Food Banks Issue Plea for Volunteers as Requests for Food Deliveries Increase

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley and four other Bay Area food banks have a critical shortage with volunteers and are reaching out to the public for assistance.

The food banks -- Alameda County Community Food Bank, Food Bank of Contra Costa Solano, Redwood Empire Food Bank, San Francisco Marin Food Bank and Second Harvest -- serve 12 Northern California counties.

Collectively, Bay Area food banks feed approximately one million people each month.

Second Harvest, Alameda County Community Food Bank and San Francisco Marin Food bank are reporting an increase in requests for home delivery of free groceries, as more people are forced to isolate due to exposure or illness related to the omicron variant.

Volunteer rates at food banks tend to be traditionally slow between January and March after the holiday season, but this year's drop was more significant as employers, schools and community reinsate stay-at-home policies, according to Diane Baker Hayward of Second Harvest, which serves Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.

Volunteer at Second Harvest of Silicon Valley.




  1. So let me get this straight:

    Most of these people likely support the political ideology who got us here. They support large centralized government control, communism, and have gotten exactly what is to be expected from such an evil system.

    Now, they want people to bail them out?

    No. Hell no.

    This is a man made crisis, not some unfortunate natural disaster. The people who support the underlying ideology and voted for it did this to themselves.

    It is easily fixed by NOT BEING COMMUNISTS. Get government out of the way, it is the problem not the solution.

    And no American citizen should do anything to help prop up this evil ideology. They prey on your good heart in order to survive.

  2. I guess the governor and health directors shutting down businesses and destroying millions of lives wasn’t such a swell idea after all. Mask up! How absurd.

  3. Make the people getting the “freebies” work for their handouts and entitlements.

    Many of these people take the handouts for granted and do not always value them.

    I have found food dumped all over the place by vagrants getting the handouts.
    It sits around until the birds or rats get into it.

    Just over the weekend I saw an MT Foodbank box next to a trash can – inside the trash can was bags of fruits, vegetables, bags of dried split peas, dried beans, acorn and butternut squash… the vagrants took the couple items they wanted and threw out the majority of 2 boxes.

    None of these Handouts should be ‘Free’ – Tie any & all Handouts to soberness, work, productivity, and governments payment recoupments.

    “People have got the entitlements too much in mind,
    without the obligations.
    There’s no such thing as entitlement,
    unless someone has first met an obligation.”
    ― Margaret Thatcher

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