Poll:  San Jose a Better Place to Live Than Iraq

But Many Still Choose Oppressive Dictatorship Over County Government

Good news seems to beget good news.  Just days after a community poll showed that an overwhelming majority (51%) of people living in San Jose think that it is a good place to live, another independent and unrelated survey shows that most people prefer San Jose’s amenities to those found in Iraq.

“We have consistently said that Iraq couldn’t carry San Jose’s jock,” said Mayoral Spokesman David Vossbrink.  “I think this poll clearly proves that our residents prefer San Jose’s cheap garbage, downtown grand prix and lack of suicide bombers to imminent civil war.”

Although most experts downplayed the survey saying that Americans would choose just about anyplace to an Iraqi desert, they agreed that the most telling part of the poll addressed a seemingly unrelated, but annoyingly unavoidable part of San Jose: county government. 

When asked if they were satisfied with the current agenda and accomplishments of county leaders, 98% of people surveyed said that they would submit themselves to censorship, torture, human rights violations and even total systematic reprogramming if they could change their representation on the Board of Supervisors.

“Forget about the BART tax,” said one polling participant.  “We should be raising money to change the required lobotomy county supervisors get before taking the oath of office.”

In related news, County Counsel Ann Ravel has filed a restraining order against City Attorney Rick Doyle in order to keep him from getting within 300 feet of any county property.


  1. Richard-

    It wasn’t the supervisors that got the award, it was Ann Ravel and her continued crusade to overcome the county’s perpetual feeling of inferiority.  Can anyone say red-headed stepchild?

  2. The Mercury News wants to see emails leading up to the $4 million grand prix subsidy.  City attorney Rick Doyle says no.  From today’s Merc: 

    …but city attorney Rick Doyle says some of the e-mails should not be revealed, using the rationale of protecting the “deliberative process.’‘

    The city council can vote to release the email.  Let’s see who really believes in sunshine. 

    Link: http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/opinion/14341905.htm

  3. …late breaking news from CH R&D Labs. 

    To help SJ citizens feel better about the city’s steady stream of debacles, CH Researchers have developed electro-shock therapy technology for the home user.

    It’s a lightweight, USB 2.0 compatible, headset that plugs into your PC with accompanying software that supports 3 operating modes. 

    – Mild stun for small debacles like the race car give away.  (Mild stun is also recommended prior to watching Channel 26 CH coverage)
    – Medium stun for CH/SCC lawsuit sized debacles
    – Heavy stun for half-billion dollar new CH and BART sized debacles.

    A Mac version is planned for later in the year.

  4. 51%?  With Gonzo taking his arrogance cues from DC, he’s going to consider that a mandate on his performance, especially where garbage rates are concerned.

  5. City vs County

    The time has really come to take a look at our dual system of governance, and to consider merging all the cities and the county government into the City & County of Santa Clara as a new metro district. Usually I wouldn’t prefer to offer a structural concept as a solution because all they ordinarily do is cover up the real problem.

    However, in our county the real problem is having two competing governments (at least within San Jose’s borders), and the best way is to merge municipals with the county, and elect the new city-county reps from districts no larger than 50K population to enable lower income, lower wealth, unfunded candidates to have a chance. This is to preserve minority interests, also, so they are not washed away by re-organization.

  6. A few quotes from BaghdadInside, a blog operated by the Mahk-Emrani brothers…

    “Don’t listen to the fanatics, Baghdad’s new alcohol policy was endorsed by Mullahs Against Drunk Driving.” – Issa “Reality Check” Al-Fulashid

    “The soldiers are profiling insurgents again.” – Ri’ik Kammal-dhur, NAACP (National Alliance Against Civilization & Prosperity)

    “Even when surrounded by the carnage and destruction she helped wrought, the vice-mayor remains charming” –  Raheesh Rabah Ehn-san, owner, Baghdad Camel Dung Recyclers

    “I assembled all the pertinent facts but no one at City Hall was interested.” – Fay-Ed Rastanyani, Green Zone Neighborhood Association

    “My job is simple. If the local government fails to reform on its own, I dial in the coordinates.” – Pvt. R.C. “Novice” Dawson, 623 Field Artillery Regiment

    “The insurgents fear us for our open government.” – Rahn “Delete Ali” Ali-Gonzo, Exiled mayor of Baghdad

    “The burka saves me from the leers of the Bedouins, but now they stare at my little brother.” – Single Gal in Baghdad

  7. Don’t get me wrong, all the talk this week about how nice Cindy is has been truly riveting – but where’s the Shark Chatter?  Where’s Randy? 

    5th place in the West,  knocking the Vancouver Criminals out of the playoffs.  How sweet can it get!!

    [Fin – #11 was truly inspired.  Hee-larious!]

  8. Finfan, your source for quote #1 is priceless.  I suspect Issa’s no relation to Darryl Issa Al-Fulashid, the one who financed Rik Al-Bulshid a few years back?

    I have a Persian co-worker who has advised that the “Al” is silent.  Those mid-easterners obviously never met Mr. Ruffo.

  9. Frustrated Fin Fan,
    Please forgive my ignorance, but what the hell are you saying.
    I just realized that most every one on this suite is not any body. All The BS is nothing more than BS.
      Jerry Brown had a blog site that banged out the bullets.
      Tom is it not you and your staff that allows the posting. I know that I have been censored on several occasions.
      Your site has been contaminated with the opinions of those that will not stand on their own statements in name & responcibility.
      If you want Gonzales and the council to be transparent, best you post only those that reflect that Sunshine.
      This will be my last posting and reading of this web site until the sun shine rule takes effect.
      The Village Black Smith

  10. “Like an illusionary oasis in the burning desert, an ever-increasing tax keeps desperate feet moving forward… and the fooled hopeful.” – Khar al-Ghar Dheeno, Iraq Minister of Duplicity and advisor to the Council of the Five Shifting Dunes

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