Ex-San Jose Council Candidate Delays Entering a Plea for Vehicular Manslaughter Charge

Former San Jose City Council candidate and Bay Area Women’s March founder Jenny Higgins Bradanini delayed entering a plea during her arraignment Wednesday for a felony vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence charge.

Higgins Bradanini, who made an unsuccessful bid for San Jose’s District 10 City Council seat earlier this year, was driving down the 900 block of Blossom Hill Road on Dec. 16, 2019 when she hit and killed 66-year-old Santa Cruz resident Timothy Starkey.

The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office charged Higgins Bradanini with the felony count on July 14 after a seven-month investigation by the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department. She surrendered herself to county jail on July 30 where she was booked and released after posting $100,000 bail. If convicted of felony vehicular manslaughter, Higgins Bradanini could face up to six years in prison.

According to the incident report attached to Santa Clara County Superior Court charging documents, a witness said the local Women’s March founder was “swerving and unable to maintain her lane both to the left and to the right.”

Higgins Bradanini told officers that the events leading up to the crash were “blurry,” although she did recall seeing Starkey within 30 to 40 feet before she hit him. During her interview with police, she wasn't sure whether she had been taking her jacket off when the collision occurred and didn’t have a “clear recognition” of what exactly happened.

“Bradanini did not display any objective symptoms of alcohol intoxication, but was unable to clearly describe her actions just prior to the collision had trouble focusing and articulating her thoughts or answering simple questions with slowed thinking, and apparent memory loss,” police wrote in a summary of the incident.

Higgins Bradanini also told officers she had taken a prescription drug prior to the crash and a subsequent blood test found traces of a benzodiazepine in her system. While the name of the medication was redacted in the incident report, benzodiazepines are known to have sedative effects and are used to treat anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia, among other things. They also come with a warning that users shouldn’t drive or operate heavy machinery while taking them.

Based on speed calculations, investigators determined Higgins Bradanini was driving between 30 and 37 mph in the 35 mph zone.

An autopsy report for Starkey obtained by San Jose Inside earlier this year stated he died on impact, as the force of the crash was strong enough to sever his legs almost entirely.

Higgins Bradanini could not be reached for comment.


  1. I hadn’t heard that she was texting–so I’m going to assume she wasn’t. But clearly she should have respected the warnings against driving or at upon ignoring them at least had the presence of mind to pull her SUV off the road before a disaster happened.

    Since she did neither I think she should pay a penalty that includes incarceration as a warning to others. No more free passes for someone just because they were behind the wheel of a car (and it could have happened to anyone). Not a good enough excuse.

  2. If she were a person of color, she’d already be locked up! I see San Jose City Councilmembers that are ‘labor friendly’ 2,3,5,7 & 8 as well as Ash “I dig & chase older woman” Kalra continuing to back, support and even being friendly with this murderer ‘Pill Pop’n Bradanini’. It’s disgusting, if she were black or latinX. She’d be sent up the river, not to mention 1k for Murder? She was high on Benzo’s.


    Good article Ms. Hase!

  3. Eric Stroker? Was he/him or her Jenny the “Pill Poper” Bradanini’s consultant? That queer guy is a total douchebag! Purple is so yesterday! Anyway, I hope Bradanini gets life! Texting and being on a Benzo high? Yeah man, WHITE PRIVILEGE all over that!

  4. Stroker has oozed and slimed his way around Silicon Valley for years. He was instrumental in denying people recognition and attempted to get this car driver elected.

  5. Cindy, you should urgently seek a professional. You have very low self esteem. If your husband was mine, I will let the other woman have him! Perro huevero ni aunque le quemes el culo! Poor you. Arrastrada, rogona! Ask for a spell to develop some neurons.

  6. And her best friend is Kelly Bates. Kelly Bates is a real piece of work too. Maybe they will be cell mates soon! She is banned from the Woodside Elementary School because of drug use.

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