Reed Names Law Enforcement Advisor

Lt. Jose Salcido will be leaving the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office after more than three decades to become a senior policy advisor to San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed. Salcido is currently the sheriff’s liaison to the county Department of Corrections and has taken out papers to run for sheriff.
The mayor, who has known Salcido for 12 years, says the new appointee will be doing “community outreach’ on “community issues” and will advise him on law enforcement policy issues. Salcido has a close relationship with Reed advisor Victor Ajlouny, who was a paid consultant to the Deputy Sheriff’s Association during Salcido’s leadership of the union group. Salcido also is an ally of SJPOA leader Bobby Lopez, a vocal critic of San Jose Police Chief Rob Davis.
“When I meet with the chief, which I do regularly, Jose will sit in on the meetings,” Reed told Silicon Valley Newsroom.
It has been a tumultuous year for the SJPD, which has been on the defensive over officer-involved shootings, Taser incidents, profiling, public intoxication arrests and the economic effects of its entertainment zone policing practices. The council also terminated the employment of a police auditor popular with police reform advocates and was forced to conduct a second search for a replacement following community reaction to the selection of an auditor with a brother on the force.
“I think Jose will be the right person for the job,” Reed says.
Salcido has been an adversary of Sheriff Laurie Smith who ran against her in 1998 and took steps this year to challenge Smith in 2010. The Smith camp says it will turn in a report for the period that closed June 30 showing more than $20,000 in donations after a fundraiser last Friday.
The appointment appears to take Smith’s leading opponent out of the race. “He won’t be running for sheriff while he’s working for me,” the mayor said.
Jumping out of the race for the sheriff’s job, which pays more than $200,000 a year, might not be so bad an economic decision for the career lawman. Salcido will be eligible to collect retirement benefits from the Sheriff’s department while earning a $122,891 salary with the city, since the agencies have separate retirement systems.
Salcido grew up in the Berryessa neighborhood of San Jose — Reed’s district — and studied for his Masters Degree in Public Administration at San Jose State, where his thesis was titled “Humanistic Management in Law Enforcement.”


  1. We are confident that Mr. Salcido will be able to assist in monitor the bucket that Reed the Shape Shifter has to occupy at night.  The principal reason that Chuck does not attend evening events is that he begins to decompose during the evening as do many shape shifters.  Victor has been known to step in the bucket at times, and Salcido has more of keen sense of balance around the Reed compound.

  2. Perhaps Lt. Salcido, as part of his community outreach, can foster citizenry confidence that tax monies are being prudently spent. 

    On the way home from work this afternoon, I saw three SJ police officers at a road under repair site on Park Avenue.  They were “jaw-jacking” and nothing else.

  3. Our city is already strapped for cash, and they bring this person on at $123K a year. What a waste of money as we already have a community service division, and an Independent Police Auditor to serve our needs. We need this person as much as we need a hole in our head. What was our mayor thinking? The mayor is out to lunch once again on this one!

  4. Enjoy your opulent retirement lifestyle, Jose.
    Try not to feel too guilty about the thousands of public sector workers who will continue to work beyond retirement age so that you can enjoy the fruits of your undoubtedly valiant career.
    And thanks, Mayor Reed, for adding another high salary, gratuitous administrative position to benefit one of your friends while the city wallows in debt. What a reformer you are.
    Jesus. What a racket this whole “public sevice” industry is.

  5. 5 – You were doing OK until you got to the part about Gonzales.If you really saw the Gonzo crew in operation you wouldn’t say what you did. He and most of his staff served only themselves to the detriment of the city. He ran his operation like a 2-bit dictator—his agenda was filled with vindictiveness and settling scores. If you were on his list—and who wasn’t—he would stop at nothing to “get you”. City Hall politics never smelled worse than under the Gonzo reign of terror. Sleeping around with subordinate staff was the least of the damage he did. City staff was under cut and not allowed to do their jobs, we had a city manager who did the mayor’s bidding and not what was best for the city. I could go on but I won’t because every time I think back to the wreckage he left behind it makes me sick.
    So, Chuck may be a disappointment but he has a long way to go to sink as low as Gonzo did.

  6. I am glad to see Chuck hired yet another Vic Ajilony pawn.  This is more like Vic’s administration with Chuck as the puppet.  Chuck is a failure as Mayor—-he is not a leader, has no bold policy agenda, and has said the same stump speech since he was a candidate in 2005.  He needs to fire his entire staff starting with Pete “Chauffer” Furman and good for nothing Gomez and follow quickly with McGuirk, Jansen, and get the rest of the team off the public dime.  They have done nothing for the Mayor and the Mayor has done nothing for San Jose.  At least with Gonzales we knew he would work hard to get the Council on board, he had a staff that weighed political calculations, and had a vision for San Jose.  I hope someone runs against Chuck or he gets the balls to divorce Vic and bring in a new team who can help make SJ good again.  Ron may have slept around and pushed his agenda but SJ was a better place to do business just 3 years ago.

  7. Greg, the next time you get robbed when you are out on your nightly strolls in your high heels, black evening dress, and large boa, try to understand that it takes time to respond your call, especially when you are shrieking.

