Grand Prix Swindle of Shame

When the promoters of the San Jose Grand Prix went to the mayor and vice mayor for a $4 million public handout in August, the answer should have been a quick and simple “no.” Instead, according to information uncovered by the Mercury News this week, the city administration of Mayor Gonzales, aided and abetted by Cindy Chavez, acted surreptitiously behind the scenes to do a deal like thieves in the night, deliberately keeping their colleagues on the council and the citizens of San Jose in the dark.

We shouldn’t even be having this discussion. The Grand Prix was an obvious mistake from the start and should have never been approved to take place on our city streets. It upsets the flow of traffic and lives of every downtown resident and worker for eight weeks while they build and then tear down a track and grandstands for an event that lasts, in total, a few hours. Some people have to be moved from their homes for the weekend and many local businesses located within the area can’t operate. What other neighborhood in this city, or any other, would put up with this?

Big-time national sponsors have elbowed out local businesses (like Gordon Biersch) and, according to what I hear around downtown, only the big hotels and other chain locations really benefit from the “extra” revenue. Locally owned restaurants and other businesses reported that their takings during last year’s race were far lower than normal because the regular customers they depend on stayed away in order to avoid the chaos.

Now, to add insult to injury, the city is busy “relocating” palm trees downtown to satisfy the “needs” of the race promoters for a faster, more exciting track through our streets. What the hell is wrong with these people? This neighborhood is our home. Why should we make a sacrifice, against our will, of the well-known surroundings that we are comfortable with for this ultimate symbol of conspicuous consumption: a car race? Would those of you who live out in Willow Glen, Evergreen or the Rose Garden stand for this?

Our elected city leaders should have stood up for the people who live here and who are most affected by the staging of this event. Instead, they went behind our backs and sided with the promoters and out-of-town business interests in secret, and then gave them $4 million of OUR MONEY. I just keep thinking about what $4 million could have done for the quality of life in our city 365 days this year instead of benefiting yet another special interest for a 3-day event that could have been better held where it belongs: the Indianapolis Speedway.

Shame on those of you on the council who voted for this swindle.

Composer, writer and downtown resident Jack Van Zandt is the editor of


  1. Boy, have you got this one right. San Jose “leaders” are so desperate they will literally give away the city. The disruption of the downtown, the damage, the costs, etc. make SJ the laughing stock around the country. Other cities do not have to turn over the keys to the city and the treasury to have events like this. Once again SJ shows the others how not to do it. Permanently changing the landscape of downtown for this little exercise in egomania is mind-boggling. Can’t wait until they want to try motor boat racing down the Guadalupe.

  2. I agree whole-heartedly with your comments.  It is stupid, ugly, and noisy and having to move trees and upset people’s lives is ridiculous.  The use of the funds, approved in one day, without notice to council members, should now be re-visited.  The rest of the council should ask for a re-vote now that they know, again, they were lied to by Mayor Gonzo and Vice-Mayor Cindy Chavez.  I can’t believe Cindy Chavez is acting surprised that they came to them on such short notice after she had a meeting where they told her they needed funding from the city.  This is again outrageous and should not be tolerated by the citizens.  Where are they?  Why aren’t they pressing Cindy Chavez to explain these secret meeting she had with the promoters ahead of this vote.

  3. #10 P T Barnum you’re ahead of us all.  I have heard there are business interests who want to dredge out the Guadalupe from the Confluence to the bay then they could promote a motor boat race from the Confluence to the sea.  I understand from reliable sources that a certain elected official and his assistant elected official have already had secrect talks and agreements about this project.  This race would take place the week after the Grand Prix.

  4. What would it take to recall district 3 council person, Ms. Chavez?
    How many signatures would it take?
    Can this be put on the next ballot.
    Who can HELP get this going?

  5. As I commented back in January, on SJINSIDE, I went to the City Council meeting on the 10th of January where the slick suiters lined up one after another and literally had a filibuster at the first meeting in the new hall after the new year.  Taking hours to get the deal done.  They even used Steve Borkenhagen’s name, and from what I understand he wasn’t very impressed with the Grand Prix himself.

    When the slick suiters from the Grand Prix stood tall and appologized to the Council for coming in so late with this proposal;

    I spoke from the floor, saying, “Why don’t you appologize to us, the citizens, too.” 
    At that point Your RONor got very mift and started yelling out to be quiet.

    I told him he had been censured.  He didn’t like this and became very “Authoritarian”, as JMO mentioned on yesterday’s post, I was not behaving like a “Good German.”

    Cindy sat quiet and smiled, she knew the deal.  She has known the deal since August.

    We know the deal, now too.  IT IS IN THE NEWS.  My whole life I have heard, “Well, Dennis, if that was true we would know about it.  They would report it.”

    Now it has been reported on.  The big question for San Jose is, after four months of campaigning in District 3 myself, “Does anyone give a……..?”

  6. #7 – According to the City Charter (not that anybody pays attention to that) here’s the recall info:
    SECTION 1603. Initiative, Referendum and Recall.

    The powers of initiative, referendum and the recall of elected municipal officers are hereby reserved to the electors of the City. The provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California, as the same now exist or may hereafter be amended, governing the initiative and referendum and the recall of municipal officers in cities shall be applicable insofar as the same are not in conflict with this Charter; provided, however, that the number of signatures required shall be as follows:

    (a) INITIATIVE. To initiate proceedings for the exercise of the power of initiative, either of the following provisions shall apply as is applicable:

    (1) If the petition is signed by duly qualified electors of the City equal in number to at least eight percent (8%) of the number of persons eligible to vote according to the last report of registration filed by the County Registrar of Voters with the Secretary of State, which is in effect at the time the notice of intent to circulate the petition is published, and contains a request that the proposed ordinance be submitted immediately to a vote of the people at a Special Municipal Election, the Council shall either pass the proposed ordinance for publication, without alteration, at the regular meeting at which it is presented by the City Clerk and adopt said ordinance within ten (10) days after it is presented, or immediately call a Special Municipal Election at which the ordinance, without alteration, shall be submitted to a vote of the voters of the City.

