App Shows How to Walk, Bike or Bus to Nearest Vote Center

Finding the nearest vote center is easier than ever now thanks to a new interactive feature on a transit app used by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA).

Just open the Transit App and zoom in to see a check mark designating each of the 99 ballot drop-off locations in Santa Clara County.

When you tap one of the marks on the screen, information about the location pops up—including directions for how to get there by foot, bike or public transit.

The addition to the app comes after the VTA published a high-resolution map of the South Bay’s vote centers along with information about the closest bus and light rail service to get you to each one.

Vote centers will stay open until polls close at 8pm Tuesday.

Click here to download the app.


  1. Your poetic form could be improved:

    “Vote NO
    on ZOE,
    she has got to GO!”

    There, I fixed it

    But, I think a haiku would actually be better.

    “Voting no on Zoe;
    Going is for her a thing.
    Return not wanted.”

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