At the Vatican this morning and before an audience that included Pope Francis, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo spoke about affordable housing as a solution to Silicon Valley's chasmic gap between rich and poor.
Liccardo told the gathering of mayors and leaders from around the world that the region's stark inequity comes down to a lack of affordable housing. He highlighted several efforts by the city to address homelessness, including motel conversions, micro-homes and job placement.

Pope Francis at the inaugural Sustainable Solutions Development Network conference.
In an address live-streamed on the Vatican's YouTube channel, Liccardo shared the city's strategy of targeting the most vulnerable homeless residents: the ones who cycle in and out of jails, hospitals and social services with the most frequency. By focusing on the chronically homeless, he said, local governments can free up public resources for everyone else.
Liccardo was one of about 60 mayors from around the world invited to speak at the Vatican this week for a workshop on climate change, sustainable development and human trafficking. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee was the only other Bay Area mayor handpicked for the two-day conference, which also featured Gov. Jerry Brown.
Below is the transcript of Liccardo's address on "social inclusion."
Affordable Housing as a Linchpin to Merge Silicon Valley’s Two Worlds
I’m honored to join this distinguished panel, and I thank the Holy Father and the Vatican for the invitation, as well as the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for convening us to engage in this important dialogue.
I began my mayoral term only seven months ago in the City of San Jose, Calif. San Jose has grown quickly to a population of more than 1 million, the largest city in Silicon Valley, and the tenth largest in the United States. San Jose has quietly emerged as a catalyst of global innovation; home to holders of more U.S. patents than any other city, and site of many of the world’s leading technology companies.
We’re also proud of our remarkable diversity. In the spirit of its namesake, St. Joseph, San Jose is a city of immigrants. Some 40 percent of our adults were born in foreign country, and they comprise a great source of our strength: half of the venture-funded startups in Silicon Valley have a foreign-born founder, and their rags-to-riches stories have inspired thousands more to come to Silicon Valley each year.
Yet San Jose still falls short by any measure of social inclusion. Many of our immigrants and their progeny remain disproportionately poor, and a growing wealth gap exposes a more profound opportunity gap, marked by disparate access to quality education. I’ve launched efforts with community partners to broaden opportunity, such as by expanding after-school programs for underserved youth, and providing summer jobs for teens in struggling neighborhoods. Fundamentally, though, it is on the subject of housing where one finds the most palpable manifestation of San Jose’s troubling economic inequality.
San Jose faces an affordable housing crisis. That crisis is felt most acutely by the over 4,000 residents who find themselves homeless each night. The juxtaposition of Silicon Valley’s rich and poor has attracted the attention of international media, who gasped last year at the irony of 300 people living within the nation’s largest homeless encampment, only a 30-minute drive from the headquarters of Google, Facebook, Oracle and their billionaire CEOs’ homes.
So, too, is the plight of the many who work but struggle daily; according to one recent study, only one-quarter of Silicon Valley’s workers can afford a median-rent apartment in San Jose, with affordability defined as spending one-third of one’s income on housing.
Increasingly, we live in one Valley, but two worlds.
In confronting our challenges of homelessness and affordable housing, I’ve focused on five basic strategies: (1) rapid rehousing of the most vulnerable homeless; (2) work-first approaches to restoring dignity; (3) expansion of the transitional housing inventory, (4) identifying new resources to build permanent affordable housing units, and (5) implementing affordability by design.
- Rapid Rehousing: Housing 1000
Let’s begin with “rapid-rehousing.” It is a tautology that the solution to homelessness is getting people housed, but we’ve discovered a unique benefit in prioritizing those homeless who appear most vulnerable. This category of the chronically homeless—the most mentally ill, the most addicted—are also the consumers of a disproportionately high amount of local government services—in emergency rooms, jails, and police and ambulance response—by being unhoused. We sought to identify the 1,000 homeless facing the greatest threats of harm, and house them first, we could conserve more resources to rededicate to others in need.
So, with scores of volunteers, we interviewed every homeless person we could find in the city—under every bridge, and in every park. Using a smartphone application, volunteers could readily record vital personal information and assess the self-reported vulnerabilities of each person—by mental health, addiction and physical health—and transmit the data to our Housing 1,000 database.
