The San Jose Stage Company is gearing up for the 26th annual political comedy show Monday Night Live. This year’s production features Randall King as artistic director, Cathleen King as executive director and Michael Van Every as host.
Starring in Monday’s show are returning favorites: comedian Will Durst and City Council members Dev Davis, Raul Peralez, Pam Foley and Magdalena Carrasco.
Organizers describe the event as “an evening of fun, fantasy and fiction, where insiders and outsiders do what it takes to pull off the show’s topical sketches.”
Some of the major sponsors for the show, which raises money or the theater company, are Robert Bettencourt, Republic Urban Properties, Swenson, CORE Companies and Essex. Preferred seats run for $150 a ticket and reserved spots for $75. The event starts at 5pm Monday with a cocktail reception until the show starts at 7pm.
“We are excited to once again host this highly successful fundraiser where community leaders, politics and art collide,” Monday Night Live co-chair Jerry Strangis. “Audiences are in for a fun and entertaining evening.”
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Is Carrasco dressing up like an M&M and singing New York. New York?
I pass, my IQ will drop being around these idiots. I rather pay $1, 800 to go see #kamalaharrisforthepeople The culture of our local politicians can be described in one word: EGOCENTRICS!
Who are the Insiders and outsiders?
People, when you vote, there is a write in option. I would vote for any glass of water with a D, R, or I, NP, who is not part of these idiots’ show! Take their sits!
Dems just wanna have fun . . . !