    (2) If the petition is signed by duly qualified electors of the City equal in number to at least five percent (5%) of the number of persons eligible to vote according to the last report of registration filed by the County Registrar of Voters with the Secretary of State, which is in effect at the time the notice of intent to circulate the petition is published, and the ordinance petitioned for is not required to be, or for any reason is not, submitted to the voters at a Special Municipal Election, and is not adopted without alteration by the Council, then the proposed ordinance, without alteration, shall be submitted by the Council to the voters at the next General Election.

    In the event that a petition is submitted in accordance with the provisions of either subparagraphs (1) or (2) of subsection (a), and the Council submits said proposed ordinance to a vote of the voters of the City, the Council may not at the same time submit an alternative ordinance.

    (b) REFERENDUM. To initiate proceedings for the exercise of the power of referendum, the petition shall be signed by duly qualified electors of the City equal in number to at least eight percent (8%) of the number of persons eligible to vote according to the last report of registration filed by the County Registrar of Voters with the Secretary of State, which is in effect at the time of adoption of the ordinance or measure which is the subject of the petition.

    (c) RECALL OF THE MAYOR. To initiate proceedings for the exercise of the power of recall of the Mayor, the petition shall be signed by duly qualified electors of the City equal in number to at least twelve percent (12%) of the number of persons eligible to vote according to the last report of registration filed by the County Registrar of Voters with the Secretary of State, which is in effect at the time the notice of intent to circulate the petition is published.

    (d) RECALL OF COUNCIL MEMBER. To initiate proceedings for the exercise of the power of recall of a Council member elected by a District, the petition shall be signed by duly qualified electors of the District equal in number to at least twelve percent (12%) of the number of persons residing in the District eligible to vote according to the last report of registration filed by the County Registrar of Voters with the Secretary of State, which is in effect at the time the notice of intent to circulate the petition is published.

  7. The whole performance is pathetic. After diddling for several years on downtown redevelopment that resulted in terrible plans that went nowhere, RonGo, Cindy and the gang got desperate for anything to put downtown. Then they concocted a shady deal behind closed doors for this nothing of an event with a 4 million dollar price tag.

    Most of San Jose has given up on downtown and could care less. They have wasted the legacy of the McEnery and Hammer administrations.  The sunnyvale gang that can’t shoot straight has got to go.

  8. Let’s bring some rationality back to the debate.

    First of all the Barry Witt article inferred that Cindy and Ron met with the organizers and conferred on the Grand Prix issue.  They did not.

    The Grand Prix folks met with Gonzalez and they met with Cindy—never together and Cindy and Mayor did not meet.

    Second, negotiating in public, making statements regarding possibilities while negotiations are ongoing and/ or releasing the details of a deal which is not done in which those details to vary dramatically is neither effective nor prudent.

    Third, $4 Million over 10 years to bring $150 of economic activity to the City is a good deal.

    I’m assuming the folks on this board will also form the group to stop baseball from coming to San Jose because it will cost the taxpayers money.

    Penny-wise and Pound foolish is not good government.

  9. Regarding recall of CHAVEZ ref #7, #9 posted response by CC

    Confirming section (d) of response
    12% of the elected, is based on appx 27,000 registered district 3 voters.
    So what is needed is appx. 3000 signatures to recall Ms Chaves. Am I right?
    I can come up with at least 200 signatures.
    Who is willing to spearhead this?
    Necessary documentation and the like to get this going.
    my moblie # is 408-205-5757

  10. Can I assume Rich that you think it OK for San Jose residents to have only a day to review such a deal?

    In terms of meetings, what about Gonzales’ and Chavez’s aides?  Did any meet with grand prix organizers and/or city staff? 

    Let’s bring some sunshine into city hall.

  11. Dear San Jose:

    On 4/25, Don Gagliardi posted the following…“Pete Campbell #22, as well as all the other folks calling Cindy Chavez a crook and a liar…”

    I invite every visitor to San Jose to go back to my post on 4/25 and re-read my comments (#22).  Please also re-read Mr. Gagliardi’s comments.

    I did not call Cindy Chavez a crook or a liar.  What I did say was, “The improved reporting of the Mercury News helps those of us who are supporting other candidates to make the important case that a Chavez Administration will just be a continuation of the Gonzales Administration.”

    Friends of Mr. Gagliardi should inform him that it might be in his interests to print a correction.

    Pete Campbell

  12. #12 Richard..Bring how much money for economic activity, $150.00?  What’s the 150 bucks for? Not even a night out in downtown San Jose.  You can’t be so naive to believe that the Race people won’t be back for more spare change next year and every year.  They’re spending the $4,000,000,.00 this year in street work and palm trees alone.  Next year they’ll want to pave over Cesar Chavez plaza for more seating.  It’s not hard to realize that you are working for Ms. Chavez but I hope you’re in for a big disappointment before the years end.

  13. Dear San Jose:

    Now let me weigh in on the subject at hand.  If the Grand Prix race is the greatest thing ever, and so many different entities will profit from it, why don’t those same entities “pass the hat” to raise the four million bucks?  See, the Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Association don’t pay to mow the grass at your local city park, the city government pays for that. (At least they used to).

    I believe that this episode helps those of us who are supporting other candidates in the upcoming mayoral race, to make the argument that a Chavez Administration will just be a continuation of the Gonzales Administration!

    Pete Campbell

  14. I thoguht the subsidy only covered two years.  I don’t know the law or council procedures but I feel certain that the information the Mayor and Vice Mayor obtained during their discussions with the Grand Prix could have at least been disclosured to the other memebers of the council,  don’t they have closed meetings?

  15. #12 Mr. Robinson,

    Once again, you have missed the point and probably purposely in order to put a spin on the Chavez position in an attempt to make us look irrational.

    I would wager that many people on this blog are not against the Grand Prix or Baseball, but most all object to the unnecessarily concealing of information, short notices, and misleading motions by pretending to be surprised.  It is disingenuous and the behavior is unbecoming of a future mayor or current vice mayor for that fact.

    Coincidently, the same object applies to baseball due to the lack of notification.  Strangely, or not, Chavez displayed that same surprise at the baseball stadium meeting, blaming city staff for not notifying neighborhood groups.

