Many Share Blame for Abetting What S.J. Mayor has Wrought

(Editor’s Note: We are reprinting Tom McEnery’s piece that appeared in the Mercury News this past Sunday, July 2, in order to give our readers a chance to comment on it.)

The decision is in, conclusively. This mayor’s tenure has been a total failure and a badly flawed one. The human tragedy is sad; the public one, palpably painful. Remember the words of another official about another very public tragedy, a national one: “There is a cancer on the presidency.” This has been true of the mayor’s office for some time now. It has left an indelible stain on City Hall.

Ron Gonzales’ fate is in the hands of our judicial system. The court of public opinion rendered a verdict long ago, and it is final. So is there more to do? I think so. We can learn from this episode, and we should now speak of responsibility.

First and foremost, of course, it rests with the public official who has committed the offenses. He will suffer the pain, punishment and public obloquy. It will not be an easy sentence.

But there are many others who share in the responsibility. We need not wait for any court to render a verdict here. We can point clearly in the direction of the offenders. Aside from the Mercury News, there has been a horrible void, for a serious crime has afflicted our city for some time—eight years, to be exact. It has been a crime of omission as well as commission but, nonetheless, a very grievous one, augmented by the deadly sins of greed and hubris.

However, the foremost offense committed was silence. Silence was the cancer in this sorry tale.

First on the list are community and political leaders—important names all. Many in the Chamber of Commerce, Silicon Valley industry and current and former elected officials supported this mayor far beyond any reasonable question of doubt and what friendship or collegiality could demand. They forgot that their real loyalty was to the people of San Jose and to the principles of honest government. We know that they used this hard-earned trust to allow the cancer to spread.

We know their names; none spoke out; all enabled.

Then there is the San Jose City Council: independently elected city officials who acted as toadies and fiddled while the reputation of the city burned around them. Professional staffs were neutered and sound policy sundered. Aside from Dave Cortese, Chuck Reed and, to a lesser extent, Linda LeZotte and Ken Yeager, this council was a timid contributor to the disease that has afflicted our city. They have much to answer for.

Then there are the labor bosses, those political operators who were happy to make any deal and forgive any vice as long as they were winning. No “Terry Gregory” was too compromised to support. Their alliances with the big-money special interests reek to high heaven. They cajoled, whined and abetted an agenda of power, money and expediency that they need to account for.

At the same time, both labor and business interests have given millions of dollars of contributions and time. They sold out the future for a selfish partisan agenda that will provide environmental degradation, traffic gridlock and shameful episodes, promising only a new and sorry world that will leave every person in the city worse off than today.

Last, there is perhaps the most despicable group in this sorry litany: the cottage industry of lobbyists, ex-staffers and apparatchiks, the “producers extraordinaire” of San Jose Stage’s “Monday Night Live.” Over the years, they have attached themselves like maggots to a decaying piece of municipal meat. Money is their god. Their causal relationship with the shame of the past eight years is as obvious as murderer to victim.

All these individuals share in the blame. All are responsible. All must answer.

We need no apologies in our city now. The time for such trifles, long withheld, is past. Change is needed. We have a principled city manager in Les White. Leaders like Mike Fox Sr. have often fought for ethical leadership and are needed again. Cortese is a name that evokes confidence. The fine ideas of David Pandori and the many citizens who flocked to his campaign of sense and honesty can be called on. And if the next mayor really wants to do something bold, assembling a council of the five mayors who preceded this sorry time—Ron James, Norm Mineta, Janet Gray Hayes, me and Susan Hammer—could be a real start.

Our past leadership has deserted us. The citizens of our city and the next mayor must learn a cruel lesson. In a way, they already have.


  1. Sir,

    It was this very article in the Murky News that lead me to your blog.

    Knowing the *two* councilmen that dissented, I can only say that I am alarmed that MNg was not the third to protest.

    Leave the taineted mayor in office and hope the paint from his brush impacts all the others.

    Our city has huge problems. Perhaps after the elections, those that cooperated in the corruption will be purged, but I assume too much.

    Only recently have I heard one enlightened person say that RG should be ousted and replaced by the vice-mayor. Won’t that just fix everything?  wink

  2. Interesting suggestion in the last paragraph.  When appearing before the City Council in the summer of 2001 to voice my objections of the naming of the San Jose Airport after Norm Mineta, I too made such a suggestion.  I titled the group The Council of Elders, giving names such as McEnery, Ruffo, Campen, Renzel, all men of integrity who truly care about the City of San Jose.  My idea was that such a group could act as experienced advisors to current mayors and city council members.  Guess we’re on the same page. Unfortunately Ruffo and Campen, who was not a mayor but former Chief County Exec, are no longer with us, but the idea is a good one.  Now that the city is at it’s lowest point, perhaps this should be formally presented to the council.  You know the process better than I, so let’s get this going.

  3. When civic leaders regard their place in government as a form of entitlement and not public service, these things happen.  I suggest we all consider that while Norcal and Ron were conspiring together, several local politicians took major contributions from Norcal.  What should happen to them?  Why are we, citizens of Silicon Valley cities, being asked now to give local elected officials pensions?

    We have to ask ourselves why we elect people who regard the job as their seat on the council and not OUR seat on the council.

  4. Former vice mayor Jerry Estruth responded to Tom’s article with a letter to the editor.  In his letter, Mr. Estruth said he “fought for controlled growth when the council wanted to build space needles in Coyote Valley, and we introduced sanity into the General Plan review process.” 

    While he may have stopped space needles from being built, Mr. Estruth did not disclose that he was co-chair of Calpine’s CLEANAIR group with former vice mayor Trixie Johnson.  Mr. Estruth and the CLEANAIR group worked hard to see the approval of the Metcalf Energy Center, a project that did not conform to the Coyote Valley general plan.  The San Jose city council voted 11-0 to deny Calpine’s request to change the plan.  In the end the looming CEC override of San Jose’s general plan and zoning rules forced the city to make a deal with Calpine.

