News Of The Week: Searching High And Low

To bring you the news…

I learned three things this week.

1. Hitachi is building a new campus in South San Jose and it sounds like it could be pretty tall, according to the Metro.

2. It’s possible for a tsunami to be one centimeter tall.

3. Mayor Gonzales says he has nothing to hide and asks for an independent investigation into the allegations raised by the civil grand jury report that the city was guilty of wrongdoing in its handling of the Norcal garbage contract.  So, it sounds like one side is telling tall tales.

That’s the long and short of it.

And remember, it’s Father’s Day on Sunday.  Hug your Dad.


  1. Forget about it, Pho.  We’re stuck with a stubby skyline and all we can do is try and capitalize on its more human scale.  Long ago there was a proposal to move the airport to a location more towards Alviso/Milpitas which would have placed the flight path directly over highway 101.  This to me seemed like genius, placing the approaching planes over an existing white-noise generator like a freeway.  It also would have allowed for skyscrapers downtown.  A combination of protests against this plan by would-be neighbors of the new airport and I presume financial issues made it so this proposal never got off the ground.  But if it had, this town would likely already have the identity it’s still trying to establish some 30 or more years later.

  2. If Gonzo has nothing to hide why has he tried to hide it the past 4 years?
    And what about you folks who live in some of the Council districts whose Councilmembers are still supporting this gift of public funds? Hope you are contacting their offices and letting them know what you think.

  3. Maybe if we had a City Manager who did his job and maybe if we had more than a lapdog City Council the Grand Jury would not have anything to investigate. Novel idea, huh?

  4. I’ve sed it lots of times…when you investigate politicians, either appointed or elected, you have to look at their family mambers’ accounts to see where the pay-offs go!

  5. Merc said latest fiasco is being called Garbage Gate.

    if Gonzales is Nixon.  Then Guerra is Haldemann.

    Who will be John Dean?  Woodward?  Bernstein?

    And of course Deep Throat?

  6. The heads of two city departments just told some people I know that citizens must pay fees to get the departments to act, Cynik, so when you pay the fee, you can get honesty in government, according to the City Manager’s department heads.

  7. Gonzo calls for an “independent” investigation.

    Since when is the civil grand jury not independent?  There’s a new one very year.

    Gonzo wants a whitewash investigation by a group he appoints or controls.

    Who in his right mind would hire this guy when he is (thankfully) termed out?

    I had such high hopes when he became mayor—a guy who might at least give business an even break.  Boy, did I blow that call!

    John Michael O’Connor

  8. Where in San Jose can we build 40 to 50 stories tall buildings?  It seems all of the places being considered for development, downtown, North First, and Coyote Valley are all under the flight path of SJC.  It is so boring looking at those stubby buildings.

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