Quotes, Slogans, Mottos or Jingles


  1. John,

    San Jose needs a new positive city motto, tag line or slogan that describes who we are, our values, vision, strengths, how we differentiate San Jose, and what we desire for our city’s future.

    Our current / previous slogans were fine but now seem outdated

    Capital of Silicon Valley
    San Jose Is Growing Up

    3 suggested new San Jose mottos or slogans

    The Best People and Quality of Life
    The Best People, Businesses and Neighborhoods
    The Best People, Businesses and Quality of Life

  2. The new slogans should reflect the reality of San Jose as it is, not how we wish it were:

    We’ll Build Houses Anywhere, Anyplace
    Our Streets Are Worse Than Yours
    We’re #10 – Big Deal
    Our City Council Has More To Hide Than Yours Does
    The Capital of Unfinished Investigations
    Our Mayor is Sorrier Than Your Mayor

  3. San Jose slogans or mottos suggested by San Jose Inside readers

    Our rotunda is transparent, our government is not

    Scandals are not the only reason to visit San Jose

    San Jose 10th largest US city, but trying for #1 in scandals

    Our Mayor has more scandals, than your Mayor

    Scandal Capital of Silicon Valley

    A city without corruption ( a scandal ) is not a Top 10 city

    Scandals that happen here, stay here

    Where the odds for more city scandals, are with you


  4. Top Ten List

    Slogans for San Jose

    10. We might be the 10th largest US city, but we are just like Fresno.

    9.  You don’t know the way to San Jose????

    8.  San Jose- Where we try hard to act like a big city.

    7.  San Jose- Capital of Costa Rica

    6.  Come and enjoy or backwater downtown, and revel in our asphalt parking lots, lots of sights and sounds to see.

    5.  Where the political corruption is just as sweet as in San Diego. [Geared to attract biotech to SJ]

    4.  San Jose- We are only 50 miles south of San Francisco

    3. San Jose- Where our garbage is not the only thing that sinks.

    2. Where Bart will one day come in the year 2085.

    1. Ron G is our Mayor

  5. Graveyard of Sports Franchises

    I sure hate this town now. The sharks were going to save the quakes if they got bribed enough. I guess they haven’t fleeced the taxpayers enough.

  6. Dear San Jose;

    Paris is the city of lights. 
      San Jose is the city of lies.

    This isn’t about Gonzales anymore, he has rendered himself irrelevant.  This is now about us and the standards we hold for ourselves as a city and as a people.

    P.S.  I’ve read much of the Independent Investigator’s report.  There is no way that the investigation should have stopped!  No witnesses had been interviewed.  Many questions remain unanswered.  This is a scandal and a cover-up. This isn’t over!

    Pete Campbell

  7. Graveyard Sports Capital of the World

    I bet if we even get a MLB baseball team that they would leave and go, because our City is soo supportive of Pro sports (other then NHL).

  8. JMO-

    The “Mayors’ Race” is not a blog – it is a “tab” that holds blogs written by mayoral candidates.  We expect to have many more mayoral blogs by the candidates as we move closer to the election, but never did we expect them to contribute regularly.

    They’re not on our payroll and I think they have other things on their minds right now.

  9. John McE 23:  Sorry I used the wrong word—‘Blog” vs “tab”.

    I know they’re not on your payroll.  I don’t believe anything I wrote suggested your complicity in this absence of comment from the candidates.

    My point was apparently missed—they are surely aware that the number of contributors to this “blog”—right word, I hope—is far less than its number of readers.

    If I were a political consultant, I’d advise them to be in it more than once a calendar quarter.

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