    Mr. Estruth closes his letter advising readers to “follow the money!”  If you the follow the money in the Metcalf case, Mr. Estruth as chairman of the land trust accepted “131 acres of prime Coyote Valley wildlife habitat along with a $1.3 million land management endowment from Calpine Corporation.”[1] 


  5. Amen Tom,

    My only quibble is with your exempting the Mercury News. I think they have not done the job informing the public of the growing power of the lobbyists and of the power play takeover of the city council by the SBLC under the leadership of Amy Dean. The SJ Metro actually did a pretty good piece on this but the Mercury still hasn’t.

    That’s one big failure.

  6. The Mayor continues to receive bad political advice and act in a manner that is inconstistent with his own goals.

    Part of this Mayor’s problem is that he doesn’t have anybody he trusts who can restrain him from his worst impulses.  His father, his former wife and Jude Barry once filled that void.  Now, however, like a undisciplined child he acts out, whether it is in his best interests or not.

    Tom is right that the community failed to intervene when the Mayor was wrong.  A few of us spoke out, but there was a sense of fear that permeated anyone who opposed the Mayor.  Especially when his polling numbers were in the high 70s low 80s.

    Not everything Ron has done is wrong.  He actually has some very positive accomplishments.  But Tom is also right when he infers the Mayor’s greatest legacy is one of disappointment and disaffection.

    The key to power is the ability to separate oneself from the person and the office.  The Mayor of San Jose is not about personal power, it is about community accomplishment.

    Too often politicians confuse this huge distinction—and it happens in every level of government.

    It is always best to remember Harry Truman’s philisophy that the people are the boss.  So when a politician leaves office and becomes a citizen he or she receives a “promotion”.

    Here is some free political advice for the Mayor and I would usually charge big bucks for giving it.

    1)  Announce that the charges against you are false, but you must put the interests of the City ahead of your own.

    2)  Recount that the NorCal deal was good for San Jose on a substantive level—even though mistakes were made.  But those mistakes were made in the best interests of the Citizens of San Jose—whether the angry mob believes it or not.

    3)  Announce that once your name is cleared you have faith in the public that your service and sacrifice will be duly acknowledged by history.

    4)  Resign from office and announce that you will work with the new Interim Mayor for a smooth transition that is in the best interests of citizens of San Jose.

    Citizens and voters have an innate sense of fairness.  I have often been critical of the voters participation levels, degree of interest and depth of information.  Having said that, they are inherintly fair in their treatmeant of politicians who have been unfairly maligned.

    They will not, however, forgive even a vindicated politician if that person put their own perceived self-interest above that of the community they serve.

    It is in every fiber of Ron Gonzales humanity to fight those who oppose him.  But a tactical retreat is sometimes the best offensive move and it is infinetly better than full frontal attack for a lost cause.

    It is time for the Mayor to change political strategy.  In doing so he can create the conditions for empathy that is so sorely lacking in his quest to clear his famly’s name.

    He can also claim the moral high ground, a territory that thus far eluded him in his quest for vindication.

  7. Where was Pat Dando – Gonzo’s Vice Mayor during Cisco, City Hall, Norcal etc scandals? – In the backroom doing deals

    Where was San Jose / Silicon Valley Chamber during Gonzales – Guerra administration?  – Silent or in backroom doing deals

    Many times Chamber or members Cisco, Norcal etc directly profited from Gonzo’s support for city / redevelopment contracts , tax subsidies or politically while public lost and many times Dando / Chamber voted for Gonzo proposals for last 8 years and endorsed him in Mayor reelection and gave him campaign money

    Chamber and its members (Cisco, Norcal, etc ) have dirty hands and participated in Gonzo’s many scandals, made secret backroom deals and are trying to rewrite history or blame others

  8. HI,

    Even though it might feel good to cause Gonzales to feel pain, a better result would be for the City to spend the money it would cost to prosecute him on lasting projects that would improve the lives of current and future San Jose residents. For example, how about surveillance cameras along 1st and Santa Clara streets. Let’s stop those dealing drugs in plain site. Put on each a label with “this camera paid for by money saved by quickly resolving the Ron Gonzales case in 2006”.
    As for Ron, and others, community service, such as picking up trash after each community event and for 2 hours each week around city hall in a yellow jump suit with his name on the back would be an appropriate punishment and benefit to San Jose.


  9. Mr. McEnery, I personally disagree with you about Gonzo.  He’s credited with making downtown the best and most vibrant in the U.S..  Hey, don’t forget the new city hall you were clamouring for during your administration!  How about the new city’s main library.  Don’t forget the riverpark!  You know what?!  The fox theater is open for business.  Everything you envisioned during your administration came to fruition thanks to Ronny!  If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have gotten the new city hall and library built.  How about that?!  Man, the new CIM’s mixed-use condo-retail highrise is underway, thanks to Ron Gonzales.  That block was sitting vacant for years due to failure of your leadership, McEnery.  Downtown was a work in progress until Ron finished it!  He’s a damn good mayor who is face a b.s. legal problem, thanks to overzealous Mr. Reed and Mr. Cortesy.

  10. Mayor Tom, I normally think your words are of wisdom and only that.  However, I hope you’re not suggesting a sub-government under, behind our elected government.  I agree, you and other civic leaders may have thoughtful suggestions but none of you would be the duly elected government.  Wouldn’t your “group” resemble the lobbyists you just complained about?

    I think moving to a strong Mayor government was a mistake, causing what we’re going through right now, and having unelected government is likewise a mistake, as well intentioned it may be.  If I remember correctly you were our first “strong” Mayor.  It worked well with you because, you are you, and not every mayor is going to be you.  (Profound eh?)  A strong Mayor government doesn’t work when the Gonzo’s of the world are elected and eventually “they” always are.

    The citizen’s elected officials need to have their feet held to the fire and stand in office or resign.  Their job should be to insure the City Manager is managing the bureaucracy properly and direct the City’s big picture.

