Mayor Liccardo to Deliver His First State of the City Speech

Mayor Sam Liccardo will outline key initiatives and budget priorities for San Jose in his first state-of-the-city address this Saturday.

The annual event takes place from 10 to 11:30am Saturday at the Independence High School gym, 1776 Educational Park Dr. Dress code is casual, food and drinks are not allowed and there will be no assigned seating.

Following the mayor's speech, the City Council will honor outstanding residents from each council district and recognize exemplary city employees.

A community resource fair will follow the event, giving the public a chance to learn more about city services and job openings.

Click here to register.


  1. There are new gang tags all over my street. Granted i am in Cali Willow, but I’m right on one of the best streets and no problems until recently. The City says Juvenile corrections are way down? That is because they don’t arrest anyone unless these wayward kids kills a person. How hard is it to catch someone doing major property damage if that person comes back to the same spot a few time a week? A lot less than what the tax payers are paying for Graffiti Abatement program. Crack down and scare some sense into these children so gain some respect.

  2. “I have a 200 page plan… I’m going to increase the budgeted police staffing to 1250 officers… I’m going to pay for it using the savings from Measure B… I love the police… It’s the unions fault… What do you want? Ive only been in office for 73 days… James Reber puts on one hell of an event…

  3. This is funny. Does anyone realize that he postponed the original state of the city address to now? He thinks that the recent letter to the POA denouncing measure B and agreeing to a “global fix” in 2015 looks a little better now. That will be his answer to the hard questions. Once the speech is over it will be status quo… Care to retort Bubble Boy/ SPC ?

  4. Same ole BS, just a change of mayors. Goodbye excellent SJPD/SJFD and other city employees, I wish you all the best. Sam will say the same ole crap, we are trying but the Union is blocking us. Sam, if you walked up to me as an officer on the street I would walk away. But Pete Constant, wow triple pension, good for you teaming up with your old council buddy. I love it when one council member (aka: mayor) will hire you back when you lose another voter position. WHAT A JOKE.

  5. I forgot, please tell me how much the city is paying the retired deputy to say we don not have a gang problem. I would love to have his job to not even have a comment in how many years?

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