Milpitas Municipal Layoffs Ahead

Unions representing Milpitas municipal workers are in a race against the clock to meet with city representatives, as City Hall announces plans to lay off as many as 21 full-time employees. The city explains the proposed staffing cuts as necessary now that the municipal deficit is expected to be $1.8 million more than previously anticipated.

The unions have proposed alternative ways of helping the city balance its budget—Mayor Bob Livengood hints that this might only be the beginning. More cuts may be down the road if the State continues to take money from the city.

According to a story in today’s Miltipas Post, the additional deficit is attributed to a state grab of $1.8 million in property taxes.


  1. The Milpitas Mayor and most of their Council members are some of the biggest bones heads I’ve ever seen in my life. I attended two-three Council meetings there. They cuss at one another, bash one another right there in the public meeting. They gang up on one another and consistently vote down issues based solely on their personal dislikes of one or two Council members. They have been in the Mercury News and other medias for this and for not allowing a Citizen’s Oversight Committee. Gomez and the Mayor wanted to be their OWN oversight committee in Milpitas. What a joke.  And you think WE don’t have sunshine in San Jose!

    They are a complete disgrace to that profession. But I’ll say this, since Milpitas citizens keep voting these pinheads in, then they deserve what they are getting. NOTHING!

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