    We need transparency and an active grand jury driven by a diligent DA…

  11. Wow,

    Now this was a really, really well written piece. I couldn’t agree with you more. I remeber some time ago I wrote a little something about the need for leadership with character, ethics , and what not…I got lambasted for bringing those ideas up.
    But anyways I really like the idea about the council of former mayors. That sounds like the to do thing.

    oh yeah one last thing,…“why only TWO arrests?”

  12. Regarding Richard Robinson’s (#7) recommendations for Ron Gonzales:

    1) I expect RG to agree to put the interests of the city ahead of his own when he agrees to resign as part of a plea bargain.
    2) After which the mayor will no doubt point to his self-proclaimed good intentions in the Norcal deal as part of his post-plea damage control. RG’s disgrace will be repackaged as Richard Robinson-approved martyrdom. 
    3) The mayor’s resignation will be followed by his prediction that only through the lens of history will his administration and his conduct be fully exonerated.
    4) RG will make public his offer to help his successor; an offer his successor will surely treat as if it was voiced by a man on roller skates.

    By conducting himself as he has in the wake of the council’s call for his resignation, RG has provocatively—and effectively—reaffirmed his claim on the mayoralty. This may have offended many, but for a defendant in a bargaining state-of-mind, his obstinate behavior—and the negative reaction it caused—has reset the political value of his mayoralty in the eyes of the prosecutor. By conduct calculated in his attorney’s office the mayor just might convince the DA’s office that stripping him of his office and title will get the city back on course and, for those salivating for revenge and notoriety, provide satisfaction enough.

  13. 7 – There is nothing Ron Gonzales can do that will allow him to “claim the high moral ground.” That ship sailed a LONG, LONG, time ago.

  14. 10 – I assume you are taking a satirical approach to your comments and can therefore be forgiven for your revisionist view of history. On the slight chance that you are serious, you need to go back to the drawing board and look at who was actually responsible for most of the things you give Gonzales credit for—because it wasn’t him.
    Any good that Gonzales has done will be long forgotten in the history of San Jose. He will be remembered only for his arrogance, his dismantling of staffing and employee morale, his lack of ethics, his vindictive style of politics, etc., etc. He may also be remembered for being convicted of one or more felonies—time will tell on that. Yes, quite a list of accomplishments.

  15. #7 R.R.
    You say Ron lost his moral compass when he lost his father, Jude and ex-wife. If that was clearly the case, then why didn’t Cindy step up to the plate and fill the void?  He did not lose Cindy until the ship started to sink a few months ago.  For the past six years where was she when Ron was up to no good? What does that say about her ability to lead?  She even admits she has been a good friend, employee and fellow city leader with Ron.  Her voting record proves she and Ron voted the same on more issues than any other council member.  Is it that they just think the same or did they work together to craft motions, or did she just go along with Ron on whatever he wanted? It’s clear that Cindy also has strong ties with labor, since she was an employee of the Labor Council.  So where was she on the Norcal Sandal?  Are you saying that the Labor Council did not talk to Cindy on the issue before it went to the rest of the city council?  How did she advise Ron?  Did Ron listen to her?  Did she just go along, did she stand up to Gonzo or did she bring the deal to Ron in the first place?  We now know that she knew what was going on before it came to the council in that she directed staff to do a salary survey of local recyclers prior to the vote. If she was not trying to help Gonzo and the Teamsters then what was she doing?  You then say the “Norcal deal was good for San Jose”, I assume you are talking about the original contract.  The later deal only wasted $11,250,000 of our tax dollars and put more money into the pockets of teamster bosses.  If the issue was about getting more money for the workers and not the Teamsters,  then why couldn’t they have just payed the Longshoremen workers a higher hourly wage?  I assume there is no law against that?

  16. Tom, you’re wrong.  The most despicable group in this sorry litany isn’t the “lobbyists, ex-staffers and apparatchiks” attaching themselves to the issue “like maggots to a decaying piece of municipal meat”, it’s the former politicians attaching themselves in the same manner.  How perfectly this scandal plays into your hands – and how quick you are to offer your services in the “council of mayors”. 

    If money is their god, Mr. Mayor, then power and the spotlight are yours.

  17. Dear San Jose:

    I appreciated Tom McEnery’s piece.  My only complaint is that it wasn’t written and published five years ago.

    #3 (wonder woman) mentioned the naming of the airport for Mineta (another Gonzales giveaway without consulting the will of the people)….I attended the airport commission meeting the night that they discussed the proposal to name the airport for Mineta.  Ten people spoke at the meeting.  Only one person spoke in favor of the name change.  The other nine expressed their respect for Mineta but asked that the name of the airport not be changed,  or that if it would be changed, that it should be decided by a vote of the people.  The Airport Commissioners decided to conduct public outreach about the name change.  Two months later, the item appeared on a city council agenda.  Guess what?…there was no mention of the commissions’ call for public outreach on the
    question.  The language calling for public outreach curiously did not appear on the council agenda on the day of the vote! 

    The decision to rename the airport for Mineta did not come from the people…it came from the mayor’s office.  Gonzo always gets his way!! (At least he used to… he might not have as much like trying to control the debate when it comes to the DA’s office).

    P.S.  The mayor’s website has a hilarious press release that encourages us all to not let the election and personal agendas interfere with the city’s business over the remaining six
    months that he’s in office! 

    Pete Campbell

  18. Ron lost his way when George Kennedy saw it as a way to find the way for Chuck and Victor.

    With respect to Chuck and Victor, I saw the Twighlight Zone piece on the Ventriliqust and the Doll, when you could not tell which was which.  Ain’t it just so true!

  19. Just the Facts:

    What Chavez’s voting record proves is that she, like Gonzales, has a very progressive ideology.  And, if you actually take a look at the facts, you’d see that she’s not afraid to stand up to Gonzales.  San Jose was the first city in the nation to offer children access to affordable health insurance, largely thanks to Chavez.  She went against the mayor on that one. 

    Or are we not looking at positive accomplishments anymore?