So far, we’ve been able to get 840 of our most vulnerable, chronic homeless into permanent housing—given our funding constraints, a significant achievement in a relatively short period of two years. For the first time in a decade, a biennial census in San Jose actually showed a reduction in our homeless count. Of course, thousands of homeless remain, and we have much work to do. But if the College of Cardinals can be blessed with the providential boldness to elect a Jesuit Pope, surely we can find the inspiration to end homelessness in our lifetimes.
- Work-First Approaches: San Jose Streets Team
Part of our work requires getting the homeless back to work. As the Holy Father observes, merely providing housing does not suffice; in Laudato Si, he writes, “Helping the poor financially must always be a provisional solution in the face of pressing needs. The broader objective should always be to allow them a dignified life through work.”
In that spirit, we’ve partnered with an innovative non-profit organization, San Jose Streets Team, to fashion a “work-first” approach to housing our homeless. A couple years ago, we launched San Jose Streets Team as a pilot to engage homeless individuals in cleaning the very creeks and streets in which they once lived, with a goal of restoring a polluted creek bank to its pristine state. In exchange for their commitment to work, clients received housing and food vouchers and job retraining.
Within two years, we’ve employed and housed several dozen clients, and expanded the program to surrounding neighborhoods with additional grants. The model has gathered increasing notice, as seven other City Halls nearby—including San Francisco’s—have invited the Streets Team to embark on engaging homeless in their cities.
- Expanding Inventory: Motel Conversions and Micro-Housing
Next, we’re working on expanding the supply of transitional housing. Last year, we identified over 100 homeless living on the street who actually possessed housing vouchers that would enable their landlords to accept government-guarantees of monthly rent payments of as much as $1,300. Yet they were still living on the street, because they couldn’t find an available apartment with our low vacancy rates and high rents.
In the short-term, we’re focused on expanding the inventory of very low-income transitional housing through unorthodox approaches until more permanent solutions can emerge: through the conversion of motels to low-cost apartments, and with the inexpensive construction of micro-housing. First, I’ve proposed that we identify motels in neighborhoods with frequent complaints about prostitution and criminal activity, and push to buy or lease the buildings to house the homeless. Renovating old motels saves at least half of the cost of new construction. Second, we’re trying to launch a “micro-housing” pilot—also known as “tiny homes"—to build very small, simple housing for homeless on public land, where we provide basic sewage, electricity, and services. We’ve identified a site for approximately 150 such units, and with the help of the philanthropic community, we aim to begin construction within months.
- Identifying More Resources: Inclusionary Housing and Impact Fees
Of course, the challenge of housing affordability extends far beyond mere supply. Developers built 5,000 units of housing in San Jose last year, yet the rents and sales prices remain beyond the reach of many San Jose’s residents. Over the last decade, state and federal funding for housing subsidies has diminished sharply, leaving American cities struggling to find ways to finance affordable housing for the homeless and working poor.
Eight years ago, as a city councilmember, I proposed to make San Jose the largest U.S. city with a citywide inclusionary housing policy. Inclusionary policies require developers to build a percentage of affordable units within their projects, or alternatively, to pay a fee that is used to construct subsidized housing off-site. My proposal met stiff industry resistance, as developers and their lobbyists fought vigorously for two years, until we finally prevailed in enacting a policy in 2009. Unfortunately, court battles have delayed its implementation for five years. Finally, last month, the California Supreme Court upheld San Jose’s ordinance, providing legal precedent to hundreds of cities that had similarly sought to use inclusionary housing as a tool to create more affordable housing.
Combined with other measures we’ve recently passed, we should begin generating substantial revenues for investment in affordable housing projects in the year ahead. As these revenues emerge, I look forward to reporting significant progress in addressing our housing affordability crisis.
- Affordability by Sustainable Design
Finally, we can achieve affordability through environmental sustainability. In U.S. cities like San Jose, as much as 30 percent of a household’s monthly budget is spent on transportation, and our auto-dependence reinforces our historically suburban, sprawling nature of development. This sprawl renders residents of low-income neighborhoods increasingly isolated from jobs, services, and educational opportunities they need to thrive economically in high-cost Silicon Valley. In this sense, the automobile has become the enemy of social inclusion and affordability, evoking the words of the Holy Father in his most recent encyclical: “technological products are not neutral, for they create a framework which ends up conditioning lifestyles and shaping social possibilities….”