  16. Pete Campbell #17,

    Downtown San Jose is a huge source of tax revenue for the city.  Money from construction taxes, building property tax, business property tax, land use fees, traffic / parking tickets, business fees all go to the general fund.

    The general fund is spent throughout the city. 

    I’d be all for having any taxes / fines / revenues from downtown spent just in downtown.  Thanks for the idea!

    Also, the big problems listed for not building in Coyote relate to business revenue in the area.  downtown does have significant business revenue that goes to the general fund; unlike the boring sprawling bedroom districts throughout san jose.  Downtown is a cash flow maker for the city!

  17. The procedure and subsidy are two different issues.  The proposal should have been made public earlier or the decision postponed.  The subsidy could have been debated. 

    I think – as a downtown resident – the Grand Prix is a good for the city.  It is a great complement to the other cultural events offered in the summer and provides the city unprecedented international TV exposure. 

    And…it brings people from NorCal to San Jose.  Unlike many, I am actually in favor of making our city a fun place to live, not just sleep.  Sometimes that means taking risks. 

    I can go on…but if you don’t like the event, you don’t like it.  I can’t disagree on how the subsidy was handled.

  18. Obviously I meant $150 million. 

    Extrapolating 10 years of economic activity for 10 years at 4 million conservatively.  According to other estimates it could be as high as $200 million see quote from story below.

    “100, 000 speed freaks flock to San Jose next summer and spend more than $20 million during a weeklong grand prix “festival,”


    I don’t think the “citizens” ie. gadflys should have six months to look over the deal.  How many real people go to the Council and look at the deals?  That’s why we have a republic, not a democracy.

    I do believe the Council should have had more time—but it doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to see that a $4 million investment for 10 years will create $150-200 million a year in economic activity for our businesses over that 10 years.

    How long does it take an average Councilmember or gadfly for that matter to understand that equation? 

    Maybe it’s that new fangled new math that’s stumps you.

  19. #15, Pete Campbell:  At your invitation, I went back to your post in a different thread and, indeed, you did not call Cindy Chavez a crook or a liar, although that appears to me to have been the implication suggested by your post.  Other anonymous members in the lynch mob on this board were more direct and to the point in defaming Chavez.  However, I sincerely apologize for lumping you in with those masses.  I respect you for identifying yourself by name and debating in a dignified manner.

  20. The childish behavior on this site is ridiculous. Where were you people at either of the council hearings on this topic? Did you bother to get in touch with your council member on this issue at all?

    You criticize Chavez for doing her job as defined by the bounds of being a councilperson. You criticize her for doing her job as Vice Mayor for meeting with a followup to a huge event that took place in her district. You seem to support the guy who whines repeatedly Stop, Stop, Stop stamping his feet, without putting forth any progressive ideas.

    Chavez repeatedly asks her constituents for input and is happy to meet with folks. I’ve heard several folks on this list snivel that they didn’t meet with her – so, I followed up and asked “is this true, did you refuse to meet with this person?”  Her response, as expected, was nope, I offered to meet they didn’t bother to follow up to arrange a meeting.

    Quit your whining, get engaged, be productive and find some beneficial ways to engage in your community. Remember if you’re not growing and changing – you’re probably dead.  Be a force for positive change instead of all this obsession with destruction.

    Me, I’m delighted the palms are going. Palms are not native, don’t provide any shade for our very hot summers, don’t provide any canopy to beautify the streets, die off and cost $10,000 to replace and look ridiculous with their Q-tip shillouette.

  21. Oh goody, Rich and Don on the same day! Now, those of us who disagree with Cindy and point out her wrongdoing are part of Don’s lynch mob. Gee, what kinds of names should we start calling Cindy’s supporters?? Cindy’s Cult? Nice but Naive? My point is how silly can this get, Don? Lynch mob? You’ve gotta be kidding.

  22. And if you need still more information, head over to where Rich and a team of lobbyists, ie white collar grime, are standing by to explain why a deal that was so totally awesome on it’s merits was hidden from the public for several months and then railroaded though at the last minute with no debate.

  23. Re: #19 by CC
    Thanks for confirming the real potential ousting of CHAVEZ as district 3 council.
    Referencing information submitted under earlier post #9 section(d). and #13 and #9 and #7.

    What I am interested in knowing, “who out there is willing to get with it”, this is a small # of signatures.

    Give or take a couple hundred, 3000 signatures should not be very difficult to get.

    We could probably get the needed just from city hall staff.

    Seriously, How does this get going.

    If someone provides me the right documentation to get a recall of Cindy Chavez actuated before she runs any farther for mayor; I will go and get the signatures.


    Cameron Colson

  24. Child 30:

    What a hypocritical post. 

    What the hell are progressive ideas

    Clearly you have not taken the time to study all the candidates’ platforms and you are blindly following Chavez.  Could it be that your candidate has no ideas for the future and can only talk what she has done in the past?

    I take it you don’t think we should replace the palms in Palm Haven.

  25. First of all, I must say that this blog brings me minutes of amusement every time I read it because there seems to be more puffing of chests, beating of breasts and yelling than there is a discussion of issues. 

    Where I’m confused is where in the Mercury article did it lay out anywhere exactly what was said or done that proves Cindy Chavez (or the Mayor) knew that the proposal would be for the $4mil.?  Yes, I see that conversations took place early on, but I’m not seeing the text or transcription that says “Hey, Cindy, by the way, we’re going to ask for millions of dollars, so act surprised”.  And no, I don’t think that she knows every single conversation that every single staffer in every single department has any more than any other Council member does.  There’s just not enough time in the day.  I want to know which staff person was responsible and I’d like to see those conversations traced.

    With that said, why drum up any effort at recall when she terms out?  I’m confused as to how that would be beneficial, but again am amused because usually this much gnashing of teeth and wailing does not transcribe into much action.

    I’m also surprised at the evident power some people believe she has.  Several days ago, her vote was mentioned concerning the Del Monte site…as if her vote alone and her position as “mini mayor” of D3 was responsible for that fiasco.  That took a lot of votes and it wasn’t even her district.