  20. RR #7:  so who exactly was Gonzo’s political advisor after Jude left?  Was that “position” ever filled?

    #9 David—the CITY is not prosecuting Gonzo.  It’s the DA, which is a COUNTY position.  As for the surveillance camers, good idea as far as we citizens are concerned, but the courts throw out that stuff all too frequently.  How about just plain old arrests and convictions?

    Fed up # 10:  you say “He’s (Ron Gonzales)credited with making downtown the best and most vibrant in the U.S.”  What you smokin, man?  Who credits him with anything of the kind; and who on god’s green earth thinks San Jose is the best and most vibrant downtown in the USA?’  OOps, I get it, that was your attempt at satire.

  21. 24 – You’ve got to do better than that. Big deal, Cindy “went against the Mayor on that one.” Those of us who follow City Hall closely know that your defense of Cindy is nothing but hot air. Time after time she has supported Gonzales and said nothing about what he was doing to the city.
    You say Cindy and the Mayor have a “progressive ideology.” I beg to differ—when an elected official abuses the power of his or her office, violates the City Charter, is indicted on felony counts, has an affair with a subordinate, destroyes employee morale, etc. I don’t think that is very “progressive.” I also don’t think it is very “progressive” when other elected officials stay quiet and/or allow the destruction of the city to take place. If Ron and Cindy are an insult to the progressive movement.

  22. If the Mayor of San Jose is guilty does that mean San Jose is no longer the “safest big city in America”????

    I like the yellow jump suit idea…that works on the other thing Ron liked to talk about, his clean up San Jose program.  He can go down to the Santee neighborhood and clean up the empty bottles of 40 ounce malt liquor and the 12 gauge shell casings.  I’m sure that Rigo Chacon would come out of retirement to do a special on that spectacle.

  23. To JTFacts and others:

    This doesn’t fit your mythology, but attacking Cindy is for NorCal is simply wrong.

    Ron’s dad was a teamster and a good man.  Ron needed no other motivation for his wanting to help them.

    The NorCal bid was way under the $11 million that was needed to fix the problem for the teamsters. 

    It is true that Ron could have let the conflict boil to a crisis, wherein the workers would have gone on strike, the city would have stunk and all the self-rightious folks would have blamed him for not fixing the problem before the fact.

    Hence, hindsight is always better than foresight. 

    Certainly, Ron did not play by the “governmental processes”, but those of you who argue there would have been no crisis or no strike don’t understand how the teamsters work.  Those of you who believe that NorCal would have eaten the $11 million are equally delusional.

    Last, Cindy is not an adviser of Ron’s.  Ron did not even back her when she ran for Council—a slap in the face for a former aide.

    But Cindy did beleive, maybe naively, that punishing the Mayor would simply hurt San Jose.  Given what we have seen she is not wrong on that point.

    Cindy stepped to the plate when she was convinced the evidence warranted it.  She did not jump to conclusions, she was not the first to call for his removal—hers was a more thoughtful process.

    For those of you who want to play politics understand this, no one is immune from grist mill if you engage in this industry.

    People can only make decisions based on the information they have at the time.  There are people who desire to see Cindy as a criminal, I cannot change that—but they should know they are dead wrong.

    You can believe the world is flat, but that does not make it so.

  24. 30—You just love to ignore the fact that the $11 million+ was a gift of public funds. The city was not obligated to pay that money and the mayor jammed this gift through a compliant council. Of course, he couldn’t have done it without some assistance—such as the former city manager who witheld information from the Council, and the Councilmembers themselves who chose to stay in the dark rather than ask for information that they knew they were missing.
    And you think that the fact that Ron’s Dad was a Teamster was the only thing that led to this disaster? You really want us to believe there was no other Labor involvement and Cindy just sat on the sidelines and said “Yes, Sir” when the Mayor brought his secret plan forward? If that is the case, then Cindy is hardly the leader we need at this critical time for our city
    It is rather astounding that you still spin this ethical quagmire as simply not following the governmental process. When public officials and their consultants see nothing wrong in violating the Charter, keeping information from other elected officials, and elected officials who sit mute while they are fed a ration of BS, then the rest of us must speak up in outrage.
    This fiasco, if allowed to stand unchallenged, says to any bidder in the city, go ahead and come in low, we’ll just adjust the numbers at a later date. It’s no way to run a business or a government.

  25. DA Kennedy,

    You job is to seek justice not alter it.
    That means NO PLEA DEAL FOR Gonzales.
    Gonzales has contempt for justice.
    He insults Grand Jurys, lawyers, and judges, and the public to say the least.
    If u plea a deal for him, you and your office is just as guilty as he will be found.

    So in the name of justice for the people and city of San Jose, no plea deal for gonzales.

    Part 2 of this mission is to legally bankrupt him, through the process, so he feels the pain of 8 yrs of wasted time and money and lies.
    But more importantly, educate him about the power of the law and that no one is above it.

  26. #30 R.R.
      First of all, let me start by telling you that at one time I was a member of the Teamsters.  But that does not make me want to give away taxpayers hard earned money or lie to the public.  No matter how much Ron’s deceased father liked the Teamsters, why would it make Ron want to break the law for them?  As for your lame claim that Ron didn’t even endorse Cindy…did he endorse her opponent?  No, he did not.  Did he have a policy not to endorse any council candidate? Yes.  You say that Cindy is not an adviser to Ron.  Was it not Ron who appointed Cindy as Vice Mayor?  If it is not part of the duties of the Vice Mayor to advise the Mayor to do the right thing, it certainly is the duty of a good friend to speak up and let a friend know when they are out of line.  Cindy failed miserably on both counts.  As for Cindy believing that punishing the mayor would simply hurt San Jose…I’m sure most citizens of San Jose would agree that Cindy’s and others lack of backbone to stand up to Gonzo years ago, took a far greater toll on S.J. than any single act committed by Gonzo.
    R.R. you never answered one of my questions.  Please go back and reread #20.  I am not a Reed supporter, yet.  Answer my questions.  If you can make a Cindy supporter out of me then she might have a chance.  Just give me some facts.

