New Bay Area-Wide Stay-at-Home Order Now in Effect

A new stay-at-home order went into effect in Bay Area counties late Sunday night and early Monday to try to limit the spread of Covid-19.

The order went into effect at 10pm Sunday in Contra Costa, Santa Clara and San Francisco counties and at 12:01am in the city of Berkeley and the rest of Alameda County. Marin County will enact the order at noon Tuesday.

The six jurisdictions on Friday announced the regional order to require most non-essential businesses to close all indoor and outdoor operations.

Temporary closures include outdoor dining, playgrounds, hair salons, museums, zoos, movie theaters, and wineries, breweries and bars.

Retail and shopping centers will have indoor operations permitted at 20 percent capacity and no eating or drinking in stores.

A statewide order announced Thursday will add such restrictions if a specified region in California had less than 15 percent availability in hospital intensive care units, a number already reached by the Southern California and San Joaquin Valley regions.

Health officials in the six jurisdictions decided to align with the state order, even though the ICU availability in the Bay Area was not yet below that number and was at 24.1 percent as of Sunday. The order does not extend to other counties in the region.

The restrictions will remain in effect through at least Jan. 4.

Click here to read the entirety of the state’s stay-at-home order.


  1. Well, if you unhappy at being placed under house arrest by Gavin Newsom and Sara Cody, you could declare yourself to be “homeless” and have the government put you up in the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco.

    Knob Hill.
    Top of the Mark.
    Three square meals a day.
    Drugs and alcohol delivered to your room so you don’t violate social distancing.
    Tax payers pick up the tab.

    “But San Francisco is surreptitiously placing homeless people in luxury hotels by designating them as emergency front-line workers, a term that the broader community understands to mean doctors, nurses, and similar professionals.”
    , , ,
    “If neighborhood residents were more aware of the influx of these new guests who frequently suffer from drug addiction and severe mental illness as well as having criminal backgrounds, they might object. Consequently, the city has evoked emergency-disaster law to keep the information private. Officials refuse to notify the public about what is happening in their community and are blocking the press by withholding the list of hotels and preventing reporters from entering the properties.”

    Blocking the press?

    You mean the government is preventing Jennifer Wadsworth from reporting the news?

    I’ll be SHE’S really upset.

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