    Finally, I can tell you as one of the few people who attended the first meeting for the (current) ballpark proposal that the notification process was completely and totally inadequate.  Based on the criteria for outreach I personally should have received 3 notices of the meeting.  I received none and only knew about it because it was mentioned to me in passing by another resident from a different district.  At least two council aides who live within 1000ft of the project were not notified.  So, it’s pretty safe to say there were a lot of surprised people when the process of the DEIR began.  So, hooray for the fact that was recognized, the process was extended by 4 weeks and staff was instructed to hold 4 community meetings.

    As for the Grand Prix…I’m not a big fan of how it was organized or how it disrupted downtownand I probably won’t go because it’s not my thing, but for an event of that size as a first year it wasn’t an apocolyptic experience.  I grew up within 15 miles of Laguna Seca and can tell you that all the surrounding communities complained about the traffic and congestion of big races (or concerts or other events), but we certainly enjoyed the revenue generated by the hotel taxes and retail sales that came our way with little effort.  I watched that council meeting from home and Cindy was the only one who mentioned those benefits.  On the other hand, neither she nor anyone else could tell me what I’m going to get for that $4mil.

    And what confuses me about the whole thing is why isn’t anybody proposing standards that would ensure we don’t have this conversation again?  Why isn’t there a big push to standardize these requests for public funds?  I have no problem assigning public funds to something if the public is going to benefit.  If any group comes to town and wants to put on an event but needs the City’s help to do so, they’d better have the facts and figures ready to show what returns we’ll see on our investment.  If we can look at this as an investment strategy then we can come up with the criteria and not be dealing with this on a case by case basis…and we can take it out of the hands of politics.

  26. Richard
    On January 19th (
    we had a lenghty blog here where you indicated everybody lies, and that it is ok ala, there are good lies.

    My response was
    The problem starts way down here at the bottom of the food chain when our local political adviser seems to think we should simplify reform because everybody lies, and life must go on.

    That was four months ago, you closed by saying, “Dennis is right, lies are a problem.”

    Now today, after the Mercury reports Cindy Chavez, without a doubt has behaved inappropriately, you seem to be on the, “There are good lies,” project again.

    This time you seem to believe the Grand Prix is a money making opportunity.  150 – 200 million over ten years from a 4 million dollar investment.  Did Cindy tell you this, becuase it literally is impossible considering nobody made any money last year.  Where exactly is 200 million dollars going to come floating in from? 20 million dollars a year, come on, this is jibberish. 

    Forest Williams said on January 10th, this four million dollars is a perfect advertising budget for the city and we need to advertise this city.  He didn’t say anything about a 200 million dollar return.  Where are these ludicrous numbers coming from? 

    Stop it!  If you are going to continue to advise political aspirants, tell them, “No Lies, no misinformation, no hiding or concealing of facts.”  And that is exactly what the wonder twins did.  Someone start the recall. 

    We don’t need to have a mob to lynch Cindy, she is perfectly capable of hanging herself as we learned yesterday in the Mercury.

    We do need to fill out the paper work to get her removed.  Does anyone know how we can get started.  Seems to me we could have the recall vote in June if we got to work.  Is that correct?

  27. #33

    Reality Check/Justin is preparing Cindy’s comeback for the Monday debate.  She was a no show at Tuesday’s debate because RC couldn’t figure out how to spin it after Barry’s article.  Caught her by surprise.  ;p

    RC/Justin and staff have been busy plugging holes.  Did anyone else see this email?

    Dear Friends,

    Earlier this week I sent you an email about my 7th Annual Neighborhood Summit to discuss the upcoming City budget process.

    This is a City Sponsored event, it is open to the public, and everyone is welcome to come.

    This has historically been a City sponsored event for the last 7 years and it was unfortunate that my earlier email was not more clear. This is not a campaign event. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

  28. We’ve read a lot Cindy stuff the past few days. Now I’ll put my two cents on the line.  If you want a city government run the way Tom McEnry did when he was mayor then you should consider Dave Pandori.  The honesty and ethics are without question and the tenacity and leadership abilities are there.  And Dave is interested in downtown.  That’s where his home is.  Now I can just imagine the comments.

  29. #29 Richard Robinson

    Thank you so much for the official Grand Prix website coordinates where I will learn how wonderful this race is for the city. I will take a look at it just as soon as I go to the Pentagon website to see how swimmingly well the war in Iraq is going, the White House site to learn how I benefit from King George’s illegal wiretapping, and the NRA website to find out how great automatic weapons are for the whole family. 

    #30 Childish Boys

    Except in the case of the California Fan Palm, you are right that palm trees, in general, are not native to California. People of European heritage and the internal combustion engine aren’t natives either, but I see them everywhere. And, are you suggesting that we get rid of the 90% of the plants in the suburban garden that are also non-native?

  30. I too like the race and think its a lot of fun. Yes businesses on the track were packed and those off the beaten path might need to do a little more to attact customers.  I like the event and think its good for the city, but as always, the way things come about in this town now always smell of something fishy….

  31. Cindy’s bad ,cindy’s good ,you all look like like a bunch of little kids fighting over a foul ball ,just dont vote for any one thats been infected by mad gonzo virus . no cindy no reed vote for PANDORI.AND THATS YOUR ONLY CHANCE TO SAVE SAN JOSE

  32. Rich,

    How many people go to the council meeting?  Not many.  How many read the Mercury News? 249,090. 

    At a minimum staff should release reports for upcoming agenda items 72 hours before the council meeting.  For items of this magnitude a week would be better.

    Maybe the big numbers in the important staff documents might stump my poor little brain but I would like to see the Merc reporters have time to read the documents and publish a story if needed before the council votes.

    Where did I mentioned six months to review the grand prix deal?

  33. Rich always ignores the point that staff, in many cases, was prohibited from providing full information to the Council under this mayor and former city manager. Cindy did nothing to correct this, and in fact, enabled it. In spite of Ron and Cindy, things are different under Les White—he actually thinks the Council should have all available information in front of them BEFORE they vote on something. It’s a novel concept and one that is new to SJ since the the beginning of the Gonzo regime.