  27. All of the political groups – Chamber members and the usual SJI attack targets – are involved in these scandals and wasting of taxpayers money – but SJI only attacks Labor and Chavez

    Yea what was Dando &  Chamber’s role in supporting the scandals as # 12 asked?

    # 13 Dexter has good points – about not having an more unelected sub governments – we already have to many backroom dealmakers costing us millions in taxpayers money – Another bad government idea from Tom – like our current Strong Mayor city government

  28. …to the point of Tom’s column—- there were lots of people letting Ron G get away with his unethical bullying behavior and no one said anything.  And this went on for years and years!  Nobody wanted to be the one to say, “The Emperor has no clothes.”

    They ignored the mass exodus of talented staffers and they ignored the violations of the City Charter.

    And by the way, for a Council that purports to be pro-labor, it’s amazing to see how they have created the miserably unhappy atmosphere that City employees have to endure.

  29. #22 I was one of the 9 at the Airport Commission Meeting.  Glad you have a good memory.  The airport naming was just a typical done deal.  But I hope you remember the larger scope of San Jose not meeting the EPA conditions to bring Bart to San Jose.  Must have been particulary smoggy here that summer.  But then, bingo, once the airport was renamed—-and if anything, it should have been San Jose Mineta International, a la San Jose McEnery Convention Center—-we had Bart coming to San Jose.  The smog cleared up quickly, didn’t it.  Then Gonzo used that as his television campaign ad—-the fact that HE brought Bart to San Jose.  And remember the ad was paid for by builders.

  30. #39 Rich, in your closing question you ask if “at long last” there is no decency left.  Sounds to me like you’ve been eagerly waiting for the demise of all decency.  Gonzo did away with any decency long ago, and you are supporting Gonzo’s biggest supporter.  I think your wish has been granted.

  31. JTFacts,

    Those are not questions, they are ill-informed attacks.

    The Vice Mayor is a ceremonial position.  Gonzales appointed Pat Dando to that position and she ran against him.  The appointment of Vice Mayor means nothing from him and must be approved by a majority of the Council.

    Given that Cindy has always had more political power than the Mayor and he needs her way more than she needs him—it does not take a rocket scientist to explain why she got the job.  He would have been a fool to pick someone else. 

    The Vice Mayor is an independent Councilmember and does not advise the Mayor, especially one that does not seek advice of other Councilmembers.  He may need her vote, but his style is not to consult others—it causes too many problems.

    Better to let Joe take care of it.

    In answer to your “questions” the answers remains the same,

    Cindy supported Ron when she thought he was right and opposed him (Childrens Health Initiative) when she thought he was wrong.

    She took a stand against him and got a censure vote (no other Councilmember could have acheived that vote—certainly not Reed or Cortese), She did not base that decision on innuendo or the allegations of others (including the Grand Jury), but on sound evidence that was verified by City investigators—that she was clearly unaware of. . .

    She called for his resignation and forced a City Council vote not because of any criminal wrongdoing by the Mayor, (the criminal allegations are very weak), but because his situation is bad for the citizens of San Jose.

    She does not use the knee jerk approach to decision making.  Many on this board pat themselves on the back for being “right” about the Mayor.

    Would you or they be so self-congratulatory had they been wrong?  What about those who still seek criminal wrongdoing and continue to make ill-founded allegations about Cindy, including yourself?

    Your answers have been asked and answered by at least three separate investigations.  No wrongdoing has or will be found.  Is the Civil Grand Jury, the City Investigator, District Attorney and Criminal Grand Jury part of a large cover-up for Cindy and seeking only the head of the current Mayor? 

    IThe answer is no.  The DA is doing everything he can for his buddy Chuck Reed.  If there were criminal wrongdoing by other Councilmembers, he would be all over it.

    In fact, given the weak charges against the Mayor—the DA is simply trying to feed someone to the angry mob as not to appear a weak himself. 

    There is absolutely no evidence against Cindy at all—Where is the apology to Cindy for the inference in your questions?  Is there no decency, sir?  Is there, at long last, no decency left?

  32. 35 – Walk the halls of City Hall. Talk to city employees, particularly the many who have left in disgust during the past 7 years under Gonzales. Moving is a thought many have had these past few years. It will take a long time to rebuild the wreckage Gonzales and crew have left behind. Open your eyes and you will see.

  33. Hey Tom! You write really well when you’re mad. Loved the maggot metaphor. Your pontificating mode,  however, isn’t your strongest suit.. The only ex-mayor worth a sh** in your list of “wise guys” is you.The rest are the reason San Jose’s potential remains latent.[Remember the gold old days at the Tower Saloon, when you and John were the bartenders…

    But my main concern is that you overlooked, in your long list of people who should be ashamed of not speaking up while San Jose burned, the guy who started the “strong mayor” strategy, and who started the ethics “requirement” for City Hall, but never quite finished it. Also, how come Cindy doesn’t get mentioned in “those responsible”? How contemptible to suck up to Gonzo when he had the power,  and now speaks badly of him to get an advantage? And what’s with the continued reminiscence about Cortese when he isn’t running for mayor, and Chuck Reed is, the ONE person in all this that spoke out loudly and clearly about all the outrages going on? Cindy’s qualifications for council, let alone mayor, are a childish giggle, sycophancy toward any possible voter or contributor—and graduating from Terry C’s poli-sci class. Had coffee yesterday with Sam Liccardo—terrific guy. Now HE has serious qualifications! And good sense too. Gave him some dough to help defeat the unions’ flunky. Also laid on him my gripe that San Jose property owners’ tenants can vote against Cindy, but those who pay hefty taxes can’t—taxation w/o representation. Easily fixed by allowing property owners to vote on issues affecting them, and nothing else. Reg of Voters could easily do this. Katz, a property owner in San Mateo County is suing for this right—it’s NOT a privilege! Also, a chide on your disgust about Santana Row: what a GREAT place to hang out! And it hasn’t ruined downtown. It’s been ruined by a lack of imagination, politics and bureaucracy. If someone, a fool, tried to do Sanatana Row downtown, every business would have Cindy’s stoops out in front.The unions would design the buildings with an eye on millions of labor hours at “prevailing wage”(Ever seen the new “City Hall” from the air? It looks even more bizarre than it does from the ground; it’s not a design; it’s a project. Anyway, always wonderful talking to you. George Green

  34. Major US cities are either building or expanding light rail systems. VTA needs to do this immediately. Instead of going underground in downtown SJ, VTA is renovating the downtown stations. This is one example of VTA wasting time and money, esp as the price of oil and gasoline increases and the public is demanding effective and effecient public transportation projects and solutions. Good new M. Tucker is leaving VTA today (7/6/06). Thank God bc he helped derail BART by mismanaging VTA and misadvising the VTA BODs. Good job M and good riddance.

