Party 101

Apparently San Jose State University is quite the party school. Except it’s not the students who are having all the fun. On March 5, around noon, police were called to room 229 of Clark Hall, where Food Culture was being taught. According to Detective Mike Santos, the officers on the scene found the instructor Eileen Trans, whom they say was a tad bit intoxicated. “She walked in and she had fallen and hit her head on the whiteboard and then she just started acting really weird,” said Dan Lu, a student in the class. Though she was not arrested or cited, the officers had someone come pick her up, and told the class it was canceled for the day. The following week a new teacher was filling in for Trans.

About two hours later, in Dudley Moorhead Hall, someone reported to the police that Patrick MacDonald, a sociology lecturer, was giving out alcohol to minors. Detective Santos said that upon investigation the police could find no evidence that any minors had been drinking, although there was alcohol present, and sent the case to faculty affairs. No charges were filed. The Fly thinks that it took the wrong classes in college and desperately wants to re-enroll.

The Fly is the valley’s longest running political column, written by Metro Silicon Valley staff, to provide a behind-the-scenes look at local politics. Fly accepts anonymous tips.

One Comment

  1. Do we recall Alphonso De Alba, Executive Director of the Associated Students, who was dismised by the Associated Students Board of Directors for serving liquour at a retreate paid for by student fees.  Among his jury were the very students who not only drank the vino, but took a picture of the party, used in evidence against Alphonso (who was paid thanks the university, more money than the governor), and were the very people who voted to fire him.  Verrill Phillips supposedly rejected the issue of conflicts of interest, by qupping that no real conflicts ever matter.

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