High School Haunted House to Feature County Supervisors

Politicians Will Take the Place of Mentally Ill

Just hours after the student body of Westmont High School announced that the theme of their annual Halloween haunted house would be the mentally ill, the National Alliance of Mental Health Professionals condemned the attraction as “insensitive” and put enough pressure on the school’s administration to force them to change it.

Instead of portraying mental patients in the haunted house as “tortured souls” living “restless half-lives as undead ghouls,” Santa Clara County Supervisors will be featured as “tortured souls” living “restless half-lives as undead ghouls.”

“They say everything happens for a reason,” said one of the drama department members that decided on the original theme. “And we couldn’t be happier with the way things turned out. These politicians will be hella-scary!”

School administrators wanted to stress that the students have learned a valuable lesson in all of the controversy and have chosen their new theme based on the fact that it would not be offensive to any group.

According to plans, the supervisors will all portray themselves and just wander aimlessly through the house doing whatever they would normally do during a typical day: napping, suing the city and talking about the county fairgrounds.

“My God,” said one student, “it gives me the heebie-geebies just thinking about it.


  1. I guess Halloween is okay for some people, I prefer Valentine’s Day or Christmas or Easter.  Candy canes, jelly beans, bunnies, rainbows, warm and cozy, listening to Forrest by the fireplace.  Kissing Judy, Nancy and Nora under the mistletoe.  Love, warmth, happiness, giving gifts to Phaedra and Bob.  Attending SJSU lectures with Cindy and Terry.
    Snuggling and cuddling under a warm blanket with Ron, Joe, Sean and Tony.

  2. Way off the Halloween subject, but I just heard that Oracle made an offer to buy out BEA Systems for nearly $7 billion.  If this goes through, does anyone know how it will affect the former Sobrato Tower in terms of occupancy?  Is it Oracle to downtown San Jose?  Or is it downtown San Jose screwed once again?

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