Happy St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick, Ireland’s primary patron saint, died on March 17, 461, in his hideaway at Saul, Downpatrick, near the County Down monastery he founded (now in Northern Ireland).

Born in Wales around 389, a native of Roman Britain, Patrick was abducted and taken to Ireland as a slave at the age of 16 where he worked as a shepherd in County Antrim. He escaped after six years and made his way to continental Europe where he became a pupil of St. Germanus. Made bishop in 431, Patrick was charged with the conversion of the entire island of Ireland to Christianity.

Arriving in 432, he set about his task that became legend. He established monasteries all over Ireland, including the one at Armagh that remains the ecclesiastical capital of Ireland to this day. There are many sites associated with his pilgrimages—Croagh Patrick in County Mayo being a notable example.

The shamrock became the symbol of Ireland in later years owing to Patrick’s use of its three leaves to illustrate the concept of the Trinity. As for ridding the island of snakes, there is no evidence to suggest that they ever existed in Ireland.

The first St. Patrick’s Day parade was held on March 17, 1762, in New York by Irish soldiers in the British Army, leading the way to the modern world’s celebratory day of drunkenness and debauchery.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all.

Adapted from What Happened Here?: Ireland, Knowledge Cards by Jack Van Zandt, published by Pomegranate Communications, 2005.


    Please don’t drink and drive!

    On another Note!

    Come celebrate with us tomorrow night!

    Animal Rescuers, Advocates, and Animal Lovers:

    Please join us for a rally and candlelight vigil Tuesday, March 18th, at 6:30 pm, in front of San Jose City Hall, located at 200 East Santa Clara Street in San Jose, by the fountains.

    The rally will begin at 6:30 pm, and the candlelight vigil will begin at 7:15 pm. Please bring a candle, or glow stick, or flash light, a photo of a deceased pet, a poem, a song, or a story you’d like to share.

    The rally is to honor animal rescuers/advocates, Animal Control Officers, shelter staff and volunteers for their dedication and service to animals. It is also to bring attention to the need for the public to use our low cost spay/neuter programs to voluntarily fix their pets to help us end the needless killing of animals in our shelters. (Please keep in mind this is not a pro-AB1634 mandatory spay/neuter or pro-TNR rally.)

    The candlelight vigil will be held to honor animals that have died and will die in our shelters because there is not enough space, or homes to place them in.

    Key Note Speakers:

    Mayor Reed

    Supervisor McHugh

    Delorme McKee-Stovall

    Rescue Speakers:

    Kathleen Flynn

    Vivian A. Kennedy

    Heather Betchel

    Laura Finco

    Dana Leisinger

    Nicole Nichols

    We hope you will join us, and we look forward to seeing you there! =^,,^=

  2. George #2:  This Irishman would not consider it an honor to have a section of Story road named “Little Dublin”.

    The name should attach to the area with the largest concentration of bars and confessionals in the city.

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