Rants and Raves


  1. When Reed released his budget message last week, one of his cost-cutting measures (“efficiencies”) was “Change in the Downtown policing model.”

    S0—looks like the adoption of Lt. McGrady’s policies (spelled out in that vid-interview here) will do more than help downtown survive and heal SJPD’s image—it’ll also save the city money.

    Way to go Chuck, Larry and Chief Davis. While SJPD’s critics are being attacked you guys were willing to listen to what they were saying and make some changes.

  2. SO, as reported by the Murky News today, certain unions have decided not to forego nexts years raise.  Well, who will break the news to those terminated in order to balance the budget?

    The mayor and the council still don’t get it, though.  When we don’t have enough $$ to pay for our upcoming commitments, they have to make choices…choices that are often difficult.  Jettison the entire Dept. of Cultural Affairs, until we have enought $$ to support it.  I’d wager there are other depts. that could also be jettisoned from our budget, so that we can have decent roads, for instance.

    And I am always bemused by the fact that a government entity can balance it’s budget by elimination “positions” that have no-one working at them; and perhaps no-one has “filled” that position for YEARS.  Let’s get government budgets working the same as family budgets. Real positions, with real people in them…working their asses off for the great wages and benefit packages govt. employees receive.  If a position isn’t filled, it shouldn’t exist.  They have all these unfilled, yet “budgeted” positions that have no worker in the position.  So, by eliminating “the position”, they help balance the budget.?!  Complete BS.

  3. #2, JMO, welcome to the magical world of government accounting, where increased spending can be characterized as “cuts,” and where emotional arguments trump data driven debate.

  4. -The Mineta Transportation Institute.
    -The San Jose Norman Y. Mineta International Airport.
    -The Norman Y. Mineta Freeway.

    Let’s just get it over with and rename the whole city Norman Y. Mineta.

  5. JMO-
    Exactly! I find it amazing that City employees aren’t concerned about losing their jobs. If they don’t take these cuts then they will have to be laid off. The State is running out of money so how will they survive a lay off if there isn’t any unemployment to draw from?

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