San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo’s chief spokesman will leave his position at the end of the month to join the nonprofit Destination: Home.
David Low, who worked for former Mayor Chuck Reed before Liccardo, said he’s been planning the transition for several months.

Mattie Muñoz Zazueta will be the mayor's new PR chief.
“For close to a decade, I’ve had the great privilege to serve our community alongside two outstanding mayors,” he wrote in an email announcement to reporters earlier this week. “It has been a unique and rewarding experience, and I’m extremely grateful for both the time I’ve spent at City Hall and the many friends I’ve made along the way.”
Low said he decided to “pursue other passions and interests” as Liccardo began wrapping up his first term.
By the end of the month, the PR veteran will become director of policy and communications for Destination: Home, a government contractor that coordinates services for the region’s sizable homeless population.
Taking Low’s place in the mayor’s office will be former Airbnb spokeswoman Mattie Muñoz Zazueta, whose prior experience includes PR stints for Labor Secretary Thomas Perez, Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Orange) and Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke.
Her first day on the job will be Feb. 11.
>> By the end of the month, the PR veteran will become director of policy and communications for Destination: Home, a government contractor that coordinates services for the region’s sizable homeless population. <> … director of policy and communications … <<
e.g. A political job. Probably paying $100K+ for doing nothing that solves the homeless problem.
If you really want to solve the homeless problem then go out and get people to move to a part of the country where they can afford to live.
If you don't make enough money to live somewhere then move somewhere else.
Hard to argue with cold hard logic.
The San Jose mayor should use SJI wisely; do we care about who is leaving and coming to his team? Is there a benefit for us? Is he paying this female less the the male leaving? Is he contributing to the gender pay gab?
The folks who began this country would go ballistic if they found out that the average taxpayer is being forced to fork over HALF their earned income to federal, state, and local governments.
The electeds and their bureaucracy is an out of control parasite that’s attached itself to the wallets of everyone who works in a productive job.
That parasite is growing inexorably, feasting off the average private sector worker like a bloated tick. There’s plenty of money available to take care of everyone. But gov’t drones have intercepted it, causing the rampant homelessness that they’re shedding crocodile tears over.
If 85% of those bureaucrats were laid off overnight, the citizens would be better served. We don’t need those drones, we don’t want ’em, and we’re onto their self-serving racket.
Sooner or later, there’s gonna be a reckoning…
“San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo’s chief spokesman will leave his position at the end of the month to join the nonprofit Destination: Home.”
Depending on the level of detail you have over the past several years of the rise of the “Homeless Industrial Complex,” Destination Home was welcomed and embraced first by Mayor Reed later Mayor Liccardo.
“Non-profits” are very “profitable.” Destination Home is fully integrated into the Housing Department’s massive capital “give-away” system. There are many others.
Non-profits have also successfully integrated themselves into Planning Building and Code Enforcement (PBCE) to facilitate and coordinate housing projects deemed “Affordable.” Destination Home employees directs other city departments to also cooperate with PBCE by “rushing through” permits, etc. to facilitate the nefarious housing homeless policy decisions of the San Jose “communist central” City Council.
The gentleman referred to in this article may be leaving Mayor Liccardo’s Office but…He will probably be located somewhere else at city hall or very close to it.
The taxpayer’s of San Jose have absolutely “No idea” of the depth and magnitude of cost of the “Non-profits” to the public’s treasury and to the long-term effects of “city hall experiments in social engineering” will have on their neighborhoods. And it’s only going to get worse..much, much worse. What is going to happen when the money “runs out?”
Destination Home should be more aptly named, “Destination Taxpayer Wallets.”
Now, I don’t blame Destination Home for successfully locking on to a perpetual funding source with no credible oversight. No, not at all. I put the blame where it justly belongs; on the lazy, non-informed, worthless voters of San Jose who vote for a city council whose ministerial ineptitude is only eclipsed by their congenital and or institutional incompetence.
David S. Wall
> I put the blame where it justly belongs; on the lazy, non-informed, worthless voters of San Jose who vote for a city council whose ministerial ineptitude is only eclipsed by their congenital and or institutional incompetence.
It’s not my fault! I’m a victim!
I was tricked by Russian bots into voting for inept and incompetent City Council members.
Don’t be too hard to yourself dude! At least you vote!
The San Jose voter is a very odd breed. The same people that contiually vote for these progressive parasites and ill conceived crime reform bills are the same people that cry and whine about neighborhood problems at community meetings. But there is always a council aid there serving the Kool Aid using all the cool canned catch phrases. Yes building partnerships with the community. San Jose is a complete JOKE
Yes non-profit is very profitable. Keep an eye of how much he is making now and how much money he will be making at the non-profit. Then you have all these non-profit executives aound the mayor and the supervisors to get more benefits from them. This local non-profit executives from AACI, Gardner, and other agencies make more money than people in Google. Their clients are the homeless, very low income…This makes no sense! Then you see them receiving awards from the mayor and supervisors. Where are the stats about they really making a difference in people’s life? Their regular employees do the hard work; they get the recognition and PR time with the mayor snd supervisors.
Look up the “non-profits” run by former SJ director of housing, Alex Sanchez. He receives millions in “gov’t” (i.e. taxpayer) grants to buy and renovate apartments for low income housing and the “non-profit” pays him a cool $250k salary to be the “director”. Non-profit, my @$$!
These unproductive government bureaucrats just keep recycling into other non-productive, publicly financed positions in their perpetual feeding at the public trough. Like musical chairs.
Totally agree Steve!
Measure A funds are being mismanaged and no one is looking.
> Measure A funds are being mismanaged and no one is looking.
Well, I wasn’t looking because I was looking at other funds that were being mismanaged.
I can only keep track of so much mismanagement at one time.
Bubble, you are quite funny sometimes. You have the passion and personally traits to organize the JEFF ROSEN RECALL. We need you; help us recall him.
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