Guerra: It’s Time To Ground Our Administration

Mayor’s Aide Says NASA Is To Blame

In another startling revelation, Mayor Gonzales’s policy director, Joe Guerra, admitted that sometime during one of the mayor’s early crises, high level staffers in the administration reached out to NASA for help.

Documents obtained from NASA sources confirmed that numerous meetings between the Gonzales administration and NASA scientists had taken place early in the mayor’s second term in response to several meltdowns in the strategic brain functions known as the “ethical compass.”

“The ethical compass can be thrown out of whack for any number of reasons,” explains NASA senior scientist Holly Ciresi.  “In this particular case, there seems to be a complete breakdown in the insulating foam protecting the ethical barrier tiles that line the common sense reactors, which is mainly due to the immense heat, pressure, and stress of constantly covering your ass.  We gave it 110 percent of our focus; in fact, we thought we had a clean bird as early as January…we are obviously very disheartened.  This politics is a difficult business.”

Recent media coverage has documented large pieces of the administration cracking and falling off as one member after another broke away and disintegrated into piles of blathering rhetoric and doublespeak.

Several specialists were called in to perform cranial CAT scans on the mayor in the hopes of finding salvageable pieces in order to make repairs before one of his next decisions, whether it be in a council meeting or a back room.  But, with rare candor, one doctor admitted, “NASA thought they had repaired the divots in the brain mass that effect the orbital maneuvering system… suffice it to say, we have a lot of work to do.”

“At this point, we are in survival mode - we want to try and save as many of the crew as we can,” explained Mr. Guerra.  “That is why I think it is time to ground the administration until further notice.”


  1. They are like the witch in Wizard of Oz someone has dumped some water on them and they’re melting.  Hope they disappear fast.

  2. I think they should fall on their sword.  It ‘s time for Gonzo and crew to bail out and head for different parts of the country.  The problem with gonzo is he has no love for San Jose it’s just a stepping stone and not a place he is connected to either emotionally or any other way.

  3. Stepping stone? Maybe a stepping stone to the slammer! He should have been grounded a long time ago by the citizens of SJ. Lets hope that apathy does not allow him to ride out his term…

  4. HJ, you’re right on the money with the “Gonzo problem”…it is so apparent he has no love connection with San Jose, no loyalty whatsoever, and no conscience…how very wrong he is…

  5. I just don’t understand how the guy can stay in his position as mayor.  Why doesn’t he step down after all thats happened.  Not only do they need to ground their administration, they need to dig a hole and bury everyone!  It’s time to cover your ass no more, admit the failure and get out now.

  6. Who was the flight director during this crisis? It certainly wasn’t Gene Kranz, the guy in the lucky vest who, during the Apollo 13 crisis, declared, “Failure is not an option.”

    Now, I know that Dale Borgsdorf isn’t legendary, and it’s obvious he has no problem with failure, but where was he when he was needed? Did someone intentionally disconnect his headset…

    or did he accidently unplug it while genuflecting?

  7. You said:

    “Two Gonzales staffers have resumes floating around the Redevelopment Agency.  Lotsa luck.”

    I’ve heard that also – but I think those two resumes are in addition to the person jumping ship.

    That’s three people total. 

    (I assume the Mayor wasn’t one of the people shopping his resume…)

  8. John:

    Spoofing NASA’s thermal tile issue, considering the previous tragic space shuttle crash, is the ultimate in conceit.  Perhaps you should fire your creative writing muse, and hire an ethics/appropriateness muse.

  9. I wonder what Chief Adminstrator Gonzo will publish in the NASA Science Quarterly next month. 
    1.  “Anti-gravitational movement of ping-pong balls”
    2.  “The reproductive process of gerbils in space”
    3.  “SJ City Hall in the greater cosmos”
    4.  All the above

  10. Finfan- Don’t be so harsh on poor old Del. After all, as we saw in the Cisco fiasco the guy is utterly incapable of managing a donut shop, much less the 10th largest city. He’s no match for slick pair like Gonzales and Guerra.
    To put it another way, would City Hall be big enough for Gonzo and a strong City Manager?

  11. Patience, patience.  The wisdom of term limits will take care of the Mayor and his crew. 

    Will the so called “City Manager” leave before Gonzales or will he wait until the next Mayor unceremoniously tosses him out in front of the new City Hall? Over the next several weeks/months, resumes will be flying out of City Hall.  Jude/Tom, how about tracking the exodus of over-paid Mayor and City Manager staffers?

  12. How about a JOB FAIR for Mayor Gonzo? 

    Should he can return to HP?  Nope, they’ve just had a 14,000+ layoff? 

    Mayor of Sunnyvale.  Nope, they’ve got one, plus he would have to move back to his old neighborhood. Also, it doen’t pay the big bucks.

    How about Government Affairs Director at Cisco? Not sure.  Anyway, give us your ideas….

  13. Given the wrecks and mechanical issues at the Champ Car main event in the inaugural Grand Prix, here are two jobs Ron could qualify for:

    * flagman at the infamous Turn 4 (holding a “slow” sign that drivers ignore) or at where the course crosses light rail before the first right hand hairpin

    * Crew member of the “Safety Safari” (change the course during the race itself!)

    As an alternate, Ron could serve as the actor behind “S.J. Sharkie”.  He can do meet and greet with fans (voters and non-voters) before, during,  and after games.  He can also meet children and parents at social events. 

    The best part about being S.J. Sharkie: he doesn’t speak.  So no one will ever have to hear him gripe about his past as County Supe, Mayor of Sunnyvale, and (soon) Mayor of San Jose.  Better, no one will have to listen to his ideas and thoughts – just like he doesn’t listen to ideas and thoughts that he does not support or agree with.


  14. Perhaps one reason there’s so much apathy towards SJ politics is the clear lack of a local news/talk station in SJ.  For too long San Joseans have eschewed local radio for the lure of the “BIG TIME” from San Francisco.  Over the years a couple of stations tried local talk (KXRX and a little bit of talk on KLIV) but both efforts had desultory results. 
    Let’s contrast San Jose with San Diego.  Like San Jose being overshadowed by San Francisco, San Diego has always been under LA’s shadow – but, SD was able to develop strong local electronic media (TV & Radio).  In fact, reporting on the pension scandal, the councilmembers accepting bribes from local strip club operators and the special election for mayor have all been driven on a daily basis by their coverage on local talk station KOGO.  While the SD Union-Tribune has extensively covered these scandals – KOGO radio thru local hosts Mark Larson & Roger Hedgecock have “flogged” these stories incessently giving San Diegans a place to vent their frustration about the incompentence and corruption of their local politicos. 

    We really need a local N/T station in Silicon Valley – but the people here need to support it and listen to it and it needs to generate ratings and ad dollars – KGO and KSFO cannot and will not become “local” stations for SJ – That said the only way a local station will successfully compete against those two behomeths is that there must be a critical mass of people in the valley who will STOP listening to the SF-oriented KGO and start listening to a SJ-oriented N/T.  Needless to say, that’s easier said than done.

    What’s amazing to me is that places like Fresno, Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria and Sacramento all have successful local N/T stations. 

    Here’s a bet I won’t lose.  “SJ is the largest city in the US without it’s own N/T radio station”.


  15. Who doesn’t know about the staffer resumes that have been sent out to both Redevelopment and the Water District?  There are dens of absolute corruption who think they are above the law. 

    They’re just training now to become professionals with SCVWD and RDA.

    Should we name the staffers and repost their resumes?

    You know what I mean?

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