Through higher-density, transit-oriented development, we can dramatically reduce the cost of living for residents willing to embrace commute alternatives—transit, cycling, car-sharing, ride-sharing, or walking—while reducing GhG emissions. Other changes in codes and policies can also help. By allowing and even mandating smaller units, eliminating parking requirements and requiring greener building standards, we reduce the cost of living for our residents while shrinking our collective carbon footprint.
In all of these ways, San Jose will strive to make long-overdue progress in reducing housing cost burdens. I look forward to continuing this dialogue—to hearing, exchanging, and even stealing your good ideas—with attribution, of course—to continually improve. I’m particularly excited to launch a partnership with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and I look forward to sharing our results to facilitate our collective learning.
The people who we collectively serve have much to gain through our mutual success, in creating thriving global cities inclusive to all.
Thank you.
If God had listened to me, he would have created a law of physics that would punish any act of hypocrisy with an immediate thunderbolt to the bum.
You and Brown are being used, by a pro. Were you accompanied by a coastal Indian Leader. I think NOT.
Rapid rehousing is only a temp
Americans complaining about lack of affordable housing on the world stage, is like golden flea’s complaining about the dog they live on scratching!
> Mayor Liccardo Speaks on Wealth Gap at Vatican Symposium
Well Duh!
The reason there is a “wealth gap” between tribalist foragers and capitalists is because capitalists produce wealth and foragers don’t. They only consume wealth.
It’s the reason there is a moonshine gap between moonshiners and Seventh Day Adventists. Moonshiners produce moonshine, Adventists don’t.
It’s the reason their is a Barbecue gap between cattle ranchers and vegetarians.
Why do Pope Francis and Pope Liccardo have such a hard time figuring this out?
I’d be lying if I didn’t say not seeing a Cortese there doesn’t perturb me. Before he died my grandfather gave a lot to the church, and a few years back his brothers donated millions to get St Francis built.
What did the Liccardo’s ever do for the church?
So what you are saying is people have to pay to play?
Tithing is but one part of being Catholic, but there are many other things my family has given to the church. Our time for example… My wife and I donate over 40 hours a year to church functions. We’re not parished at St Francis, but we do our part where we are.
Was Sam even baptized in a San Jose church?
I would like Sam Liccardo to speak about the Licking Settlement.
I do hope the Pope asks Mr. Liccardo to share his plan for fully staffing SJPD. Without some divine intervention, San Jose residents will forever be in the dark.
Providing the necessary housing isn’t the government’s job, it is the job of the free market — which would easily provide housing for everyone if the government got out of the way. But the government makes things much worse with minimum wage laws and rent control. And the eco-contingent adds its considerable muscle by not allowing any building of housing on large swaths of land. Then as usual they all blame the productive, problem-solving class for the housing shortage, and come to the taxpayers with their hand out. The fact is, government regulations and policies are the primary cause of the housing shortage in the first place.
In addition to that, here is a fact that’s probably unknown to most anyone under forty:
When Pope John Paul II publicly forced the Soviet Union to back down in Poland in 1980 (IIRC), the KGB (now the FSB, but the same players) made plans to assure that would never happen again. They infiltrated the Vatican along with numerous religious groups, always pushing for ‘reform’.
The result is Pope Francis — an avowed Communist who demands that the UN must confiscate the wealth of those who earned it, and hand it to those who didn’t. He applies this to both individuals and nations. His idea is that anyone who has earned wealth must share it with others, by force if necessary. But I do not see Francis cutting loose any of the Vatican’s immense wealth. If he did, maybe he wouldn’t be seen as a flaming hypocrite — and I say that as a Catholic.
Whenever I hear people like the Pope or the Mayor insisting that already hard-bitten taxpayers should have more taken from them, I am reminded that Satan quotes Scripture.
Jesus said, “The poor will always be with us.” But the Pope and the Mayor think they’re smarter than that.
Well said Smokey, you get two cookie’s for desert tonight!
Smokey. I know the usual libertarian rant that all government is bad and we’d fix all these problems if “government would just get outta the way”, but WE are the government. What real solutions for the housing crisis do you offer that can actually be achieved under Federal and State Environmental and Building regulations? What free-market solutions short of poverty wages and substandard “naturally affordable” housing do you foresee being viable? There are real geographic and political (zoning/land use) constraints on what and where housing can be built.
