the County Health Department want to know WHO is spreading the coronavirus . . .

          > I was this past weekend in LA feeding the homeless. I am always around the sick, and I rarely become ill.

          ‘ ‘ ‘

          > No sweetheart, I am back and around the people.

          • Bobble, I am not even getting the Corona beer virus because I am not a drinker. People there is no surprises here. This is the beginning of the end, Apocalipsis. Many will die not only from the virus but also hunger…it is his plan. It is not the end though, but many will die. Read this for protection: psalm 91

  3. It is time for a little perspective.

    The website for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that currently, the coronavirus is responsible for a total of 11 deaths in the U.S., out of 164 cases reported in the entire country.

    By contrast, currently there are 34,000,000 confirmed cases of influenza (the flu), resulting in 34,000 hospitalizations and more than 20,000 deaths.

    According to the CDC, since 2010 the flu has caused between 12,000 and 79,000 fatalities annually.

    The mainstream media’s endless harping on the coronavirus is similar to its endless harping on ‘The Russians!’™

    The U.S. population is currrently ≈330,000,000. Out of that number the coronavirus has caused eleven (11) deaths.

    The flu is responsible for 34,000 deaths this year (last year the flu caused 61,000 deaths), but there’s hardly a word from the media reporting on a number thousands of times greater.

    Can you say, “Fake news”? I can…

  4. > This is the beginning of the end, Apocalipsis. Many will die not only from the virus but also hunger…it is his plan. It is not the end though, but many will die.


    Thanks for the warning.

    I guess I don’t have to worry about diabetes any more.

    I think I’ll make a trip to the mall and hook up with a couple dozen Krispy Kreme donuts.

    If there are any left over, I;ll leave them in the dumpster. Alert the homeless.

  5. You should worry about diabetes bubble. Your eyes and mine won’t see the end. A thousand days for us is one day for God. What is happening now it is in the Bible. There is no surprise for those of us who know and understand his word. God has used this method before to re-establish order and to show he has the ultimate power! He destroys the plans of the powerful of this word in a second! Be in good terms with the lord, so you are ready when death comes to you.

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