Liccardo and San Jose Police Blast Release of Two Homicide Suspects Without Bail

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo called the release of two homicide suspects without bail "outrageous," in a statement released late Tuesday night by his office.

“I appreciate the purpose of bail reform, but releasing a homicide suspect without bail is outrageous,” Liccardo said in the statement issued in an email at 9:49pm Nov. 30.. “The pendulum has swung too far, and it's our neighborhoods that endure the most crime that suffer as a result.”

Liccardo's statement followed two tweets at 8:31pm by San Jose Police Media Relations announcing that two suspects arrested in connection with a fatal shooting on Halloween had been released without bail, and sharply critical of “the criminal justice system.”

Efrain Anzures, 27, and Alfred Castillo, 26, were arrested in the hours after an investigation of a shooting Oct. 31 in the 5200 block of Great Oaks Drive, where officers arrived and found a man suffering from at least one gunshot wound. The victim was taken to a hospital where he later died, according to police.

Anzures was booked into county jail on suspicion of homicide, while Castillo was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and being an accessory to homicide, police said. Both men are San Jose residents.

The first of two tweets from police included the booking photos of the two suspects and the following message:

“Our homicide detectives do an exceptional job. Suspects Anzures and Castillo were arrested for homicide 29. The DA filed charges on both. They are no longer in jail. The criminal justice system believes they are fine out of custody without bail.”

Seconds later, a second tweet added:

“Yes you read that correctly, two homicide suspects, charged, out of custody. Our community deserves better, the victim's family deserve better. The taking of someone's life is the ultimate crime. The system has failed.”


  1. Coming to you from the same people who created a sanctuary city for criminals. They weren’t nearly as appalled when an illegal alien murdered an innocent elderly lady in her home a couple years ago.
    We’re getting exactly what we voted for everyone. Congrats.

  2. There’s a tradition of stories by “The Fly”, but this one doesn’t have a byline at all. SJPD says the DA filed charges and blames “The criminal justice system”. Presumably the Sheriff’s Office didn’t just release the wrong prisoners. Will the reporter follow up and name the judge who let them out of jail? About one-third of all Superior Court judges are up for re-election in June.

    Could it be Judge Franco, who sentenced a former SJ city council candidate to zero days in jail after she drove her SUV into a man and killed him on Los Gatos Blvd? Isn’t she due back in court this week?

  3. Liberal Progressive Policies are destroying the Rule of Law thru-out the country, more-so in DEM led cities…. negatively impacting the safety of law abiding citizens, destroying the social fabric of community and overall well-being of residents.
    Law abiding residents now have increased fear of crime and greater concerns for personal safety, happiness, and satisfaction with overall quality of life.

    The next Santa Clara County DA election may turn out to be a choice of the Lesser of EVILs – unfortunately the bad choice of One-party state leadership.

    It seems like DA Jeff Rosen is the clear choice at this time among the competition.

    Incumbent DA Jeff Rosen became a Santa Clara County Deputy DA in 1995 and has served as DA for 10 years ousting then-incumbent DA Dolores Carr in 2010.

    Sajid Khan has been a public defender in Santa Clara County for 13 years. Beware his Pro-Crime stances. We need a DA not a Public Defender with a Pro-Crime agenda – LA & SF already learned that lesson the hard way. (see SF DA Boudin – recall, and LA DA Gascon – recall)

    Daniel Chung is a Deputy DA who is running a Feud Campaign – he was administratively reprimanded for using his official title to criticize the DAs office and is personally suing the incumbent DA. His qualifications beside a grudge need to be further explored.

    ————-Milwaukee DA Exemplifies the Neglect & Disregard of Crime Victims———-

    A career Felon ran his SUV into a Christmas Parade in WI (killing 6) after being released on $1K bail.

    “Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who’s going to go out and KILL somebody?” Milwaukee DA Chisholm told the Milwaukee Sentinel-Journal in 2007.
    “You bet. Guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.”

    The spread of the Pro-crime ‘disease’ is apparent on his own web site:
    Milwaukee DA John Chisholm has built strong partnerships with the Public Defender’s Office and Community Advocates to ensure transparency and accountability in charging decisions and prosecutions.
    Progressive prosecutors in Philadelphia, Boston, St. Louis, and San Francisco have followed in John’s footsteps and designed similar programs.”

    “…the most visible source of funding for these DA candidates is the notorious George Soros…”

    If George Soros and the progressive movement he represents have done one Good Thing,
    it’s that they’ve removed DA elections from the backwoods of political theater.

    These elections, which Soros and a handful of other major donors were able to quietly dominate for the last few years, picking off city after city, are no longer obscure.

    “Candidates, and the philosophy they intend to bring to the office of DA, are finally getting the scrutiny they deserve.”

  4. the Merc added this zinger

    “Court records show that the bail motion hearing that led to the releases was held Nov. 10. Why the police department and mayor were commenting on the decision three weeks after the fact appears to be tied to an NBC Bay Area news story broadcast Tuesday evening.”

    I say it again – mayor in a clown suit

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