Madison Nguyen has ended her soul-search over a run for George Shirakawa Jr.‘s vacant county supervisor seat, deciding she’ll focus on the 2014 mayoral race in San Jose—despite some of her colleagues prodding her to get into the special election. San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed told KLIV radio host George Sampson earlier this week that he would endorse Nguyen, his vice mayor, if she gave it a shot. Instead, Reed and the Chamber of Commerce will likely now endorse Teresa Alvarado—daughter of Blanca Alvarado, who held the District 2 supe seat before Shirakawa soiled it. Reed and San Jose Councilman Pete Constant both met with Nguyen to prod her along, and she probably would have had the endorsement of a few other members of the council. Nguyen’s subtraction from the race now leaves a field that will likely soon include laborista Cindy Chavez. Along with Alvarado, Patricia Martinez-Roach—the Gobstopper of political candidates—has already pulled papers, and Chavez is expected to file any day now. Chavez was in full campaign mode last weekend when she hobnobbed on the front porch at a St. Patrick’s Day party held at Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren‘s home. But a couple lads could throw a wrench in Ladies (Election) Night 2013. Community organizer Omar Torres has started to put together a campaign committee but has yet to file papers and pay the $1,430 fee, while City Hall gadfly David Wall—he of the impeccable starched blue overalls—plunked down the cash to have his name on the ballot. Wall is a Fly favorite, known for taking the San Jose City Council to task and railing against government atrocities large and small. If the comedy gods are good, Wall and Martinez-Roach will make the runoff.
Nguyen Won’t Run for Supervisor Seat
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Madison Nguyen, San Jose’s vice mayor, will focus on running in the city’s 2014 mayoral election rather than joining the race for a vacant county supervisor seat.
Dumb move…..your current Mayor urged you to run for the county seat because Sam Liccardo already has the backing of the builders and “Bellarmine Mafia” money…hence Mayor.Sam Liccardo and Vice Mayor Pete Constant in 2014….God help San Jose…hahahaha
Your final comment about the comedy gods and Wall & Martinez-Roach would be amusing if it weren’t such serious business. Shirakawa has brought great shame to himself and the office he held because he may have acted alone in his gambling and even his embezzlement but nearly two decades of thievery wouldn’t have gone unnoticed by the eagle eyes and sharp minds of his posse. The Bellarmine Mafia has got nothing on the Mexican Mafia of Cindy Chavez, George Shirakawa, Eddie Garcia, Nora Campos, Xavier Campos, Joe Coto et al. They’re sleezy for forcing George down the public’s throat for so long and their shady for now pretending that they had no idea. Cindy Chavez is an egotistical fool if she runs. She got smacked down in her mayoral bid, partly due to her role in then Mayor Gonzalez’s shady deals and now lets hope the public smacks her down once again for her role in a shady legacy of shame.
Being that more than one council member is going to be running for mayor, I wonder how the mayor is going to choose who to endorse. Whomever he does not endorse will start going after the one who WAS endorsed, in the normal political “put downs”, and we are going to see a cat fight. This is going to be So So Interesting, indeed.
Oh come on,
PLEASE RUN, and ask Chuck and pete and San and PO to run as well. Take over the county so we can please get the city back to normal. Heck I will kick in 10 buck to your fund just don’t spend it on gambling, but then go for it……………..