  8. Regarding my previous comment: PRIVATE sector workers. Not PUBLIC. PRIVATE.
    My error. It’s hard to focus when one’s blood is boiling. And yes, “service” was spelled wrong.
    At least I’ll admit my mistakes- unlike our greedy, arrogant, ignorant, egotistical politicians.

  9. Question:  how did Reed find the money for this hire.  Did they just move money around or did someone go?  If no one was replaced, how seriously do we take the symbolic salary reductions made by mayor and council?

  10. Once Ron gets rid off his chippy after she graduates from San Jose City College and reaches drinking age, and after Ron finds a house instead of a penthouse paid for by developers, he will be ok.

  11. Greg Howe:

    Come on mane.  Perhaps they are talking about donuts?  Thats lame.

    Guess what?  I too was on my way home and saw three businessmen (suits and ties) and they were “jaw-jacking” in a stairwell.  Perhaps they were talking about their Blackberry’s.

    What a waisted post. (mine and yours) 

    I need another Dos Equis.

  12. I guess Mr. Salcido is a good guy.  But I’d feel a lot better if Mayor Reed would keep his promise and hire 25 new cops.  Or at least hire 1 new cop instead of expanding his staff.

  13. Major Major was a character in Catch 22 played by Bob Newhart.  He assigned his aide to always let people he was not available.  Salcido will fit this role.  Reed is too depressed and scared to deal with people, so he needs a handler, babysitter, and person to cry with.  You are paying for it!

  14. WTF? We have a problem with the way the cops are treating members of the community. Rather than choose civilians to help the police understand the community concerns, the military mayor names a reserve cop as his auditor and cop/union leader as his law enforcement advisor.
    Who’s going to provide another point of view?
    This crowd will be tweeting kumbaya with their Tasers.

  15. Steve, Manuel & Lucy,

    I guess what you’re saying is that it’s perfectly okay for three highly paid city employees to stand around doing absolutely nothing.  I think it’s particularly bad behavior when SJ is trying to balance their budget. 

    Do any of you have enough brain cells to realize that many people see that sort of thing and then vote with their wallets in the face of newly proposed taxes?

    Oh, Miss Linsdale, a little tit for tat?  Is it true that you could scare hungry dogs off the back of a meat truck?

  16. Questions for Mayor Reed: If the Police Chief, Rob Davis, is accountable to the City Manager who serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and City Council, why do you need this new policy advisor to sit in on your meetings with him? Will the advisor contribute to the conversation with the Police Chief? Make suggestions? Critique him? What?

  17. I think I’m figuring out how this SJI thing works:

    Last week the criticism was: Chuck Reed isn’t doing a damn thing about police/community relations.

    This week the criticism is: Chuck Reed IS DOING something about police/community relations.

    Add to that the 3 cops who were observed TALKING (which can only mean they were goofing off, thus making the poor man’s blood boil) and it’s obvious that our city has gone to hell, all part of a Vic Ajlouny plot, right?

  18. Who selected that photo of Lt. Salcido?  I look at it and I see a guy who is ready, no eager, to bust your ass if you look at him cross-eyed.  He looks positively EVIL in that photo.  So, if his enemies selected it, I can understand why.  If his handlers selected it, I wonder why. No, they should be fired.  If HE selected it, he really scares the shit out of me, since he looks like a guy that’ll baton the shit out of you if you look at him cross-eyed.

    The man in that photo is not a “community outreach” kinda guy. The man depicted in that photo is dangerous, since he has a badge and a gun. So, Mr. Salcido, if you really are a community outreach kinda guy, get a new press photo.

  19. Greg Howe,

    The uniform cops assigned stationed at road construction sites are there for safety reasons (read liability). They are not “on duty” in the sense of their forty hour per week assignment, and their wages are not paid by the government (in fact the city may be getting a cut of the price per hour of each cop). A good percentage of them are reserve officers, men and women who volunteer tens of thousands of hours annually to our city and are offered the opportunity to work these lucrative “pay jobs” to help offset the expenses they incur as volunteers (they pay their own way through the academy, buy their own equipment, provide their own transportation, etc).

    Standing around jaw-jacking is something working people do everywhere, so how about giving these guys a break? Their day is spent pretty much guarding a hole in the ground—in public. You may object to what you see (during those select moments when you pass by), but to the people paying their salaries the presence of these officers is important not for what they do when nothing is happening, but what they can do when something goes wrong. The ability of a uniformed officer to take control during a crisis, to effectively move people and cars out of harm’s way and get help there in a hurry can be worth tens of millions of dollars to a company doing risky work in and about public roadways.

    My guess is that the officers’ pay totals less than the amount discounted by the companies insuring the projects…

    just another example of life in a litigious world.

  20. Notice that Greg did not he had a feminine side?  All of these Shirleys hate cops like Greg.  Next time shave your legs or at least wear the thicker nylons

  21. Finfan (#23), you’re correct on most counts.  I would take issue, however, that a few red cones and no hole to be seen anywhere requires three officers. 