I am open to creative solutions, such as the State’s landmark Second Unit legislation (Assembly Bill 1866) adopted in 2002. This allows property owners of Single Family Residences to construct accessory dwellings for extended family or rental income if they meet local zoning requirements. All I see from your side is witty complaining, conspiracy theories, and more of “this is just the way it is” mentality. Maybe everyone deemed not a producer of wealth in Silicon Valley should be quick marched to the nearest reservation to leave it to those who deserve it.
Gladly those of us under 40 wont have long before the sun sets on your spoiled generation’s grip on political/economic power.
ALLDAYSSJ: The sun will soon set on this generation, and you under 40’s will be left with the bill the Democrats have run up. That oughta blow your rose colored glasses right off your naïve noses. Good luck!
> Maybe everyone deemed not a producer of wealth in Silicon Valley should be quick marched to the nearest reservation to leave it to those who deserve it.
Well, that would actually be FAIR! If you go back to DAY ONE of humanity, all humans were foragers and there was no such thing as “wealth”. Anthropologists describe the situation as an “immediate return” society. Humans lived from one consumption event to the next.
Some primitive human noticed that bees or squirrels saved food for future consumption, copied the idea, and became the first capitalist.
It is arguably true that ALL wealth produced over the entire history of humanity was produced BY or at the initiative of capitalists.
Anthropologists have a term for “no capitalism”: subsistence economy. Poli-sci majors or social workers may equate “subsistence economy” with “poverty”.
Because capitalists (the people who produce wealth in Silicon Valley) are nice people, they don’t generally “quick march” the foragers among us to the nearest reservation, but instead allow them to glean and poach among the fields and pastures that the capitalists have created.
The day that those under 40 end capitalism is the day that 6 billion people on planet earth starve to death.
Sam’s speech absolutely shattered the BS meter! With speeches like that, he’s clearly poised to step onto the national, no the international, political stage; as we in the USA all tumble downward to become France or Greece. Wasn’t it Zuckerberg who bought up several houses adjacent to his? Let’s give them to some jobless schizophrenic drug addicts and really merge Silicon Valley’s Two Worlds. Let’s not stop at just providing homes for all. Let’s make everyone live within walking or biking distance from their jobs. Then we can outlaw cars, make every lane a Liccardo Lane, and we won’t need public transit, either. Think how much fitter we’ll all be! And if some folks prefer not to have a job, let’s give them a house near their favorite park, which they can walk to in order to pick up their booze or drugs, which will be free of course. Let’s provide free housing for sex workers near The McEnery Convention Center so they have easy access to the conventioneers from Peoria and elsewhere; and vice versa. We can all wear Chairman Mao pajamas, thus eliminating the fashion gap and pants on the ground. Everyone will be so content that we won’t need cops, thus eliminating municipal budget shortfalls and political rancor over pensions. My word, the possibilities are endless! Let’s start eliminating all those pesky gaps right away, huh? But first we’ll have to burn all copies of “Atlas Shrugged”, including the easier to digest 3-part TV miniseries on DVD and eliminate them from Netflix’s streaming library as well.
Sam should have told the Pope that if he really wants to do the world’s poor a big favor, he’ll write a well-reasoned encyclical rescinding the Catholic Church’s no contraception policy. “Go ye forth and multiply” made sense in a world where you needed lots of kids to help defend your tribe from other tribes, and you hoped enough of them survived to care for you in your old age. But in a world with a population exceeding 7 billion, that exhortation is not only ill-advised, it’s bordering on criminal. Despite the best efforts of war, famine, and pestilence, the worldwide birth rate remains twice the worldwide death rate. Those with the least financial ability to bring up children properly tend to have the most kids, and a very high percentage of them in the western hemisphere are Roman Catholics who follow the Catholic Church’s condemnation of birth control. Outfits like Second Harvest Food Bank need to partner with Planned Parenthood to provide contraceptives and family planning advice with every bag of groceries they dole out. If you give a man a fish, he eats today. If you teach him how to fish, he eats forever. If you keep enabling poor people to have more kids they cannot afford to feed properly by feeding all those kids, without showing the parents how to stop having more mouths to feed, who are you really helping other than your own employees and your highly paid Executive Director?
What did you expect? Thoughtful..
insightful… original… substance… From Sam?