Gonzales Calls EBay Tents “A Bad Idea”

11th Largest City Loses To 227th Largest City

In the wake of EBay’s sneaky abandonment of San Jose as its party headquarters, Mayor Ron Gonzales has admitted that maybe the erecting of tents as a convention center to lure San Jose’s high-tech darling was not such a good idea.

“It was a bad idea,” said Gonzales.  “But we must not focus on the negative - it’s lucky we only wasted $6.8 million.  Can you imagine if we had invested some real money?”

The Mayor’s mea culpa was a surprise to no one as the mistakes and missteps grow more frequent and costly as his term peters out. 

Mayor Patricia Mahan of Santa Clara, while thrilled with EBay’s decision to “party and spend money in Santa Clara and sleep in San Jose,” tried to be a humble and sympathetic neighbor by distributing a one-word press release to several media outlets stating, “Buya!”

EBay spokesperson and party organizer Franck Eggelhoffer, said that the decision to change party venues came down to amenities.  “San Jose just couldn’t match Santa Clara’s cultural attractions:  Paramount’s Great America, the Intel museum, the 49er’s former training camp, and Pedro’s Cantina.  They seem to have it all.”

Gonzales has promised that all is not lost and plans to join the revelers for a late night finale in San Jose.  “Believe-you-me we’ll get them home.  After Great America closes at 10:00, our nightclubs downtown are just getting started.  Let’s party on, EBay!”

Several EBay employees were ecstatic about the new arrangements, anticipating the best of both cities.  “We get to see SpongeBob and then go clubbing – is this a great company or what?”


  1. You mean it’s the 10 largest city as of June of this year by the census (907,000).  What an embarrassment to the community!  Enlarging a convention center with a crummy tent is a disastcastrophy and disgrace to the people of San Jose!

  2. Another testament to why we need some can-do people to rescue this town.  We haven’t had this many embarrassments since Janet Hayes was mayor.

  3. John, I’m concerned.  It’s late Friday, and you have 3 comments to your story.  Seems like the blogging here has fallen out of fashion – no Timmy Fallon, Mark T, finfan, or even James Rowen.  Where is everybody?
    Wake up San Jose!

  4. PFS – posting fatigue syndrome.

    Lemonade on Friday.

    Go to North Face, Eddie Bauer, etc. and make a pitch to get ‘em to sponsor the tent, thus getting the taxpayers partially off the hook.

    I’m betting the department that made the “SJ is Major League” sandwich boards could come up with something just as inspired for the tent pitch.

  5. Clarence, finfan here. I’m on the run. The Mayor’s Gang Task Force hit my house this morning. They’re rounding up suspected members of “Varrio SanJo Inside.” I escaped arrest by fleeing to Santa Clara. That’s the good news. The bad news is, What A Boring Town! Hard to believe San Jose is losing business to this place. I may just turn myself in.

    Watch yourself.

  6. Happy belated Cinco de Mayo everyone.

    Fen Fen’s voluminous cannons of hate have been quiet as of late.
    That promotion to Arby’s swing shift must have cut into his blogging time.
    Look at the upside, Fen-no more paper “trainee” cap to aggravate your dermatitis.

    Regarding the San Jose/Santa Clara Tale of Two Cities-one need only to compare local Universities.  Santa Clara University- ranked the second best liberal arts college in the Western US; SJSU-ranked second nationally amongst muscle shirt/mini truck aficionados.  No wonder eBay, in search of safe harbor, chose Santa Clara over San Jose.  I bet fortunes will reverse, however, when the next Hooter’s location is selected.  Patience.

    Lupe Carvajal

  7. Santa Clara is probably the only city that destroyed it’s beautiful little downtown worse than san jose did.  Those politicians did such a great job on their city that it never came back.  At least, downtown San Jose still has a chance.  These last two mayors have been a diasaster to San Jose.

  8. This just in…

    Why in the world is the city funding Mexican (or any other ethnicity) heritage plaza? 

    Shouldn’t this be supported solely via private donations?

    If the answer is no, then the Vietnamese should have a city funded heritage plaza, and the Chinese, and the Japanese, and (heaven forbid) even the Gringo’s should have a city financed heritage plaza.

    If no heritage plazas for these groups then the city is guilty of discrimination and – gasp – racism. 

    Given the city’s budget deficit and discussions about laying off police, librarians, etc, how much money does the city have earmarked for the Mexican heritage plaza in this years budget?

    Does anyone know?

  9. And as I understand it, the tent is now where a $5 parking lot is. With the tent up, you’ll now have to pay $18 for a day of parking, unless you want to walk back 2+ blocks outside the convention center to your car in the evening.

    SJ has more nightlife than SC. But I’ll stick to safety, thanks.

    aka. Washu! ^O^

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