  35. Can someone please tell us what the orginal bid was from Norcal and what some of the other bids were. Several of us weren’t around then. Like I said before, I work there but it wouldn’t do for me to go asking those kinds of questions. From now on just call me “Employee”

  36. Just the facts – are you politically ignorant or just want to ignore political facts and reality

    – why would it make Ron want to break the law for them – 1) he wanted future Teamsters campaign support for statewide political offices 2) Norcal was a good political supporter and 3) probably Doyle told him it was ok if Council voted for $11 million which he could get since pro labor Council wanted living wages for workers –  Political win for everyone except taxpayers and the law

    Dando was his Vice Mayor when Norcal deal was done and did she speak up to Ron and did Ron tell she everything or only enought to get her vote Did she tell Ron it would help a Chamber member

    Compare Cisco and Norcal scandals – who voted how and why

    Did those who voted against Norcal do it for political advantage for later political races and because Teamsters would not support them or do you believe the story they did it for San Jose public while those who voted for $11 milion wanted labor political support

    Did Chuck vote to stop Cisco investigation since he and Ron are friends of Cisco’s John Chambers, a member of Chamber who endorsed them and supported their political campaigns?

    Good Summary of Ron’s scandals and the millions of taxpayers money wasted during his Mayor years,-we-get-to-throw-Newt-Gonzales-butt-in-prison!!.html

  37. 39 – Give us all a break, please. To invoke the era of McCarthy in your defense of Cindy is sickening.

    You would have us believe the all-powerful Cindy was just an ignorant pawn in all of this. Do you really expect us to believe that she knew nothing about what was going on while regular city staffers knew exactly what was happening?

    Obviously you relish in poking people in the eye just to see how they respond. You also hope that the vast majority of those who read and/or contribute to SJI are ignorant. Many of us are very well informed—much more so than you. We have written about the truth at City Hall since this site began. You have tried to spin the truth to fit your particular political bent. You are welcome to continue along your path of defending Cindy—I will take the path of unspun truth.

  38. 47 – Thanks for your input. I assume the playground was closed so you came to visit this board to throw your childish insults around.

    Those of us who care about what has happened and what will happen in San Jose try to have an intelligent exchange of ideas on this board—perhaps you could try the same.

    Thanks again—maybe next time you will try raising the level of discussion instead of lowering it, but I won’t hold my breath.

  39. #39 R.R.
    You did not answer my questions.  If Cindy was voting to give workers $3.00 more per hour, could they have voted to pay the Longshoremen that extra money?  Would it have been against the law?  No it would not have been.  Why did they have to switch to Teamsters?  Is it a Federal law that a municipal government can not influence what union is used in a city contract?  Yes it is.  Did Cindy direct city staff to do a salary survey of the recycle workers?  If so, why did she do that and what followed?
      You so boldly state “Cindy has always had more political power than the Mayor and he needs her more than she needs him.”  So, if that is true, why didn’t she use that power to stand up to Gonzo years ago?  Back in 2000 when he tried to stack the planning commission with a bunch of yes men, or when Gonzo voted on the $8,000,000 Tropicana lost lawsuit, Coyote Valley, Cisco, the $36,000,000 Fairgrounds lost lawsuit, $36,000,000 NSJ lawsuit, $3,000,000 Markovitz and Fox lost lawsuit, $4,000,000 behind closed doors Gonzo-Chavez Grand Prix deal and most recently the IBM #25 lost lawsuit?  I’m sure you get my point.  If she cares so much about the workers of this city, why didn’t she use some of that power you claim she had to stick up for some of those city workers and dept. heads that Gonzo bullied for all those years?  And as for Cindy standing up to Gonzo on health care, please give us a break. There was no fight, Gonzo couldn’t have cared less which way it went.  Cindy has been so arrogant, she has not even apologized for standing by while Gonzo bullied city employees, went around public process and lied to the public.  She only stood up to Ron recently, when it looked like not doing so would hurt her chances of getting elected mayor. We soon will find out if she has even more for which to aploogize.  By the way you speak as if you have seen all the evidence in the D.A.s case, or do you feel Cindy shares no blame because she was not indicted?  Your standards aren’t very high!

