Nguyen Endorses Liccardo in San Jose Mayor’s race

Sam Liccardo picked up the last major endorsement in the San Jose mayor's race, getting the rubber stamp from City Council colleague and primary challenger Madison Nguyen.

San Jose Inside reported in July that both Liccardo and county Supervisor Dave Cortese were putting on the full-court press to get the blessing of San Jose vice mayor. Nguyen finished third in the primary with 20.26 percent of the vote, while Liccardo finished in second with 25.75 percent and Cortese took first at 33.72 percent.

Her backing may help Liccardo land a coveted bloc of Asian voters, a segment of the population that will have a major role in picking the city's next mayor.

“The City of San Jose has gone through a very painful period," Nguyen said in a statement sent out by Liccardo's campaign. "We are now starting to recover from the financial problems we have faced. I believe Sam is the best person to avoid falling into the traps of the past and will move San Jose forward the best way possible."

Liccardo said he was "grateful" for Nguyen's support and praised her leadership on pension reform.

Below is the full statement sent out by Liccardo's campaign:

Vice Mayor Madison Nguyen this week announced that she is endorsing Sam Liccardo for Mayor of San José. Her announcement is another sign of tremendous momentum for Liccardo heading into the November runoff.

“I’m grateful for Madison’s support as we head into the next phase of this campaign. Madison has been an incredible leader and advocate for pension reform,” said Liccardo. “Prominent civic leaders and organizations are coming together in support of my candidacy because they believe so strongly that we must continue to move forward, building a smarter government and a safer city through innovation. We can’t go back to the old way of doing business but must unite together for a stronger San José.”

“The City of San José has gone through a very painful period. We are now starting to recover from the financial problems we have faced. I believe Sam is the best person to avoid falling into the traps of the past and will move San José forward the best way possible,” said Vice Mayor Nguyen. 

Nguyen had a strong third place showing in the June primary and is the latest in a recent string of endorsements for Liccardo, including nods from current Mayor Chuck Reed, the San José Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce and a duel endorsement from the Santa Clara County Democratic Club. These join pre-primary endorsements from the Mercury News, the Sierra Club and former Mayors Susan Hammer, Tom McEnery and Ron James.

Josh Koehn is a former managing editor for San Jose Inside and Metro Silicon Valley.


  1. “…and a duel endorsement from the Santa Clara County Democratic Club.” The Dem club wants them to shoot it out?

  2. This is a big deal. Madison is a wonderful public servant and I hope she continues a career in public service beyond her time on the City Council….this cements Liccardo’s position as the frontrunner. Unlike Cortese with businesses, the unions will actually work with Sam. He has reached across the aisle, endorsing the likes of Ash Kalra, whereas Cortese only endorses people who agree with him on everything (see Campos, Xavier).

    • SJC.. You’ve GOT to be high..
      “Unlike Cortese with businesses, the unions will actually work with Sam.” – I don’t think they’ll have much of a choice.. Much like Chuck, Sam will shove his agenda down their throats, complete with poison pill riddled “compromises” and well spun half truths presented to the citizens.

      “Madison is a wonderful public servant..” – Opinions are like.. COME ON!? DO YOU OWE HER MONEY OR SOMETHING?

      • Definitely High ! The Unions will NOT work with Liccardo , they already tried and he spit in their face . Madisons support was for sale , plain and simple . what that called , Rhymes with Superstition but it begins with the letter “P” ??

    • “Madison is a wonderful public servant.” Could you please name one initiative or achievement that Ms. Nguyen has brought about during her long tenure in office? (the prom dress drive doesn’t count).
      Pete Campbell

    • Dude, you obviously live under a rock. Frontrunner? Since when? Unions work with Sam? You are delusional SJC. Sam is one of the reason why many employees in the Fire Dept., Police Dept., and other city workers are either leaving in droves or are disgruntled over the present city administration. Cortese is about FAIR government, not undercutting staff.

    • I guess the term ‘the truth hurts’ applies in this case. Im sure you felt like vomiting when you heard Cortese’s endorsements so I am sorry you have to relive that.

  3. Who is Campos endorsing? Who is Carrasco endorsing?

    I would be surprised if either one of the accidental council members from District 5 will have a strong rep for a candidate for Mayor.

    Yes, Campos was interviewed by the Grand Jury. That is a mark against him.


    Where did her warning letters get sent, to her five phony addresses?

    What about the accusation that she and her ex husband used a committee to launder money from Indian Gaming.

    Will Rosen investigate?

    But Jeff Rosen employed Carrasco’s boss, and three DA employees gave Carrasco over a grand.

    Bring Back Pandori!

  4. I’m having a difficult time thinking of any sort of accomplished she has had in the last 7-8 years, other than alienate her entire community over the Little Saigon fiasco.

    I guess this counts as an accomplishment, she supported giving up $250k of reserve funds from her own district and instead chose to allow this to be given to Ace Charter school in CD5.

    • She collected and redistributed used prom dresses and, not only did she succeed with “Little Saigon” but is working on getting her Communications Hill Neighborhood considered part of “Willow Glen” simply by saying it is so! Oh, and don’t forget she was Mayor Reed’s “Vice Mayor” – because that title apparently carries a lot of weight with some posters.

  5. Of course she endorsed Liccardo. To endorse Dave Cortese would be an admission of her supporting the failed policies of Reed et al. Nguyen, Liccardo, Reed, and the rest of this voting block, have destroyed public safety in San Jose. Last night’s debacle at the city council meeting was a shining example of their incompetence and disregard for the public’s safety.

  6. Imagine that ! Someone from the Reed Administration that can be bought and paid for ???? theres a shocker

  7. She was a part of everything that has happened the last few years! Lets look back, nope nothing good has happened good its been all bad. This city is in the pooper right now. Madison is a big reason. Please vote Cortese so we can begin to rebuild this city. We have wasted money on the A’s, illegal mandates against our city workers, and ignored the exodus of city workers. The millions wasted could have maintained all city services and that would have kept the cops from leaving. Our city would still be safest big city. Wake up people without change we will continue down hill.

  8. Madison endorsing Sam, is a death knell to his run at the mayor’s chair.
    Hey! Sam and most of your knuckle heads, are left to pound sand. Lew Wolff did you and Reed easy.
    I could say more, but, I’ll leave it to the experts to point to the obious.l

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