Reed Marshals California Mayors and Top CEOs to Take on State

Mayors of California’s ten largest cities met with the CEOs of some of the state’s ten largest companies at San Jose’s Morton’s Steakhouse last night for more than just an evening of rare beef and wine. They are all fed up with how the state is operating, and decided to work together to fight for real changes.

“It is time for upheaval,” said Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin.

San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed, who hosted the meeting, said that the city can’t afford to fix such basic problems as potholes, because every time it tries to do something, the state steps in and raids its coffers.

“San Jose has lost $500 million over the last 12 years to the state of California’s raids on our treasury,” he said.

The team tackled everything from taxes to water issues. Inevitably, they also focused on the state’s soaring unemployment rates, which affect them all. Among the proposals floated around was a new initiative to forbid the state from raiding city governments to covers its deficits. A joint effort by municipal and business leaders could give the initiative the momentum it needs to pass.

History buffs will probably remember that the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston and Fraunces Tavern in New York City both played a major roll in the events that led to the American Revolution. After last night’s meeting at Morton’s, one can only wonder whether it will soon join their ranks in the iconography of American history.
Read More at ABC 7.


  1. That meeting was the beginning of a revolution? Seriously?  Reed reminds me of Chamberlain and that meeting was just like the talks that led to the Munich Agreement.

  2. > They are all fed up with how the state is operating, and decided to work together to fight for real changes.

    I am so sick of the political class plumping for “change” or “real change” that I could just puke.

    As a matter of fact, I think I WILL puke.


    There.  I feel better.

    Everyone but a sub-moron or one of the diminishing number of Obama voters immediately and instinctively asks the obvious question: “change to what”?

    As far as I’m concerned, it is clinical proof of stupidity for any person or other higher life form to hear a politician profess to be in favor of “change” and not have a visceral urge to punch him in the nose.

  3. I would like some pot holes fixed. Driving in the streets of San Jose feels like you’re at a monster truck rally.
      Comparing a meeting at Morton’s Steak House, to the meetings at Green Dragon tavern? As awesome as that would be, our state’s leaders are far from Freemasons.

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