Rants and Raves

This week a variety of issues were raised for discussion on San Jose Inside. What else is on your mind?


  1. The Mercury News today outlined the great degress of neighborhood mistrust of the Downtown A’s proposal.

    Shasta Hanchett Neighorhood Association is like Fremont resident groups, only on steriods.

    San Jose Stadium proposal is dead on arrival.

  2. I am going to go way out on a limb in making this prediction. Most of you will think the chances of this prediction coming true are impossible. I will probably be labeled a charlatan and a fraud but here it goes: I predict that in the coming week, Raj Jayadev’s weekly blog will be surrounding why the sky is now falling regarding the city’s choice and appointment of a new police auditor (and apparently without consulting Raj first).

  3. Why wouldn’t there be a high level of mistrust? This Mayor is becoming Gonzo II – The Sequel. Just because you call it sunshine doesn’t make it so. Hold on to your wallets and pay close attention.

  4. Now I understand why all these namless bloggers are humping the Merc.
      This early morning I decided to post on San Jose Inside. Great way to relax on a day of R&R. Clearing my mind of indignties to
    mankind by powers I have no control over.
      I later created a Garden brunch to celebrate a well fought week hooking and jabbing & knowing when to duck. I went to pick up a copy of the Merc.
      Were it not for my daughters Cherry Tree blossoms and my Son’s magnificent white Roses blooming and pacifing my sprit, I would have been irate after reading of the Police Auditor’s selection by our City Council knowing his brother was a San Jose Cop. Who could be so out of touch? Restoring confidence does not include using a “A’s” baseball bat on Us.
      I really felt safe after Gonzo left. But now I feel out of touch with who is watching the Hen House. The administration has become more and more bazaar as the days go by.
      This is like watching Clint Eastwood movies , The Good the Bad and The Ugly. and For a Few Dollars More.
      I have this empty feeling for our Village’s future. What sustains me is that President Obama, is kicking ass and taking names. This is America, Land of the Free Home of the Brave. What say Ye Pilgrim?
                Gil Hernandez

  5. As I recall, there was significant opposition to the Shark Tank when it was first proposed. The support now might not be universal, but it is pretty strong. When the league locked out the players for a season, downtown was a ghost town and many restaurants and bars were complaining.

    A baseball team would bring people downtown for twice as many games as the Sharks do, thus potentially tripling the business. I’m sure there are some reasonable accommodations that can be made to mitigate the congestion/problems the local neighborhoods might experience.

    It’s at least worth exploring.

  6. Hey TJ the ballpark hater!

    You obviously didn’t read the Merc article you made reference to.  Helen Chapman, President of Shasta/Hanchett/Park, stated that “it’s not that neighbors oppose the ballpark…”, they just want it built very, very well.  As a ballpark supporter, I agree!  Build it very, very well.  Others voiced concern over noise and parking, but that’s not opposition.  Also, Merc columnist Scott Herhold and Former SJ Mayor J.G.  Hayes, also Shasta/Hanchett/Park residents, support a ballpark in downtown San Jose. 

    Perhaps it’s time you change your moniker to “TJ-Big Lier of San Jose.”  You’re not Bill Neukom in disguise, are you?

  7. If the city of San Jose actually kept its promises to neighborhoods when projects are approved the stadium might have a chance. 

    Unfortunately the city of San Jose has a miserable track record in following through on its commitments to neighborhoods.  Once the celebrations are over try finding anybody in city hall responsible for making sure the promises are kept. You will find very little help.

  8. Gil#4: I am as amazed as you are re the selction of the new (allegedly) INDEPENDENT Police Auditor.  Rick Doyle has always been a “good German” and done what he is told, without question.

    But for Chuck “Mr. Sunshine” Reed to keep this vital information quiet, and then insist that there isn’t a problem is truly shocking to me.  As a lawyer who has practiced for a few decades, Chuck knows, or should know, that the APPEARANCE of impropriety is the standard.  The conspiracy of silence among the mayor and the council on this vital point is very Nixonian.

    The failure to disclose this important fact eviscerates Chuck’s promise of sunshine & openness in government.  It’s very Gonzo-esque.

    The fact that Mr. Constantin is an otherwise good candidate in the abstratct is not meaningful in this debate.  He’d be a good candidate for the job anywhere BUT SJ or Hayward, where he is a reserve office.

    I wonder what Dave Cortese would have done were he still on the council???

    I can’t believe it, but I actually favor Raj’s position over Chuck’s and the council’s.

  9. TJ, did you watch the council discussion on the stadium issue? The “opponents” were hardly that at all. They simply requested proper planning with regard to respect for the local residents. Fremont was a total disaster, with claims that there would be rampant crime and freeways built through living rooms.

  10. Gee, Nammy, the Iraq War vote in the Congress had little initial opposition at all.

    All aboard the San Jose Stadium freight train.

    Ps, there is one little website about the area surrounding the “new stadium” that will make Nammy make sure his car is locked and guarded.

  11. Why not let professional sports teams build their own parks?  Millionaire players and billionaire owners certainly don’t need money from you and me.

    San Jose can provide fans.  That ought to be enough.

