Mayor Ron Gonzales:  “This Job Bites!”

Calls Vossbrink “Shitty Proofreader” in Staff Meeting Meltdown

The Gonzales era, which in the past few months has been rocked by ethics challenges, scandals, firings, and misspellings and bad grammar, suffered yet another setback after the Mayor threw a major “hissy fit” during a routine staff meeting, reported a source close to city hall.

A trip to Phoenix to pitch San Jose to Major League Baseball seemed to be the final straw.  It started off well enough, the idea of this pre-packaged “star vehicle” for Gonzales, a B-grade actor, but quickly deteriorated into a career killing and studio ruining, “Ishtar”-type failure.

His tirade seemed to stem from scrutiny the junket received from several media outlets, including industry behemoths Knight-Ridder and, regarding the fifth grade oral report that Mayor Gonzales and his classmate gave using poster board, Scotch tape, and edible glue, replete with misspelled words and wayward accents.

A weary Gonzales, who spent the last few days pontificating on the greatness of San Jose to a few unaware and inebriated Cactus league zealots, made the mistake of going directly to the office from his flight home.

“I have never seen him like that,” admitted a disheveled Mayoral spokesman and chief sign maker, David Vossbrink, who was nearly crushed under the weight of the Mayor’s invectives.  “He was throwing objects – staplers, little ‘white-out’ bottles – he went medieval on me!”

After regaining his composure, the Mayor vowed to swear off any future poster board presentations and declared, “If you want me, I’ll be at San Jose Muni.”

In a related story, DNA tests conclusively proved that the finger found in the Wendy’s chili was not that of County Assessor Larry Stone.


  1. The typos were bad enough and the fact the Mayor looked like an uncomfortable TV mattress salesman, even worse was the two of them looked more like they were selling hotdogs instead of a “major league” city.

  2. Gonzales reminds me of someone crying out for help.  Not sure what his problem is but everytime he touches something it goes bad.  City Hall, Bart, Baseball, ethics, whatever nothing works for him.  At this rate he won’t be able to get elected to the Board of Supervisors, the burial ground for old politicans who have nowhere else to turn.  I know he destroyed any chance for MLB in San Jose but how many rounds of golf did he get in that’s what’s important to him.  Maybe he’s getting ready for senior tour isn’t he around 50?  Did the baselball group that sent him pay for his golf also?

  3. Unfortunately San Jose may have to wait for current Gonzales admin to be gone before it gets a Major League team…let’s not give up hope…take me out to the ballgame!!!!

  4. What a fool San Jose is,  the mayor begging, pitching the city like a five year old bad news bear kid!  Like I said, San Jose is most embarrassed city in the world – nothing new.

  5. John, I like your style. 

    This town has a lot going for it that we take for granted—things we don’t think about, like left turn lanes—try finding one of those anywhere in LA, and if you do, you won’t have the benefit of a green arrow to go with it.  The quality of life here is higher than just about anywhere else in the Bay Area.

    I’m sure a major league team would be the icing on the cake for many residents.  Gonzo’s heart doesn’t seem to be in this.  He might as well have hired one of those people who stands on a corner jiggling a sign directing you to those mattresses mentioned above.  Step one in this process is to get MLB to take you seriously.  I don’t know if they’ll ever stop laughing long enough to get their attention again after Gonzo’s pathetic appearance and Larry’s sign that demonstrates how bad off the school system is in this state.  Just another in the long string of blunders that make us the Rodney Dangerfield of “major” cities.

  6. San Jose needs to take Major League actions, if we are really serious, about bring major league baseball and other sports to San Jose.  Our previous unsuccessful and recent efforts, while well intentioned by local people without the necessary skills have been minor league.

    Where are the realistic proactive common sense business, serious promotion efforts and addressing the obvious issues and concerns that Silicon Valley is famous for in San Jose’s major league baseball team promotion efforts? 

    We need to find a local nationally recognized sports leader, like Bill Walsh, a nationally recognized California politician, like our Governor who can probably use the good publicity ( there are few nationally recognized California politicians who can do the job, if you don’t think he is the right person than name who is ) and a knowledgeable sports business negotiator the lead San Jose’s public relation campaign to get major league baseball to give back our territory rights at no cost and to have multiple baseball team owners compete for the profitable opportunity to have a San Jose baseball team rather than the expensive and dumb sports business idea that San Jose should compete with Oakland for who can give the most money to the millionaire baseball owners.

    Where is the clear proactive well thought out multiple part business plan that has action plans to recover of our “ territory rights “ at little or no cost using political, legal, and
    Business strategies, private / public financing, the best site selection rather than what is easy and available and how to build voter to pass limited public stadium financing in a slow economy and the local / state government budget crisis when we are underfunding public services and infrastructure.

    Now is the best time to use all of the above actions to bring Major League Baseball to San Jose especially strong proactive political and legal actions since the baseball owners have a bad public image because of player steroid use and do not want any additional bad publicity challenging their baseball monopoly to control “ territory rights “ that were granted at no cost to the San Francisco franchise owners for a deal that did not happen, in a territory that they have not and will not put a team in at the start of baseball season.

    If you seriously want a major league team then plan, execute and negotiate in a major league way or be satisfied with being seen as a minor league baseball town which many u are not.

  7. Stan-
    We should be afraid, and amused!
    Instead of the “floats” how about a huge bronze statue of Ron and Larry holding a sign that says “Welkom 2 R MaJer Leag Sity” ?

    After a huge public outcry the city could have it relocated to a freeway offramp.