  40. Hello, Bloggers,
      One every obious reflection, illuminates the political horizon. Where were all of you when These two chumps were dictating.
      When one works with fire, it’s easy to understand when one can change the shape of the alloy. It always takes a hammer and a hard surface, and alot of heat.
      Cold politicions can not be changed, shaped or molded. Why try!
        Lay had a heart attact after getting caught. Yet while he lived and stole, he was OK. He would probably still be alive today if he was still in his illigal element.
      Tom would have us all fall on our swords, for not rushing the halls of City government, yet most of us are honest, gentle, loving members of our small but resoursefull Village.
      These two chumps are but the tip of the ice berg. We are the Titanic.
      The changes the office of the Mayor made when first he arrived, would be very interesting to document.
        The money that went to all the chosen subjects would also be a book into where our taxes went.
        Tom has broched the idea of all the previous mayor be included in the next mayors kitchen cabinette. My thought is you should not go there. Unless you wish to run the gauntlet of many folks that have issues with those Mayor’s administrations.
        There will be many books written about these times. Mine will be from the inside out.
        Abused, used, and denied, by the very people that were intrusted by votes to hold our Village above pain.
        I had the pleasure of having lunch with my friend Joe Rodriguez at Henry’s Hi Life today. The subject of our comming together was the publication of his
    “Mosaic Publication”written and photos by 20 students The head lines read,
      The Rise And Fall Of Ron Gonzales. I found the work done by these children magnificent. The photos were so stunning and accurate, it made Joe comment, ” You don’t spend that much time reading my columns”. My reply was, you need to think like a child. We all need to think like children.
      Our world is changing. Wayne Massingil and I were there when Ampex, HP, Fairchild, IBM, NASA, etc. needed proto types.
      This individule Gonzalez and his supporters do not belong in our Village of constant evolutionary change in technology.
        This administration did little if nothing to help the children of district 5. It took the EPA to transform Manny Diaz’s district, into a place where children can live and grow, and develope the brain, that would some day be part of the future, with out the sickness of high blood leads. See “Lead Astray”on Yahoo
      Gonzalez , Victor Garza, Fernando Zueseta,  Able Cota, Manny Daiz, the GI Forum, none of these people speak for us Hispanics. I have said this for 20 + years. My journey has finally ended. We can no longer remain silent.
      Lew Wolff’s article in the Merc, was very powerful. Thank you Mr Wolff. We will never be silent again!!
                      Gil Hernandez

  41. Both Wonder Woman (#3 and #45) and Pete Campbell (#22) have commented on the Great Airport Naming Debacle.  I’d like to add just a little more on this sordid affair because it was this event that caused me to realize that I erred in voting for Kubla Ron.

    Our mayor, in his official address at the opening of the new terminal and surrounded by dignitaries including Norm Mineta, proclaimed how wonderful it would be if we could name the Airport after Mineta.  Now the mayor had not discussed this naming previously with either the City Council or the Airport Commission and a council with more backbone would have protested about being blind-sided and stopped this move.  It isn’t as though Mineta (who should have declined) was a bad choice, but it probably is very poor policy to name anything after any living politician and to bring this about in this underhanded manner clearly shows that Gonzo was more interested in his own agenda than any kind of democratic process to achieve his goal.

  42. #53 Gil
    I agree with you on Gonzales, Garza and Diaz but what is wrong with Fernando Z.  I have always found him to be an honest, friendly hard working man who is a good role model for kids to look up to.

  43. I’m a former staffer, and as much as I wanted to speak up, I knew that I would have done so much damage to my boss at that time.  When you’re a Mayor/Council staffer, you’re expected to be a shadow of your boss, supporting them in the background, and not out in front.  Combined with that, so many of us staffers were in our first jobs out of college, in our 20s/30s, and we just wanted to stay afloat, politically and professionally.  But, looking back, what would have been so wrong about pointing out how unethical Gonzo and Guerra were?  You’re right, anyone of us should have said SOMETHING.

  44. Well, Old San Jose, #54
      I never said there was anything wrong with Fernando Zazueta, or any of those mentioned.
      I simply said they do not speak for us, Never have, never will.
      There is much that remains to be said, about the East Side Politics, for the past 25 years.
      I worked with Hank Lopez in the early years. Spent some wonderful years at the East side Senior Center as an advisor to Ellen Hurtel of Catholic Charities. Survived the building of the Mexican Heritage Plaza. Now that’s a whole story in it’s self. One I’m sure will read with interest. My proudest moment!
      Then came the Sal Si Puedes lead abatement inspections, that only recently were settled by the EPA, with the land lord of most of the rental housing in and around the Mexican Heritage Plaza. A desperate move initiated to heal the horrific pains being suffered by the babies of Distric 5.
      Then came the excusivity clauses the Mercury News had nonprofits sign. Disallowing people like Mary Andrade Editor of La Oferta to participate after having supported these non proifits for years.
      The Mercury New’s Hispanic Advisory Council was made up of people like Mr. Zazueta, perhaps he was the spoke person, but I could be wrong.
      I do know that when, as a director, I asked for an audit of the Mariachi festival, which by then was under the control of the Gi forum as was the 5 de Mayo and the 16th of Sept. Three cash cows, and asked Manny Diaz to support a meeting with the MercuryNews and the 3 Hispanic Publications about the exculsivity clauses, I was asked by Mr. Zuezeta to resign from the board of the MHC. He too had been a menber of the GI Forum it seems..
      Mr Zuezeta recommended that the Plaza be built in three phases, over a ten year period, it seems to me that about that time the Rep was being built as well. In discussion I was able to turn things around with the help of Blanca. The motion failed for want of a second and the board voted unanimous on my motion to build the plaza in one stroke.
      One month before the ground breaking I was uncerimoniosly booted from the MHC board. By this action they told the Village I was not one of them. The Plaza was built and my commitment to myself, my family and community was fullfilled.
      In the Wolf report I asked that the Board of Directors resign and be replaced with Board Members that were capable of operating the Plaza. You guessed it San Jose, # 54 They resigned me.
      Well so much for silence. I do appreciate you asking!
      Mary Andrade, Yolanda Renolds, Micaela Fregosa, they are my heros. They can speak for me and my Village anytime.
                        Gil Hernandez

  45. #56 Former 6th Floorer
    We all know that Ron and Co. were a bunch of bullies. I am sure it was hard for you and others to speak out when your futures were on the line.  From the start, the Gonzo regime made it clear that they kept a list of all who crossed the mayor.  Ron Gonzales should not be our Mayor for the way he treated the citizens of San Jose and disrespected the public process.  Additionally, if he is convicted of crimes in court, it will only reinforce what many already know – he lacks character. Today it is clear that Ron and his gang were the villains.  As the trial proceeds I’m sure the list of villains will grow.  Though the citizens and some staffers were the victims, we have not as of yet identified the heroes.  We need to celebrate those who were brave enough to stand up to Ron and paid the price.
    As a group, they were able to bring Gonzales’ lack of respect for the public process to light.  Recognizing these people may inspire others to now come forward with the truth.  The process has been too slow, and many share the blame, but the process is working.  We could all use a real hero in San Jose right about now.

