San Jose School District Threatened with Violence Over Employee’s Alleged Assault

Oak Grove School District, which employs a woman suspected of willfully coughing on a baby, says it’s received threats of violence and vandalism because of the incident.

In a status updated shared to the agency’s Facebook page today, district officials explained that they’re cooperating with San Jose police, who have asked them to take no action for the time being as they investigate.

Below is a transcript of the entire post.

The Oak Grove School District’s highest priority is the safety of our students and the well-being of all of the children in the community we serve. We do not tolerate conduct from any employee that compromises any child’s safety. We are aware of an incident allegedly involving one of our employees who was videotaped coughing on a baby at a local Yogurtland.

We have been in contact with the San Jose Police Department (SJPD), which is investigating this incident and working to confirm the identity of the individual involved. The District has been directed by SJPD not to take any action in this matter while the SJPD investigation is pending. We have been in regular contact with SJPD and have offered the full support and cooperation of the District in their investigation. We have also informed SJPD that a prompt investigation into this matter is critical so that the District can take all action available to it in addressing this incident if it does turn out to involve a District employee. The employee who has been identified as a person of interest in this matter is currently off of work and not providing any services to our District students.

The Oak Grove School District serves a diverse community in the City of San Jose. Our student population represents the rich diversity of our community and as a District we are extremely sensitive to protecting the rights of our students, their families, and our community members. The incident that occurred at Yogurtland is despicable. There is no place in the Oak Grove School District for any employee who would deliberately cause harm to a child. If the District receives confirmation from SJPD that the individual involved in the Yogurtland incident is our employee, we will take immediate action.

We have received numerous threats of violence and/or damage to our schools stemming from this incident. We understand and share the feelings of anger around this incident. However, we ask everyone to remember that the mission of the Oak Grove School District is to serve children, including those from some of the most vulnerable populations in our San Jose community.

Violence or damage to our students’ schools only serves to harm the very population that those who are emailing the District seek to protect: our kids. We implore those in and out of our community to voice your concerns in appropriate and nonviolent ways so that our schools remain ready to welcome our students back for learning this summer and in the fall.

Please be assured that we hear you, we share your sense of outrage, we will take appropriate steps once the identity of the individual in question is confirmed.

Click here to read about the incident that sparked this whole fiasco.


  1. People, do not engage in any type of destruction to our local schools. These schools belong to our children. You have to focus on others who did nothing about #Karen’s violent behavior on other children in the past. This is the typical behavior of school districts. Thus not only Nancy have to be fired but others who did nothing to make her accountable for her past abuses against our most vulnerable children. I am glad parents and other people are finally sharing their stories publicly. This is the only way we can clap back at the behavior of those who abuse others and also abuse their power. ENOUGH WITH CORRUPTED SYSTEMS AND PEOPLE!

  2. > San Jose School District Threatened with Violence Over Employee’s Alleged Assault

    What is the “Alleged Assault”?

    I don’t recall that coughing on another person has ever routinely been deemed to meet the legal definition of “assault”.

    If the legal theory is that coughing in the age of coronavirus is assault because coronavirus is so dangerous, the “End The Lockdown” community welcomes the opportunity to put Sara Cody on the witness stand and grill her on “How dangerous is COVID-19 really” if the actual mortality rate for people not in nursing homes is similar to or less than seasonal flu.

    “You’re under oath, Dr. Cody.”

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