  12. Back to grades.

    Tony D,  Shill for San Jose Stadium A Plus

    He has no other agenda except shoving an ill designed, ill developed stadium in an unsafe area down people’s throats without a vote or a choice.

    D stands for stadium dictator.

  13. TJ: Was that English? There’s a website that would allegedly scare me…or whatever you said? Why not link us there? You’re babbling incoherently and grasping at straws with this name business. Come back with a real argument. Drawing parallels to the Iraq war does you no good because American soldiers nor Iraqi people (those impacted) did not come out and say “we’re mildly concerned but we trust it will be handled well.”

  14. Nam, what i think TJ was trying to say that there are a lot of people living near the site of the proposed stadium, who are registered with a website.  I think you get the meaning.  Nam, a member of the resident association did the research on that.

    Dale, you really should understand the news about the prescription drugs leaking into the water supply.  Chuck gets a good dose of anti depressants in his glass every morning, and since he never drinks bottled water, he will be fine.

    Gee, Nam, why would RDA keep that fact under wraps. Do you think it might hurt the proposal?

  15. >> Dale Warner: “Reed has so embarrassed the diverse white American peoples in San Jose who expect at least minimally competent public service, that it is most likely that he will be the last Euro-American to hold the mayor’s chair for the foreseeable future.” <<

    That’s some fine detective work, Lou. Reed is faltering, Reed is white, so whitey is on the outs.

    This, Ladies and Gentleman, is what Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and Imus have turned us into. Political commentary is so easy, even a caveman could do it.

  16. #3 says, “This Mayor is becoming Gonzo II – The Sequel. Just because you call it sunshine doesn’t make it so. Hold on to your wallets and pay close attention.”

    Reed has always been the way he is now.  His activities as Boss of Berryessa, City Council Member, and now Mayor have been completely consistent. You just didn’t hear about Reed as the Boss of Berryessa with his tricks, deceit, and manipulation of the Berryessa Union School District board as a political base. 

    The Mercury News, led by his brother-in-law, covered over Reed’s indiscretions and Reed was left alone to carve a route to City Hall through both the city’s and county’s planning commissions.

    You haven’t seen the dreadful housing developments he allowed in Berryessa or how he has failed in his decade-old promise for more parkland in District Four—he didn’t deliver parks or open spaces when San Jose had plenty of money, and now he hides behind the deficit while funding politically sensitive projects left and right.

    But Reed hasn’t changed—it’s just that his pattern and practice wasn’t reported to you by the print media or in Cindy Chavez’s campaign.  Welcome to Reed World…it’s like a metastasizing cancer…from Berryessa to downtown.

    But no wonder City Hall insiders claim Reed is very unhappy, bordering on depression.  He has not enjoyed his office and will likely leave no legacy worth writing about. He is apt to be an historically “lost mayor” much like some of the historically “lost alcaldes” from before California Independence.

    Here’s a prediction for you.  Reed has so embarrassed the diverse white American peoples in San Jose who expect at least minimally competent public service, that it is most likely that he will be the last Euro-American to hold the mayor’s chair for the foreseeable future.  Too bad, Liccardo.  Too bad, Constant. Too bad, Pyle. Too bad, Chirco.

    Reed won with the actions of DA Kennedy who appeared to time his bogus criminal charges perfectly to defeat Chavez and elect Reed.  Reed has to know that his tricksy election makes him an illegitimate leader in San Jose. Not fun for Reed who dreams about a grand jury investigating the timing of the Kennedy bogus criminal charges.

    Maybe more will be revealed.

  17. Do we have a Republican Party in Santa Clara County?

    It seems all Paul Higgins is doing is making sure the media know who Paul Higgins is rather going out and working for the party.

    If Higgins does not want to do anything with the local Republican Party, can we borrow it for a while?

    How do you get a filter that blocks Constant’s website?  It is the real smut of San Jose.

  18. 15: Again, what is this site and what are the specific views on the proposal? You can’t just say “BUT THERE’S A WEBSITE, STUPID!” That doesn’t prove anything to anyone. I’m not doubting that some are opposed outright or that the other side might be quick to quell outcry, but let’s have an actual, civil exchange.

  19. Given the low probability of building a baseball stadium without a baseball team to put in it, it’s probably nothing to get excited about yet … however … in this latest (2006) concept of the stadium at http://www.sjredevelopment.org/ballpark/DiridonAerial_BallparkDRAFT.pdf you can see some kind of structure on the south side of Park. It looks like a parking structure and next to it a vast expanse of bleak concrete of the type so beloved to our urban planners.

    That is the current fire training facility, slated to be turned into a park as part of the Los Gatos Creek trail system. The trail that connects to it opened just a few weeks ago.

    There is a lot of new housing going into that area, and more planned—the derelict buildings just west of the tracks are slated for housing, although if the stadium goes in this might get rethought. Also the empty lot at San Carlos and Sunol, of course. So there is already a shortage of park space in the area, and the city wants to hand over park space to a private owner?

    Dare I ask is there any plan for mitigation by the owners of this baseball team giving additional park land to the city in the same neighborhood in exchange?

  20. Anti-Aggravation Tip of the Day;

    If the SJI site happens to renew while you are composing a comment, your comment will not be submitted when you click on “submit”.

    This phenomenon is even more annoying than “static cling”.

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