  46. #61 Gil and others,
    I hope you can help me understand why more of the Hispanic population in San Jose have not embraced the Peralta Adobe? It is a symbol of pride in our deep roots in San Jose.  It tells a great story of Spain’s and Mexico’s early roles in the founding of San Jose as the first pueblo in Califirnia.  It is our cities oldest landmark, yet few of our older citizens even know where it is.  San Jose’s Founders Day would go completely unnoticed if it were not for P.A.C. S.J.‘s anual Founders Day Gala,  honoring people who have preservered our heritage. Due to the fact that Founders Day is close to Thanksgiving Day, they usually don’t even hold the event on the real day of our founding. This is a day that the citizens of S.J., and most of all its hispanic population, should celebrate.  San Jose will never find its self- respect as long as its Cinco de Mayo celebration is larger than its founders day celebration. Our Village should step up and take ownership of this proud day in history.

  47. Old San Jose,
      Allow me to validate one individule that I would trust with my Village, and a hero!
      Joe Hernandez Architect of the original design of the Mexican Heritage Plaza.
      During the tenure of our Garden Mayor Tom McEnery, Joe Hernandez pitched the Plaza Gardens concept to the hispanics of the time, 
      Finding no ambition amongst the group, Joe gave up the thought of ralling this group to move forward with the Garden concept.
      A number of years later, some one announces that an individule has awakened with the brillant idea to build a Plaza /Gardens..
      Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Joe succesfully sue the RDA for 20 % of their budget for low income housing.
      In the selection process, Joe was picked to be the Architect for the Mexican Heritage Plaza
    only to be removed by the very people he had approched years before with the then Administrations Gardens concept.
      Joe’s design was warm and inviting, yet his ousting perhaps had more to do with politics then style and design.
      I want to say to Tom, Joe, and my Village that your ideas and concepts were for all of us. I remain trusting in Joe Hernandez Archtect. Thank you for all of the many hours you spent building the concept of a Heritage Plaza.
      The unprofessional manner in which you were ousted, still leaves me wishing I could have saved you from those you wished to serve.
      I would love to see this dynamic new administration at the Mexican Heritage Plaza, bring all the people that made what we now have,  together.
      To the oldest members that are still on the board, You’ve done good work. Make room for those that can provide the support needed to make this venue the pride of our community.
      Thanks Tom your site provides a forum for truth and validation. And Joe I’m forever thankful for your dedication and friendship during those uncertain years.
                          Gil Hernandez

  48. #62 Old San Jose,
      Go to Leonard Mckay’s previous post “Dirt #2”  to my post #3.
      When on the board of The Mexican Heritage, I brought to the attention of the group, that there was never a time when we had embraced the founding of our Village. I’d hoped to make this important moment in our history the focus of our beginning to embrace the people, economy, that made our rich and vibrant heritage possible.
        Our Board President took this info to the mayor of the time and some aluminum plaques were placed at the corner of Market and San Carlos. Much to my surprise as I photographed this first Founders Day occassion. The Mexican Heritage Corp. was not invited to participate. H E L L O ?
        I would love to see the Mexican Heritage Plaza and Gardens, Office of Cultural Affiars, Conventions San Jose, Our New Mayor, begin this year to celebrate city wide this momentous occasion.
        Along with vollenteers from the Hispanic University, San Jose State University, and High Schools thruout the city.
        Because late November is inclimate, the Convention Centers could be the venues. Everyone would be encourageed to dress in the garb of those days. With our beautiful Mariachi Festival in October, What a great kick off for such a world class event!
        We need to attract the arts back from Los Altos and Mt View. Resturants could serve up the grub of those days.
        Well, “Old San Jose”, for sure there are two of us, that want a better deal than we are getting from the uncontrollable traffic congested 5 de Mayo down town. The Fair Grounds would be the logical place to continue those events.
        We have some very interesting characters in our past history. San Francisco has Emperor Norton, Who, do we have?
      That is what makes San Francisco so great. They embrace who they are.
        November is just around the corner. We will be celebrating Founder’s Day, pouring special commemorative medallion souvenir castings.  Got any ideas for the inscription, Old San Jose?
                              Gil Hernandez

  49. #63 Gil
    The first thing that came to mind, was to cast a coin with Gonzales on one side and Tibercio Vasquez on the other.  Just think of the possibilities for the inscription.  ” One was a leader of his people, one was a bandito, you make the choice” or, under Vasquez it could say “PRONTO”, the last word he spoke before he was hung in 1875, .  Under Gonzales it could read, “A real man knows how to make his exit with courage”.  Finally under Gonzales it could just say “Where is Sheriff Adams when you need him”. I’ll bet you and others here could think up even more imaginative inscriptions.  On second thought, at times I can be a smart a##.  How about a coin with the County Courthouse burning in the 1930’s on one side.  There is a great historic picture of the fire fighters heroically battling the fire. On the other side the coin you could have a picture of an old fire wagon with the inscription “Saving San Jose for the future”
    This would work well with P.A.C. S.J.s plan to honor San Jose’s fire fighters at their founders day event. Just a thought .

  50. Old San Jose,
      Welcome to the “House Of Pain” It’s time to let go and let Love. Perhaps you feel you did not do enough to stop the madness of the last 7 years. As Your Village Black Smith, let me assure you , it is not your pain.
      Focus your attention on what is best for our Village.
      The Astronauts are in space, our beautiful Firefighters for 150 years of Fire Fighting, will be honored on founders day.  I won’t go on , because, we all have our positive thoughts of where we want our Village to go .
      I do have one question for you Old San Jose.  Why would we have a 4 million dollar race tearing up down town, and not have a Founders Day City wide celebration. HELLO?
        Let’s focus on our Future.
      At South Bay Bronze, we created a motto,
        “Discover The Past, Create the Future”
      I would like to see a Medallion with the NASA Shuttle Craft on a space walk on one side and perhaps Moraga and the arriving settlers, on the otherside. Both went where no man or woman had ever gone before.

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