A new candidate jumped into the race to succeed Assemblywoman Nora Campos (D-San Jose), whose third term expires at the end of the year.
San Jose attorney Esau Herrera, who served as trustee for the Alum Rock School District, said he put his name in the running at the urging of several community members.

Esau Herrera
“My platform will be straightforward yet far-reaching,” he wrote in an email. “’Green jobs, strong schools and safe neighborhoods’ will be my theme and call to action.”
Before deciding to run, Herrera said he planned to endorse either San Jose City Councilman Ash Kalra or East Side Union High School District trustee Van Le.
In addition to Kalra and Le, Herrera joins former San Jose Vice Mayor Madison Nguyen, Santa Clara County Board of Education trustee Darcie Green and activist Cong Do.
Voters in the 27th Assembly District, which encompasses San Jose’s East Side, have elected Latinos to the seat for the past 15 years. With Herrera, there are now two Latino candidates: him and Green, who seems to have lost some support after revelations about her husband’s violent past and her subsequent public comments.
Do, Le and Nguyen are Vietnamese American, while Kalra is Indian American. All of the candidates are registered Democrats, except for Le, who is a Republican.
The predominantly Democratic 27th Assembly District is home to more than 464,000 people, 46 percent of whom are Latino and 33 percent Asian.
“Green Job’s”, sound so nice,are we planning to level district and plant redwood trees and strawberries?
The reality looks like empty Solindra plants and government subsidy’s
Where is the outrage over government subsidies to oil exploration? And last I looked the old Solyndra building is thriving as the home of Solar City, Tesla, and Seagate. Sounds like lots of green jobs are being created in reality.
> Where is the outrage over government subsidies to oil exploration?
What government subsidies to oil exploration?
I MIGHT be outraged if I knew what you were talking about.
My understanding is that the gubmint gets 30 to 50 cents of tax revenue (depending on the state) on every gallon of gasoline, whereas the oil companies make a few pennies of profit on each gallon.
The oil industry really subsidizes big government in a BIG way.
Estimates of the magnitude of the subsidies range from $10 billion to $5.3 trillion annually, depending on the source. Oil and gas exploration are subsidized, companies receive tax breaks, and the government imposes price controls.
“But an examination of the American tax code indicates that oil production is among the most heavily subsidized businesses, with tax breaks available at virtually every stage of the exploration and extraction process.”
I tried to wade through some of your documentation.
“Subsidies” seems to mean “tax deductions” for business operations such as exploration, production, and transportation; “health costs”, “environmental costs” (i.e. “global warming”., blah, blah, blah.
To say that these claimed “subsidies” are speculative would be an understatement.
Actual real scientists not living off the government grant gravy train don’t accept that humans are a significant cause of “climate change”.
Therefore it is beyond ridiculous to claim that “global warming” is a “subsidy” for oil exploration.
It’s an absurd distortion of reality and an insult to thinking people.
$19 billion?. $5.3 trillion? Why not a hundred quadrillion gazillion?
But, I’m repeating myself.
I had 2 job interviews at Tesla after NUMMI closed, Solyndra folded before I was granted interview.
A bunch of my old coworkers ended up moving to Texas, Mississippi and Detroit to take jobs that payed more there than at the Government subsidized Tesla plant pays.
Now I’m on the government dole “retired early” instead of working the last 5 years.
Thanks for the hand out David!
So because you weren’t good enough to get a job at Tesla and now are “on the dole” it means that the governments investment was bad. Get over yourself.
I was good enough I just wasn’t going to work for less than half of what I had been making.
Over priced cars for rich people and you get to pay for it with your tax dollars.
Repossessed property went for pennies on the dollar to big party contributors.
My point was your paying for it and the party guys get the government contracts and make the money that
gets donated back to the candidate’s that bring you green industry.
They called me again last month but I’m on the dole now!
Such a deal!
I’m sorry David,
I had completely forgotten the governments big subsidy to the corn industry under the “GREEN RENEWABLE ENERGY act”.
That drove up the price of cheap corn to Mexico, making corn tortillas unafordable to poor starving people down there.
Thank you Donald Trump for sticking your foot in that one!
Just now pulled up Esau’s web site. It seems the conversation was personal and truthfully has no bearing on the real issues as it relates to D27 and the concerns of the community. Attend a candidates forum and this might get you guys back on track.
Anything which has the candidates names Esau Herrera, Darcy Green is not to be trusted. Bad JuJu follows these representatives and the if you look at the election results Assembly 2016. You will clearly see the voice of the people in the East Side Community. I predict a very sad outcome however this will not keep them from continuing to have hopes of a career in an arena of which neither have any business! Nor do the people want.