  34. We need one of the two who is not currently on the council. This will give us all a fresh start.
    Overall there has been too many mistakes for us to go forward with any one of those three.
    Pandori, he is ok. but he relies too much on negativity for my liking.His delivery appears condescending and could work against him dealing with others. Mulcahy blends the negative side with a fresh outlook on the positive attributes of our city. He has the personality to get consensus whch is very important with the makeup of that council.

  35. I don’t understand what the problem is. Didn’t Cindy vote for the sunshine task force. She must want full disclosure in the future. After all what was done in the past should stay in the past.  With would be a lot easier for her if people had short memories. I guess we’ll find out soon enough if anyone really cares about what go’s on in city government. If Cindy wins , it’s a sign that nobody really cares and it’s bussiness as usual in city hall.

  36. Amen Jack!
    I wonder if the $4,000,000.00 would have been enough to start a city medical center at 15th and East Santa Clara Streets or at least enough to have kept a top-flight emergency/trauma/triage center open.  I wonder if the $4,000,000.00 would have helped to keep ALL the community and senior centers open and funded.  I wonder if $4,000,000.00 would have helped to repair neighborhood streets which are a disgrace to the city.  I wonder if $4,000,000.00……….  Thank you Mr. Mayor and Ms. Vice-Mayor for your wise and secret business investment with public funds, again.  Another reason for a NO vote of confidence from me Ms. Vice-Mayor.

  37. #51 That is funny that you have found that in your precinct walking. Everyone that I have talked to in my precinct walking (and no, I didn’t get paid to precinct walk like your friends) is fed up with the scandals that have been happening in City Hall and is concerned about the possible development in Coyote Valley. And don’t try to take the smart growth tag line as Cindy’s – that would be Pandori’s.

  38. 51 – If you are truthful in your statement, then it speaks volumes for the sad state of affairs in SJ. If the people you talk with are so narrowly focused only on their own neighborhoods, then I understand why they support Cindy. They won’t have to worry about what’s happening outside of their sphere of vision—they apparently subscribe to the “if I don’t see it, it’s not a problem” school of government. Let’s hope the folks you haven’t talked to are smarter and have a greater vision for ALL of San Jose.

  39. Would you please take a look at the Senior Center on Lincoln and Curtner, and the front lawn of Schallenberger school.  It looks light urban blight .  I know these facilities are not in your district and you have taken no interest in other areas than your own, under your minimayor program.  Yet perhaps you could use R.D.A. funds?  No they have been spent on the 36mil.$ lawsuit you caued the city to lose to the county.  How about funds from the savings generated from the new city hall.  No you misled us on that one.  Hey how about raiding the city’s historic preservation fund?  No there is no money there,you caused the city to spend 3mil$ extra on the Fox Markovitz project.  Remember the judge found you(those of you who voted to certify the E.I.R.) guilty of violating the law.  Hey here is a good idea, we get you to pose in front of the buildings mowing the lawn with a big smile on your face.  No, your labor base would say you would be taking work away from union members.Don’t want to lose any of that special interest money!  Your advisors would also remind you that those kids don’t vote and the seniors have little money.  But still I was thinking you were able to come up with the 4mil$ for the Grand Prix to move those trees etc.  Oh never mind it’s much easier to do it ourselves.  Good luck on your ” I care about schools and neighborhoods campaign”

  40. #34 Not me, but that person sure is smart—don’t know what the rest of you outraged and angry bloggers were doing tonight other than the usual ranting about the usual Cindy-of-the-day diatribes—-Me and my friends walked a couple of precincts tonight for our candidate and handed out a few lawn signs along the way.  Keep blogging and we will keep talking to voters about education, safe neighborhoods, smart growth and along the way just go out and win another election—Funny, no one I have talked to while canvassing door to door has mentioned getting a city memo out a day or two earlier or for that matter the grand prix—they want to know what Cindy will do for their neighborhood—-interesting…keep blogging and I will keep walking—

  41. Steve #45,

    ‘How many people go to the council meeting?  Not many.  How many read the Mercury News? 249,090. ‘

    If you take out those with bird cages, those who only read the comics, horoscopes and sports page, and those who only look at the pictures—you’re down to 249 actual readers—230 of whom skip the Local Section—leaving 19 members of Scott Herhold’s family as the true readers of the SJM.

    Just kidding of course—actually, I do believe the press should have been informed that negotiations were ongoing during this time.  It is always a mistake not to keep the press informed on important matters.

    Cindy is paying a political price for not keeping the Mercury News informed.  If she has made a mistake, this is it. 

    As she is naturally inclusive, I would expect that this situation will not occur again and that the press, especially the Merc,  will get regular background briefings so they are not surprised again when news occurs.

    In the past, the Mayor’s Office has served as the conduit to the press.  Obviously, this has changed over time—despite David Vossbrink’s sincere efforts. 

    Cindy is going to have to put a more effective press operation together as she moves into the top spot.

    The Mercury News is the single most powerful voice in this community—larger than even the most savy lobbyist.  So any wannabe Mayor better learn to work with them, even as they know they are going to take some hits.

  42. # 37 Amused and confused

    You need to go back and reread my statements.You ARE confused . The point I was trying to make about the mini mayor process was , it put personalities over principles.  Don has stated Cindy feels preserving the character of neighborhoods is very important.
    I then pointed out that Cindy voted to destroy the most important resource in my neighborhood,the Del Monte Cannery.Rather than reuse the most important buildings for artist lofts or low cost housing she voted to destroy my neighborhoods soul for an other generic K.B. tract.
    Under the Mini Mayor mentality all Cindy has to do is keep her district happy.  People like Don who have her ear have a great deal of power.  Under this process she does not have to look out for those of us out of her small district. In my neighborhood we did not have a person of Don’s power to influence Ken our rep. If Cindy truly feels it is important to preserve the character of all neighborhoods why did she vote to destroy mine?  Because the mini mayor process requires you to vote with the rep. of the district the project is in.  Not for the good of the entire city.  Mayor Ron and Vice Mayor Cindy created this process but the others went along!  S.J. needs a mayor that looks out for all of it’s good citizens, not just the chosen few. That is why I’m not voting for any of those who allowed it to happen.  I’m voting for the candidate that has a strong record in preserving our neighborhoods and our historic resources. The incumbents all are mini mayors I need a real mayor.  Thats why I’m voting for David Pandori.