  8. His comment unfortunately has some basis – see Portland’s – 64 page MJB proposal

    We can find nationally recognized sports and politican as spokespersons, learn from other city’s MJB proposals, use the Mayors fact sheet as a starting point, get an economics / finance professor from a local university to do a economic baseball study and hire a sports business negotiator to assist in structuring the best deal to proactive promote San Jose as the best next MLB city.

    Portland OR Baseball Group

    Portland OR – Presentation Materials for Major League Baseball Relocation Committee

    Also look at Las Vagas NV ‘s use of a national sports leader to promote their efforts – Tuesday, December 21, 2004 Hall of Fame slugger Reggie Jackson has emerged as the front man for a group of wealthy investors attempting to bring major league baseball to Las Vegas.

    District of Columbia – Baseball DC

    VIRGINIANS FOR BASEBALL, Inc. is the official organization of baseball fans committed to bringing Major League Baseball to Northern Virginia. that lost out to Washington DC

    A slow day, everyone have a great weekend

  9. In listing the reasons why San Jose deserves a big league team, the mayor should have displayed on his signs the latest test results from our local schools. That would have removed any concern that MLB might have about this high-tech mecca’s ability to provide the minimum wage vendors, janitors, parking attendants, and landscapers needed to staff a major league stadium.

    Oh, and as for the state-of-the-art scoreboard and sound system mandatory in any new stadium, the mayor could have bragged about our population of foreign-trained engineers.

  10. In my experience, there’s a 3-step process to build civic greatness.

    1.  Become home to an arena league football franchise.  This step is already complete.
    2.  Host a major art exhibition.  Thomas Kinkade/Painter of Light at the McEnery Convention Center would be cool.
    3.  Elect a celebrity mayor.

    I think the current mayor should bypass MLB pipe dreams and try and draw a major college football powerhouse to use Spartan Stadium.

  11. I have said it again, and again, no sports lobbying effort is done out at Spring Training.  It should have been done at the Winter meetings and using professionals.

  12. Ok – I got it.  Here’s how you sell the MLB team and downtown stadium to the voters.

    Layout the stadium so that left field is a short porch – like Wrigley or Fenway.

    Beyond the left field fence and just across the street is the domed rotunda for the new city hall.

    Who wouldn’t vote for a proposal where baseball players would be hitting baseballs off of the ‘dome-icile’ of our local politicians?

  13. Who the heck paid for this debacle?  I hope the taxpayers didn’t have to foot the bill… did it come out of the Mayor’s public/private slush-fund?

  14. Having endured His Honors back stabbing of staff for many years its good to see that there is karma and Ron is getting his due.  He’s gonna run for something else like Reppresentitative to congress but as a second class kinda guy he just does have the integrity.

  15. Did the Wendy’s finger have green nail polish on it?

    Great article, made me laugh almost as hard as I did when I saw Ronny and Stoney with the San Jose Sandwich Board at Spring Training!

  16. I am embarassed to say that I live in San Jose with that showing in Scottsdale. I am sure that we will never get a MLB team with that display. Hey, I will donate $50 to get some better visual aides next. I guess all the money went to Ron’s first class airplane ticket. Besides, in what other city is the assessor somebody with “power”? I would think that it was funny if it wasn’t so painful to see.

  17. We have more homeless now than San Francisco, we cannot get BART until 2029, San Jose will never get its housing formula fulffilled, and Rich is worried that we are being too tough on Larry Stone???

    We have seniors with a great deal of worry about the assessment of their homes, we have budget deficits for library services, and Rich is telling us to be easy on Larry Stone and Ron Gonzales because they focused too much time on a pipe dream??

    When do we get to be hard on them???

  18. This just in…..
    The Pinellas Park (FL) Disptach reported yesterday that “SJ Mayor Ron Guiterrez (sic) had arrived at Terry Schiavo’s hospice for a hastily arranged and spearsely attended press conference.  Apparently the Mayor had arrived to participate in the protest by demanding entrance into the hospice to deliver a “chilupa, made by San Jose’s own Emma’s restaurant” with which to provide Terry “with sustinance during her ordeal”.  The Dispatch then added-“isn’t it time just to let Terry and Mayor Guiterrez go away with dignity”…

  19. In order for Ron Gonzales to redeam himself, he must focus on downtown development.  He must make sure CIM build highrise housing on block 3 next the Rep..  He must encourage Barry Swenson build “City Height”, a 16 story development on San Pedro within the next month as promised.  Ron must also encourage more retail downtown. If he does those things, he would be the best mayor San Jose ever had!  He must make sure the new city hall and riverpark open this year as scheduled.

  20. The only way Gonzo is gonna get a MLB team is if he runs for Mayor of Oakland, San Francisco or Los Angeles – and wins…

    Interesting irony …. a $400 million dollar City Hall in the works… championed by Gonzo and ALL they could muster up for this poster was about $12 bucks worth of school supplies….  LMFAO

  21. Ok, Ron and Larry have been thoroughly thrashed for their debacle.

    We can’t undo what was done, now should we dwell upon it.  Let us move forward in a professional way.

    Larry, more than Ron, has worked on this issue for years.  No one doubts that both Ron and Larry had good intentions.  But what we need is a professional effort from this point forward. 

    We learn more from mistakes than success.  Ron and Larry might be geniuses by now.  Let’s move forward by getting a first class team in place to handle this effort.

    This does not mean replacing Ron or Larry in this effort, it simply means they need to seek guidance and provide leadership through listening.

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