March Madness

Exactly which May 1 march in support of immigrant rights did Merc reporters supposedly go to? The daily reported that the annual march wound “from East San Jose to City Hall,” which is downright bizarre since the biggest behind-the-scenes drama of the day came when the SJPD blocked off City Hall’s plaza. Volunteers had to hustle to tote equipment in pieces to First Christian Church in time for the rally. “We knew we couldn’t hold the rally in City Hall’s plaza, but we asked to march through like we did in past years and they blocked us off,” said Carlos Padilla, a member of the Black Berets for Justice of San Jose. Marchers weren’t too happy with the heavy police presence throughout, as officers on bikes, in cars, on foot and in at least one helicopter surrounded the all-ages crowd of 2,000 or so. With all the talk lately about support for the Latino community, you might have thought the May 1 rally would rate with local politicos, but notable no-shows included Nora Campos and as far as Fly could tell, the entire City Council.

The Fly is the valley’s longest running political column, written by Metro Silicon Valley staff, to provide a behind-the-scenes look at local politics. Fly accepts anonymous tips.


  1. Police “surrounded” a crowd of 2,000?

    It looks like the Merc isn’t the only newspaper in need of better fact checking!

  2. Actually…Dave Cortese was present at the beginning of the march…and no sadly there was no Tet parade in SJ that day, Novice. Dave’s an advocate for human rights and celebrates the diversity in our city…you could learn from him..Novice, maybe you should attend one of those events and then learn to make comments that do not SCREAM ignorance. : )

  3. How much again for that helicopter trip? I saw it from my sunroof and thought he was following me. I changed the latin cd to classical just in case they were listening. Structural deficit? I guess its good practice for the troops.

  4. Thanks for that update Hola. 

    I mean Dave Cortese missing a chance to break out his best “Si Se Puede” in front of a large crowd of illegals?  That would’ve been man-bites-dog news!

    In fact, he’s actually won the SI SE PUEDE award!

    And Dave’s been endorsed by the La Raza Roundtable?  Atta boy Dave.  I’m sure we can count on you to make Santa Clara a ‘sanctuary’ county and begin negotiations to cede unincorporated land back to Mexico.

    Cortese.  “Pandering you can believe in.”

  5. Mayoral candidate and Councilman Dave Cortese tried to convince a jeering audience that he was on their side.

    “There are many times I learned the hard way to be afraid of the police,” he said.

    “People of San Jose, you are safe”.

    First you’re “afraid of the police”, but then you tell us that “we are safe”.

    Dave, surely you can see how we’re confused by all this – can you chime in here and square this up?

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