    As well, the average resident sees one thing, and one thing only – tax dollars wasted.  How many folks understand that the officers could be volunteering (?) or be getting paid by a construction company?

    Kathleen (#24), my gosh, can’t you even write a simple sentence?  Your comment is completely unintelligible.  THIS COMMENT WAS EDITED FOR VIOLATING COMMENT POLICY.

  22. Greg,

    Your comments speak for themselves, especially the ones we didn’t get to read as they were edited for violating comment policy of SJI. That is pretty tough to do.

  23. Chief Davis has no doubt been on the phone to Utah to check on the status of his resume for the Mormon Church director of security position. Who would want to have pineapple face sit in on his meetings with the mayor?
    It’s shocking that an appointment like this has been made while the auditor remains unhired and the status of the lame duck police chief remains unresolved.

  24. I would agree with Greg. When I see a couple of SJPD officers standing around at a construction site, it is a reminder that our City is more interested in sucking up to unions than it is in serving the interests of the people.
    Sure the police are paid by the construction company, but that is because the City of San Jose requires that they do so. Why? There is one reason and one reason only. Because their union wants it that way.
    The cost of the off-duty policemen is passed along to the taxpayer. The City volunteers (yet again) that we taxpayers pay more than we need to. 
    This goes along with the City’s requirement that the construction company must pay all it’s employees a “living wage”. Both of these bad policies are testimony to the fact that the unions get first dibs in San Jose and the people get whatever happens to be left over. This is an upside down idea of governance and every taxpayer in San Jose should be offended by it.
    Our police officers would not be subject to the cynical judgements of Greg Howe, John Galt, and thousands of others, were they not perceived as individuals who receive special treatment and favoritism by pandering politicians seeking political gain.

  25. If John Galt is such a courageous reformer, then why does he hide under Ayn Rand aliases?

    Because like Howe and O’Connor, he is a nasty hag of civic hatred, ashamed of his city, and prejudiced against the people sworn to protect it.  Galt would never think of protecting a city with his life, like Howe, finfan, Cogan, and O’Connor, Galt is a bitter old political queen with nothing but false eyelashes, and a very bad wig.

  26. #26 Howedy Doody: Maybe you are guilty of drive-by opinion making?

    Explain to us how you know the conversation was not related to police business? You say you “saw” 3 officers having a conversation. That’s it. You were not a party to the conversation, or even within earshot. Therefore, you do not have any idea what they were discussing. 

    Police officers in conversation is not an indication of goofing off and I think it stinks that anyone would make such an accusation in a public forum without any actual basis for doing so.

    Your assumptions are not proof of anything.

  27. 32 Bob,

    Well said….that is why I kept asking him what the officers were talking about and all he could offer up was insults.

  28. #29 John,
    At least you can articulately state your case rather than result to insulting the officers or those who post comments here.

  29. If the Mayor can hire someone to convince cops they can take down an opponent with a gun without filling their chest with lead, then it is worth $120k +. How many incidents of cops with guns drawn being overpowered by a man with a knife? Obviously this career cop, who inevitably will spend significant effort on defending the “brotherhood” right of wrong, is not the one. Any more than someone with a brother on the force. A pattern here? duh.

  30. If only using your real was related to the quality and substance of the comments posted here. Those who supposedly use their “real” names certainly have not cornered the market on pithy comments. In fact, many of the those who use “other” names add much more substance to this blog than those hung-up on what name someone uses.
    If only folks would focus on improving the discourse presented here instead of the many foolish, and substance-lacking posts we see, what a wonderful world it would be.

  31. How very interesting that those who indict hide behind the cloak of anonymity.  I believe that Mr. O’Connor is correct – you folks likely wear what I’d call “cheap hotel slacks,” pants with no ballroom.  I imagine they fit like a glove, as you without question lack oysters.  Grow up and act like a man – post your opinions under your true name.  Who could take you seriously otherwise?

  32. #38—a cogent argument as far as it goes.  But, if you have an opinion that you value, and that you think others might value, why hide behind some B.S. anonymous nome de blog?  Have the courage of your convictions, or shut up.

  33. #39: Yes, JMOC, you are the brave one in a sea of us cowards. Thanks for reminding us again.

    Those who find your comments to be ill-informed, racist and lacking in good taste are just don’t get it. After all, you sign your REAL NAME to your diatribes. This makes your opinions more worthy than others. It also makes you, well, just plain special! 

    As you boldly and fearlessly pound that keyboard just remember that you, sir, are a brave defender of truth, justice and the American Way. (Oops, that was Superman. I guess you probably get that a lot, eh?) 

    Come to think of it, didn’t Superman sign his name “Clark Kent?”

  34. JMOC has always been pro cop.  Standing up in downtown San Jose all day having to sell hot dogs, and then going home at night to his trailer on Old Oakland, JMOC reads the form letters that Chuck has sent him, and then reads all the newspaper clippings he has pasted on the wall.  After a supper of Corn Flakes and beer, JMOC spends his night sending hate mail to community activists and going to the supramacist webistes to log in and talk about the continuing diversity of San Jose asking for help for his militia army.

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