News In Review: Let’s Tent Evergreen!

What a week it’s been.  I was happy to take a week off last week to please my readers, but it’s good to get back to the news.  So, away we go…

I suppose tenting Evergreen is not too realistic an option.  Especially since, as Tracey Kaplan reports in the Mercury, the price of the tent is rising.  The Mercury also reported, in a story by Rodney Foo, on the ethics panel’s request that interactions between the City Council and Planning Staff be reviewed.

Writing about an interaction that took place right here, Connie Skipitares details the City Hall reaction our guest blogger Dave Cortese‘s piece from Monday.  Speaking of mayoral candidates and web sites, Metro‘s The Fly takes a look at who acted fast to get their names registered.

Also covering territory that we’ve delved into here at San Jose Inside, this time in Alex Marthews piece from Monday, Alicia Upano writes in the Willow Glen Resident about the cannery being torn down.

Mary Gottschalk highlights the reporting in the Rose Garden Resident this week with her story on the College Park train station being saved.

I can only think of one good thing about the news, which Anne Gelhaus reports in the Almaden Resident, that kids will have to pay to get bused to school starting in the Fall: more lemonade stands this Summer.

All right, go forth and perform random acts of kindness, like those Ann Wade Ernst describes in the Almaden Resident.

Oh, and I almost forgot, there’s a great DeCinzo cartoon this week too.


  1. How much you want to bet that the cost of the tent hits $10 Million before this is all over?  And this is for something temporary, not even a real expansion of the quanset hut.  This mayor and council is becoming comical in their ineptitude.  If ever there was a town that’s trying too hard, this is it.

  2. I think it is appropriate that the City Council is rushing to build the multi-million dollar tent for the 10,000 people who are expected at the eBay convention. It looks like something that would be auctioned off on eBay for pennies on the dollar.

  3. Am I the only one who thinks the Big Tent is Ron & the Council’s punishment of San Jose’s voters for failing to pass the tax for a brick and mortar expansion of the Convention Center? Sort of a municipal game of “Now look what you made me do!”

  4. Interesting event tonight – District 7 Neighborhood Leaders – Candidate Forum Committee will meet tonight at Tully Library – 880 Tully Road at 7-9 pm

    Speakers from Chamber of Commerce, Campaign Ethics Foundation of Santa Clara County and South Bay Labor Council will discuss district and city issues and the details about Candidate’s Forum on Saturday, May 7th, 1-4 pm Yerba Buena High School -1855 Lucretia Ave.


  5. eBay is trying to do the right thing and hold their convention in their own home town.  I’m sure if they could back out at this late date and hold it somewhere else, they would.  That is a very sad commentary.  The tent builders have the mayor & council over a barrel and they are clearly playing this for all they can get out of it.  The council can’t afford to play hardball with the eBay event looming, so they are sitting ducks for the tent builder.  So here’s another one—how much you want to bet there’s going to be a lawsuit over the tent once it’s finished?  And how much you want to bet that the tent is taken down well before it’s 10 year life expectancy?  What a waste.

  6. Our vision team has a handle on it, don’t worry Mark.

    After the convention, the cost of the tent will be recouped by leasing it out to local termite companies.

  7. Mr. Rowen, the mission statement on this site says its’ meant to encourage debate and discussion.  I think Mr. O’Connor will come to understand that you can’t always participate in an ongoing debate or discussion without making more than one post here.  Or maybe he’s taking his cues from Gonzo and the 2-minute rule. 
    I’m guilty, as many here are, of just venting and not providing constructive input, but this site is about providing a forum to get the thoughts of the people out there, not about limiting them.
    So here’s my latest thought:  Can they spare a few more bucks to put a permanent tent over Quetzalcoatl?

  8. Hey, I have no problem with you posting as much as you like, and I have no problem with you talking or venting.

    It is a free market for ideas and opinion.  That seems to be the case.  You, at least, as does Mr. O’Connor, have the decency to talk while using your name.

  9. It really is a shame that eBay is going to catch hell from their users for hosting their convention in SJ. 

    But the city might be able to mitigate eBay’s grief by posting some of it’s memorabilia on eBay and donating the proceeds towards bus tickets with which the convention goers can use to flee downtown in the evenings.

    Such memorabilia as:
    – Larry Stone’s “SJ is Major League” sandwich board
    – the mayor’s golf scorecard’s from any of the exclusive northern cal courses
    – autographed trading cards of our homeless zombies in Cesar Chavez park
    – Quetzie souveneir cigarette lighters

    Mark – there is no need to feel even the slightest bit of remorse for cynicism given that city politics is bought and owned by special interests and the order of the day is incompetence, ineptitude, mismanagement, and waste of our hard earned tax dollars.

    This cynical attitude will and should prevail until we have a new mayor and council that shows an inclination towards remedying the above.

  10. I don’t know, I think it looks pretty cool. I doubt anything else could have gone up as quickly in order to even have a CHANCE to host the eBay event.

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