The former manager of Hope’s Sober Living in San Jose was arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting multiple residents under his watch.

Justin Abraham Lopez.
San Jose police say Justin Abraham Lopez, 32, assaulted at least four people, including at least one woman while he worked at the drug-and-alcohol-free facility in the city’s Evergreen area.
“Further investigation revealed several more victims of previously unreported sexual assaults alleged to have been committed by Lopez throughout the South Bay,” SJPD spokesman Sgt. Christian Camarillo wrote in a press release.
Police obtained a warrant for Lopez’s arrest while detectives with SJPD’s Sexual Assault Investigations Unit worked with their counterparts in Los Angeles to track him down at his current address in Sherman Oaks.
Authorities booked Lopez into Los Angeles County jail, where he’s awaiting extradition to Santa Clara County for his arraignment.
Police urge anyone with information about the alleged assaults to call detectives Gina Barajas or Melissa Montez at 408.277.4102. Those who wish to remain anonymous may call the Crime Stoppers tip line at 408.947.7867 or submit a tip online.
Tipsters who lead to arrests or convictions may qualify for a cash reward.
Sober living homes offer residents a drug-and-alcohol-free environment. Unlike rehabilitation centers, however, they are unlicensed by the California Department of Health and Human Services. The only oversight, typically, are local land-use laws and business permitting regulations.
According to an FAQ section on the Hope’s Sober Living website, the facility is overseen by a house manager and assistant manager, both of whom live among residents, have at least six months of sobriety under their belt and actively work a 12-step program.
Records on file with the Secretary of State show that Hope’s Sober Living, located at 2740 Flint Ave., was created as a limited liability company on March 6, 2018. Filings from 2019 list the CEO as Jolene Costa.
>Justin Abraham Lopez, 32, assaulted at least four people, including at least one woman
So if only one was a woman, the other 3 were men? Why not just write
>Justin Abraham Lopez, 32, assaulted at least 3 men and a woman.
Seems like a stupid way to write that.
Robert, the others could be minors. If hope is a limited liability company, rape residents get limited damages? THIS IS A A RIPOFF SYSTEM! Companies like this one should not be able to operate at all! I hope this rapist get a big time sentence and is raped repeatedly in prison! Need an attorney? request an out of Bay Area attorney. HOPE has connections here.
>>Robert, the others could be minors. If hope is a limited liability company, rape residents get limited damages?
Mental health facilities rarely mix minors and adults, and if they do they’re in physically separated areas, usually by locked doors. Just not a can of worms any of these places would want to risk.
An LLC simply protects the owners personal assets from being taken. For example, the house they have residency in. Let’s say the house itself was put down as a “Personal Asset” it wouldn’t qualify since it isn’t a primary residence for the LLC member or members. The court would quickly order it be sold to pay for damages.
^^Fixed that for you. Everyone will magically get better when the insurance is run dry.
Revert, HOPE is not following any licensing regulation. That is an important piece!
There is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for anyone to take advantage of new people in recovery!
I have seen young women and men get abused one way or the other by people who are in long term sobriety, work or manage recovery programs.
We buried a young woman who trusted a “guys who’s sober 7 years” , 22 yrs older he secretly had been her so called boyfriend since she completed a 28 day program and returned to the community she went to HIGH SCHOOL.
As word eventually started to get out that these 2 were an item many men/women in RECOVERY chose to look the other way or discuss with other but not act. SHE IS DEAD NOW. (so is he)
I feel that anyone in RECOVERY that knows of POS like this is responsible to SPEAK UP and act.
A guy with motives managing a sober house can cost lives, damage dozens of loved ones of just on struggling alc/addict.
Zero tolerance No acceptance !
I was a resident at Hope while Justin was manager and this is something I couldn’t believe happened while I was living in the house and had no idea till now. Yea I knew Justin was a dirtbag, but I never imagined him doing this sober. One thing that is unfortunate is now Hopes name is ruined. This was the best SLE I have ever lived in. The owner genuinely cared for each person living there. Even after this situation, if I was to go back or referring anyone to a SLE it would definitely be The Hope House.