Gilroy Woman Gets 45 Days in Jail for Role in Attack on U.S. Capitol

A federal judge in Washington, D.C., sentenced Mariposa Castro, of Gilroy, to 45 days in jail Wednesday for her participation in the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Castro, also known as Imelda Castro, was also ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, according to court documents.

Castro was arrested Jan. 21, 2021, in San Jose and charged with four counts, including the following: entering and remaining in any restricted building; violent entry and disorderly conduct in a restricted building; violent entry and disorderly conduct in a capitol building with the intent to impede, disrupt, and disturb a session of Congress; and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capitol building.

On April 28, Castro pleaded not guilty to all four counts. Seven months later, she pleaded guilty to the last count listed above on Nov. 24.

In the plea agreement, she admitted that she climbed through a broken window and entered the Capitol, that she knew she did so without permission and that she filmed herself in the Capitol in a series of videos that she uploaded several times to her Facebook page when still inside the Capitol and while on grounds of the Capitol.


  1. But Antifa & BLM can tear the hell out of everything and attack people without any consequences.
    I’m all for enforcing the law, it needs to be equally applied. It’s all about equity, isn’t it?

  2. @SJTaxpayer, Agree – the Laws & Punishments should be Equally Applied – regardless of race, orientation, politics, etc.
    But you are correct when you say “It’s all about equity, isn’t it?” …
    Equity is not Equality.

    And watch out if you Stand Up For Your Children at a School Board Meeting or it appears for any meeting in the Bay Area according to Crooked Cortese and frightened DEMs.

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