San Jose Launches New Free Tech Support Helpline

San Jose residents in the city's Digital Inclusion Program can now get tech support following the launch of a helpline, city officials said Friday.

The free helpline will provide participants with assistance with their computers and internet access.

It is the latest effort of the San Jose Digital Inclusion Partnership, formed between the city of San Jose, the Mayor's Office of Technology and Innovation and the California Emerging Technology Fund.

“The Tech Support Helpline is an example of a community-developed solution that will provide a new layer of resident assistance to further bridge the digital divide in San Jose,” Mayor Sam Liccardo said in a statement.

“By providing free technical support, the helpline will help prevent internet and computer pain points from becoming barriers to digital access,” Liccardo said.

Current participants in the Digital Inclusion Program can get help in English or Spanish by calling the helpline at (408) 753-0822.

The helpline is staffed by interns with San Jose Works and they are trained by volunteer mentors with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

“By providing free, convenient technical support, our SJ Works interns help program participants retain meaningful access to internet technology while building skills to become the next generation of San Jose innovators,” said Jordan Sun, the city's chief innovation officer, in a statement.

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