  43. Hey, Rich – Maybe an even more novel concept than keeping the press informed, would be for Cindy to keep her colleagues and the PUBLIC informed! You just don’t give up, do you?

  44. The point Steve was making—and I agree with it—is that by informing the Press you are informing the public.

    That’s the role of the press. 

    Who do you define as the public and how would you inform them?

    And it is true,  I rarely give up.

  45. We like Cindy blahh blahh blahh blahh blahh. She likes us blahh blahh blahh blahh blahh. and when we talk to her she’s blahh blahh blahh blahh blahh. She listens to us blahh blahh blahh blahh blahh. You wouldn’t understand Blahh blahh blahh blahh blahh.
    But we understand blahh blahh blahh blahh blahh. We really like her Blahh blahh blahh blahh blahh. Maybe someday you’ll understand blahh blahh blahh blahh blahh.

  46. #48, Jerry

    Here’s the 2007-2008 Council Make-up:

    District 1: Pete Constant

    District 2: Forrest Williams

    District 3: Sam Liccardo

    District 4: Chuck Reed

    District 5: Nora Campos

    District 6: Michael Mulcahy

    District 7: Madison Nguyen

    District 8: Dave Cortese

    District 9: Judy Chirco

    District 10: Nancy Pyle

    Mayor: David Pandori  

    Who should be Vice Mayor?

    Good ideas will pass, bad idea would not.  This could be a group that works well together.

  47. 55:

    Very funny!

    After this week the June election will probably leave us with Cortese and Pandori in the run off, but there wont be a Dream Team while we still have Chirco, Pyle, and Forest Gump.

    Mulcahy will not win district 6 if he keeps littering this town with lawn signs. 
    Mulcahy Pack Your Trash!

    I’m surprised Campos has not taken a fall yet, given how much she likes to dance with lobbyist.

    Keep walking RC.  Most PAVs are Merc readers and you only hav 10 days left.

  48. I think most of you need to get some sort of life! The Grand Prix Event was one of the best things that happened to San Jose in a long time. Look at how well Long Beach has done with theirs. I think in 20 years when this event is still going strong you will all eat crow! I hope Ron G. and Cindy serve it to you all. Give it a chance, see where it can go. Find another cause, 100,000’s of people downtown can’t be all wrong! I think you all should be raising a ruckus over the yellow belly sap sucker demise near downtown!

  49. #60 Richard R.  I am so glad that Cindy and you admit that she needs to be more open with the public.  Admitting to a mistake is the first step in not repeating it.  Good job.  The next step would be for Cindy to give The Mercury News a complete accounting as to Cindy’s involvement in the Norcal scandal.  Dates, times , who she met with, what they talked about.  This would go a long way to prove to all who love San Jose that Cindy is wlling to be open and honest.  Thanks

  50. 65 – Thanks for your wisdom. The issue most of us have is not if the Grand Prix should be held or not, but should it be subsidised by public money without having a public discussion about it, and should our elected officials make gifts of public funds without full public discussion and full disclosure of ALL information to the Council. Since this did not happen the benefit or non-benefit of the GP is secondary to the issue of open and honest government.
    By the way, SJ is no Long Beach and I think you’ll find that Long Beach has handled their race in a much different manner than SJ (not to mention that Long Beach has much more to offer than SJ in terms of scenery, etc.) If SJ were running the race in Long Beach they’d want to fill part of the ocean front to allow for wider turns (all that pesky water gets in the way), they’d want to move the Queen Mary (or probably just demolish it) so they could put a highrise in its place, and of course they would keep the information from the public and only one or two councilmembers would know what was really going on.

  51. JohnH – Don’t think Ron and Cindy will be able to serve up much of anything besides excuses—unless of course they end up serving time for their misdeeds.

  52. #66 You raise a good point.
    Rich R will you please ask Cindy if she would be willing to give the Merc all the facts on her part in Norcal.  Please get back to us on this a.s.a.p.


  54. Its time to move out of Crap Jose!

    The biggest little city in the bay, that does not know how to be a big city.

    The of problems with this town can go on and on.

    Can’t get Baseball

    Can’t get Bart

    Can’t get a good Mayor

    Can’t get good food

    Can’t get a good nightlife

    Can’t get good public transportation


    Can’t wait to go to the real City(SF) up north.

  55. Sorry I know I am off topic ,BUT

    Fellow S.J. and sports fans did you see local boy makes the big leagues last night!  Kevin Frandsen, from Bellarmine and S.J.S.U., played his first major league came as a S.F. Giant.  He went 3 for 4.  Most importantly he comes from a fine Willow Glen family and will rep. S.J. well.  I wish him the time of his life.

  56. Thanks Jack.  We’ve mostly agreed with you.  Now that we’ve read John we can put it to bed for the weekend and wait for Single Gal’s Tuesday blog with great anticipation.  No matter what we say, I think we’ll all survive to the Primary in June.  Then we can anticipate the General in November.  Let’s hear more from you.

  57. #65 John H.

    There is no demise of the Yellow Bellied Suckers near downtown, as you stated.  They just moved from Mission and First to Santa Clara and Fifth.  They are still sucking ” Big Time ”  You may have read about Norcal and The Grand Prix scandals, to name a few.  It may be a little harder to see them because they are doing most of their sucking behind closed doors, but with the help of the Merc. they have been discovered!

  58. #60 R.R.
    You state ” Cindy is paying a political price for not keeping the Mercury News informed”.  Cindy’s detractors are implying or stating she also played a role in the Norcal dealings.  Chavez supporters say she knew nothing and took no part in the backroom dealings. Did she or didn’t she play any part in dealings with Norcal or was it just Mayor Gonzoles?  Once we settle the honesty problem, we can get on with other issues.

  59. Three NorCal investifations?

    The Council’s independent investigation, that Cindy voted to end.

    The Grand Jury,  results due in June.

    and The D. A office?

    I’m not sure, are these the investigations to which you are refering?

