Safe Haven Law Being Abused In California, Study Shows

Al Davis, Gov. Schwarzenegger Top Offenders

Citing the need for more oversight in California, the state Legislature is tackling the issue of more vigorous and stringent rules that would govern the state’s Safe Haven laws making it a crime to surrender adults.

In effect in all 50 states, the Safe Haven law was enacted to decriminalize leaving unharmed infants behind, encouraging parents to surrender their babies rather than aborting, killing or discarding them.

Most childrens rights advocates believe that the push to regulate in California is in direct response to a series of abuses. Sarah Palin was found at the Santa Clara police station after the vice-presidential debate, Lane Kiffen was rescued from an east Oakland fire station in a diaper with bruises covering his body and Assemblyman Jim Beall was dropped off at Valley Medical Center after the budget impasse – and if not addressed could become worse.

“It was never the intent that adults could be surrendered because of bad job performance,” said Safe Haven watchdog Scott Gable. “Although the mind numbs at the possibilities.”


  1. The only thing at risk of being “tackled” by our state legislature is a lobbyist with a bag of cash. My guess is that with that group of dullards on the case we Californians have at least a year to safely dispose of financial advisors we feel like killing, real estate agents we no longer need, and landscape crews we can no longer afford.

  2. But at least we have a governor that’s holding the line on spending and.. er, what’s that?  spending more than Gray Davis?  State has to borrow 7 billion from the fed?  Aw crap. 


    At this rate, in another 10 years life in Cali will resemble Mel Gibson and “Road Warrior”.

  3. Let’s see . . . how about if we set up Jim Beall for the losing presidential ticket, Sarah Palin can coach the Raiders, and Lane Kiffin can tackle the California budget.

    Would California, the nation, or the Raiders be any worse off then? At least the Raiders would be entertaining to watch again (“Jamarcus Russell once again with the ‘Forward Lateral to NoWhere’” . . .)

  4. Honestly Mr McEnery, don’t you think you could have used another vehicle to show your anti-conservative campaign bias? Obviously Kiffin and Beall are not on your favorites list either. The fact is this law is vital for those of us who work tirelessly to save these children’s lives. Making it the punchline of your joke shows a poor sense of humor and obvious lack of class. Just because you think it is a cute joke does not mean you should print it. Lives are saved with this law. Those of us who are a part of that effort are owed an apology by you and a retraction of the above.

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