1. I want to report this guy. He disturbs all YouTube community with racist comments to us all. He was Lardass56,MasterJackAubrey,CubanCheGuevara,TwoLegsDangling
    SundaySusanne, Lardass56, Lardasss56, Lardassss56, FlacoHernandez, CubanCheGuevara, MasterJackAubrey, jrrcor
    MisterJackAubrey, OragonDarryl, therealblanckfrack, Blanckfrack, Blackfrack, Blakcfrack, Blankfrank,
    Alphasouljah, WheelchairInvalid,
    BritishTurd56, CrippledInvalid,
    RogerRamJew, RogerRamJews,
    MephisElvis, ObamasMonkey,
    Jambutty89, 60schlck52, DiabetesBob,
    Dkeyboardplayer, marianne762,
    virginiabeachgril, virginiabeachgrill,
    Magpieeye, AmericanExPatriot,
    SquirrelInMyPants, SquirrelInMyShorts,
    SundaySusanne, HilarysCackle, JoesSixPack, SandyKaufaxFan,
    afiendishthlngy, RogerRamJews,
    HarryAtTheLocalPub, Beelzebub56,
    CrewCutJoe, venganonimo, whiplashgirl21, HisDream9I9, OragonDarrryl, GorditaSinCuello, GorditaSinTrabajo, Pinkpegesus, and now is DISABLEDDAVID Check all his comments in YouTube.com

    • I agree with Sandy. This guy is a menace to Youtube and to the internet. He constantly tries to piss off and humiliate people just for fun. He’s perverted and he has obvious mental problems. He has nothing to do with his empty, humdrum life so he goes on the internet to stir up trouble. Something needs to be done!

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