  60. #77 R.R.

    Looks like we have to wait for the D.A.‘s report to come out before you admit or deny she took part.  Is your strategy to not tell the truth, wait to see what they have on her and then begin the spin?
    Your evasiveness makes it easier.  I’m not
    voting for Chavez.

  61. 77—We know who’ll be saying “gotcha” when the new garbage contract comes rolling around. I guess you’ll be telling us how the major new fee increases that will accompany the new garbage contract are still a good deal for us and how we can thank Ron and Cindy.

  62. San Jose Friend – you are ‘never’ off topic to say something that reflects so well on SJ – Kevin Frandsen is a good product of our area, and we all wish him the best in lifting the Giants’ hopes.  TMcE

  63. #52…still not getting how Cindy is responsible for the Del Monte site when it was in Ken Yeager’s district and he led the vote for the project as it is.  And the fact is that the justification for the project was that it was “for the good of San Jose” and screw what’s good for the neighborhoods that already exist.  Ken didn’t want to expend political capital on redesigning the project.  And Ken was lobbied heavily by neighborhood leaders on this one. 

    Perhaps the reason that Don feels he has a voice in City government can be traced back to events like this last Saturday where Cindy brought in people from throughout her district to advise them about current budget issues, applaud completed projects and plan for the future.  You may be jealous of Don’s ability to reach out to his council office, but the fact of the matter is Cindy has trained her downtown neighborhoods to work with each other for the mutual benefit of all…and that includes their neighbors in the other districts. 

    If we in D6 had been smarter and more organized, we could have reached out to the adjacent districts and lobbied.  And if you can’t currently reach out to your own council person..who lives in your district, who is supposed to answer to you first and foremost, who is supposed to represent your interests and lobby for you with other council members, how on earth are you going to get any respect for the needs of your neighborhood if we change the process into a system where none of the people who sit on the council live or work anywhere in your district?  Am I supposed to believe that if we elect somebody from south San Jose and tell him/her that his/her chief responsibility is to attend to the needs of D6 it’s somehow going to happen?  Not likely, but then you can always blame it on Cindy again…


  65. OK, a vote against Ken for mayor. 

    I must admit.  I’m dreading the next batch condo developments in Midtown.  This KB stucco architecture stinks.  Like 70s track homes, 30 years from now, we will be looking back and asking how we allowed ourselves to build it.  Unfortunately, if these gas prices continue at this rate, nobody will be able afford to drive their Hummer home to Coyote Valley, and we have no choice.  Perhaps we need to consider zero lot line development like SF.

    Don, what other tricks did Cindy train you to do?  Roll-over? smile

  66. The Chuck Reed for Mayor Campaign will be trying to set the record straight with REALITY CHECKS. We will attempt to provide the real story with documentation. These REALITY CHECKS will be issued every time it is deemed necessary to counter inaccurate information or claims after we have gathered the relevant documentation.

    CLAIM: The following claim was made in an email sent by Mayoral Candidate David Cortese on April 27, 2006:

    Terry Gregory Scandal: I was the first councilmember to call for Terry Gregory’s censure and removal for his unethical behavior while the issue languished in a “Blue Ribbon Committee Task Force” for four months-a task force run by my two opponents. About that, the Mercury News wrote, “Former Mayor Tom McEnery issued a blistering critique of the San Jose City Council’s ethical standards. Some council members just squirmed. Others were inspired-among them Dave Cortese, who picked up McEnery’s torch, asking his colleagues to consider censuring Terry Gregory.”

  67. Fed up citizen

    – if you think SJ politics are bad wait until you see SF’s but then again what you can’t see you can’t complain about – at least in SJ we can see what isn’t working and eventually fix it
    – have fun with SF city government – brings new meaning to incompetent and overstaffed
    – if you like nasty vindictive politics you will love SF
    – you either have no children or can afford private schools
    – enjoy SF’s high crime rate even in good neighborhoods – lock your doors and windows and park you car off street
    – SF has been the bedroom community for other cities due to it;s high business taxes and anti business attitudes – enjoy your commute to Palo Alto / San Meteo or East bay

    yes, it is a pretty city and has good restaurants good to visit for the day but living in SF is very very high maintenance as are SF’s people many of which are angry but then you will be among other angry people—enjoy the anger –

    good luck you will need it

  68. I know this is being posted well after the fact, but a pont about the trees I wanted to say.  It took absolutely no time to vote to remove a block full of trees, yet when it was discussed to put needed parking under either Plaza Ceasar Chavez or St. James Park, it was deemed inappropriate as moving the trees was unacceptable.  Many public meetings were held and the outcry was huge. 

    I guess if you have no interest in the interests of the citizenry, then that is how work gets done in San Jose. 

    By the way that parking would have helped people all year long, not just for three or four days.

  69. 91 – Apparently you know a different David Pandori. The one running for mayor constantly talks about things he did while in office.

  70. Way too late…you are also way out of it in advocating excavating the Plaza to make a parking lot. Susan Shick’s plan to destroy our historic plaza would have ripped the heart out of our city. The Plaza has been the traditional center of town since at least 1796, and even the thought of sending in backhoes, pouring in concrete, and capping it with lawn pans and tree boxes makes me puke. The plan died a quick death, and the best thing that Susan Shick did for San Jose was beat it out of here.

  71. # 82 Amused and confused
    Are you confused or do you refuse to see the light?  I don’t think the good citizens of S.J., a Superior Court Judge or the D.A.‘s office are amused with Cindy’s lack of openness, respect for the law or the public process.    Cindy’s camp always trys to blame others,the Merc., the process, fellow bloggers and other council reps.  Look at Cindy’s voting record on The Fair Grounds,Markovitz and Fox Building, Tropicana, NorCal, City Hall the Grand Prix.,I.B.M. Building #25 and Del Monte. Just to name a few. A Judge found Cindy’s vote on the wrong side of the law on all 4 issues that went to court.The D.A. is investigating an other.  All of the bad decissions have cost the tax payers millions of dollars and the loss of faith in our city leaders.Not to mention destroying three of S.J.‘s historic resources.  You know,the ones that define the character of neighborhoods. 
      Chavez says one thing but her votes say an other.  She has said she is for promoting and maintaing the indavidual character of neighborhoods.  FACT: she voted to destroy 3 buildings in 3 districts that define the neighborhoods.  A judge found 2 of her votes were in violation of California law.  Chavez is the mayorial candidate who stated last night at the debate ” her downfall is that she spends too much time looking into the facts and talking to the public to make sure she understands the issue,before she votes”.  FACT:  she crafted deals behind closed doors,failed to listen when citizens warned her she was breaking the law on land use issues and never spoke up once against what has been going on under Ron G. for the past 7 years!  Why?  Because she and Ron have been thickas thieves!
    I find none of this ammusing, however find it sad that you do!

