Morgan Hill Mayor Apologizes For Verbal Attack

Too Busy Dealing With Goat Ordinance

VTA Board of Directors Alternate and Morgan Hill Mayor Dennis Kennedy offered up a rare apology after verbally assaulting the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group over a letter they sent urging his support for the Silicon Valley BART extension.

Calling his comments “ill-timed,” Mayor Kennedy explained that the recent Morgan Hill city council docket had been very full in the last few weeks, leaving his nerves frayed and his fuse short. 

“We have been debating this goat ordinance for quite some time and it has been weighing heavily on my conscience,” he explained.  “Many of these animals will end up displaced, farmless, or on the dinner table if we don’t make the right decision.”

He said his initial reaction to the letter was outrage and dismay that a group would try and influence his vote, but then remembered he was Mayor and that we live in a democracy where citizens can band together and voice their opinions to elected officials.

“I understand that we have to keep our priorities straight,” he said.  “We all need that proverbial wakeup call now and again and those cute, forlorn goats that were crying out for residence in our great city, reminded me of what was important.”

Political commentator Larry Gerston surmises that there is another motive behind Mayor Kennedy’s sudden concern with animal husbandry, “He’s no dummy.  He doesn’t want to disenfranchise the ‘goat vote,’ the single largest block of supporters that got him elected!”


  1. “Since when is it so offensive
    voice your opinion?  These petty VTA boardmembers are such local
    We need regional thinkers if we are ever to become a greater
    whole…Constant petty squabbling.”

  2. Yes, why do cities like Morgan Hill and Los Gatos get to decide the fate of BART which would be in San Jose? Why do they have that power? Morgan Hill didn’t even want 101 widened even though it was a parking lot because it would cause too many people to go there…please. Some people don’t mind standing in the way of progress I guess.

  3. Associated Press as annouced that PETA will bring a law suit to stop Mayor Kennedy from using goats for an excuse.  Quoting the president of the animal liberation organization,” If Mayor Kennedy presists in using these poor goats as scapegoats for his statements we will go to Morgan Hill and start a protest of large porportions.  Also, trying to have these goats register as lobbists we feel is harsh punishment.”  San Jose is now looking into stopping trade with Morgan Hill until this matter is resolved.  Mayor Gonsalez was heard to have said they have to register goats as lobbists?  Hell here in San Jose we don’t register anyone.

  4. My favorite quote from Dr San Jose’s link…

    “We’re in the transportation business, so let’s act like it. Let’s be visionary,” said LaBonge, an MTA board member.”

    There’s that “vision” thing again!    smile

    When you hear the word “vision” from a politician, you’ll know that a titanic waste of money is being discussed so you should:

    1.  hope that you’re just having a bad dream and you’ll wake up soon.
    2.  hold on to your wallet with both hands and run like heck.

  5. Farm animals + SJ border town Morgan Hill + one fun-loving but feckless mayor = a new sitcom for the WB.  I hear Richard Lewis might do the Kennedy part.

  6. I actually agree with the comapssionate conservative style of Mayor Kennedy.  Without well crafted laws, Morgan Hill could end up as just another town where disoriented Seniors end up with their homes chock full of more cats than a Jerusalem phone book.

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