  72. I’m back from Florida, waiting on the question I have asked many times to be answered. What has Mr Pandori done to deserve all capital letters?  I don’t recall a thing he did in office for D3, Don’t recall a single accomplishment he can point to as my past rep, in fact he can’t either. In the debates, he never brought up his past voting record.  Mr. Pandori very good at sound and fury, but what does he signify??
    Just curious.
    Cate Schroeder

  73. Whats wrong with capitol letters cate ,and why leave the sunshine state for the golden state, do you know a better choice then PANDORI cr pandori which do you like best…….

  74., I’m not refusing to see the light..I’m asking for the proof.  I’m confused because while I see a lot of accusations, I hear a lot of innuendo and I read a lot of theories, nobody has shown me a memo, transcripts of meetings or any other proof.  Show me the proof…not your assumptions that because a meeting was held months before a vote Cindy somehow knew exactly what was coming out of the staff memo that was issued at the same time to all council members.  And I don’t think that the continuing uproar serves any purpose except to disregard all of the other important issues before the voters for this election.  All the rhetoric isn’t going to prove anything..and an investigation will certainly help me be less confused on the issue.  Unlike some people I try to filter out the yelling, rhetoric and passion and look for the facts.

    As for your facts…Cindy didn’t put on a hardhat, fire up the bulldozer and level any buildings.  Hmmm, lets look at how she accomplished this destruction of buildings and the character and historical value of our neighborhoods, lets see how she wound up on the wrong side of land use issues…She was one of a majority voting bloc on the council and if you’re going to blame her for all those issues, you need to blame everybody else who voted the same way.  I have no problem assessing her her fair share of the blame for anything, but she didn’t do this in a vacuum or without the recommendations of the City Attorney (in some cases) and the votes of other council members (in all cases).

    And I’m soooo tired of hearing “Bad dog, Ron” when there are so many other things to talk about.  It quite honestly scares me that people want to see punishment meted out and then aren’t satisfied when it is.

    And, I watched the debates last night..when asked what her weak point was she answered honestly, just as most of the candidates did while not using the “I don’t want to give my enemies any ammo” argument.

    As for the amused…who couldn’t be amused by this?  Public discourse and politics makes for great theater and as I pointed out on my original post, the yelling, name calling and accusations that fly about in the place of true discussion reminds me of baboons beating their chests..if I yell loud enough, if I call you enough names, if I’m snarky enough I win!  Am I amused that the race is becoming about two issues..not in the least.  There are dozens of important issues we should be grilling everyone about.

  75. Caps are fine, I use them all the time when making a point, Perhaps I should try them.  WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT EXACLTY IT IS THAT QUALIFIES DAVID PANDORI FOR A POSITION AS MAYOR? 
    Please, for the purpose of enlightened and civil debate, i would like to know.  I have been asking quite patiently for a while now.
    Cate Schroeder

  76. 96 – For starters, David is the only candidate who understands the planning disaster San Jose is headed for under our current leadership. He will stop the current developer-stacked task force that wants to pave over Coyote Valley, increase traffic congestion, lower our air quality, etc. He understands urban planning, unlike the current mayor and most of the current council. He understands that you can’t keep sprawling the city and expect to be able to provide critical city services like police, fire, and infrastructure.
    His 8 years on the city council, his experience as a legislative aide, and his experience as a prosecutor in the DA’s office give him a unique skills set that few bring to public service.
    David also wants to provide the parklands that our residents deserve and to be able to properly staff them and maintain them.
    There are many other reasons, but this will give you a few. I am not a paid or volunteer staffer, I am not a shill for his campaign. I am just a native San Josean who is deeply concerned about the direction our city is going. I have taken the time to learn about each candidate through their appearances, websites, and in some instances through personal experiences with them. As far as I am concerned, David is the only candidate who can bring San Jose back on track and return trust to City Hall.

  77. #96
    As for David Pandori,

    I first met him at his walking our neighborhood when first running for D3.  IN his first year of office, he challenged us as residents to partner with him in defining what would make our community better and then to take action to make those changes happen. I respect him tremendously because although we have not always seen eye to eye, I know that he listens and respects opinions different than his own, even those which are inarticulate – he makes the owner of differing opinions feel valued and listened to and he is not afraid of revising his perspective based on previously unknown information.

    One of her many, many accomplishments is that he spearheaded the formation of Guadalupe River Park and Gardens, for many years just as a volunteer – this is quite a challenge bringing together so many stakeholders – Army Corp of Engineers, Federal Gov. FAA, etc. and now the whole region can enjoy this park! 

    The man is a workaholic, moving from the City Council to the DA’s office, prosecuting career criminal, gang cases, and even a corrupt Judge, and still manages to have a happy, well adjusted family living in the same house for over 20 years.

    I want a mayor who will see it as their job to take the commitment of our community leaders seriously, someone who will listen, see the historic neighborhoods as a city asset, who encourages community leadership, not merely tolerates it.  David will do all of these, and by making sure our quality of life improves with reduced traffic, and no unnecessary urban sprawl.

  78. Is that what cate was looking for ? and just in case you cant see to good the reason why so many council members are running for mayor is they figure the current mayor dont know what he’s doing and he pulled it off so why not try it too ……………

  79. #95 Amused and Confused, Lisa
    You say you want proof not innuendos.
    If it comes out that Cindy had any prior knowledge of or played a part in the NorCal scandal will you speak out against her ?

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